Thursday, November 21, 2024

Happy 4th Gotcha Day to Levi!!

 If you are on Facebook you saw this.......if you aren't here you go!

Happy 4th Gotcha Day to our most loving, determined, stubborn, brilliant, cuddly, challenging, quirky and oh so cherished and spoiled, Levi! Levi’s favorite things are:following the staff at Canine College relentlessly (we actually think he thinks he works there!), Milk Bones, KONGS filled with cheese and bacon, our postal carrier, Natural Farm Bully Sticks, hamburgers, wrestling with Sadie at Canine College, BARKING, his groomer, Misty, (but he hates baths!!), he loves kissing Daddy, his private walks with Mommy, his brother Roary and ANYONE who fawns over him. Levi definitely has a mind of his own! Levi is beyond affectionate to those he loves and knows well and he is fiercely protective! Levi truly gives us the most unconditional love and we are blessed to have him!! Happy Gotcha Day my crazy boy!! 💙🐾💙🐾

The Facebook post has more photos!
If you're on Facebook
Go check them out!


  1. Happy Gotcha Day, Levi! I haven't had a FB account in years and don't want another, so will have to save my wishes for your blog! I hope there have been extra treats for you today! 🙂❤️

  2. Hooray! Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Levi! XO

  3. Happy Gotcha Day, Levi, and here's to many more!

  4. Happy 4th Gotcha Day Levi! You are a lucky boy!

  5. happy happy gotcha day... we are so happy that you came to this wonderful peeps...

  6. Wow! Look at that list of adjectives! Makes us think you're one special dog. Wait! We know you ARE ONE VERY SPECIAL SUPER DUPER DOG! So, we're here to say Happy 4th Birthday to you, Levi ... keep on being quirky, lovable, amazing (and all those other 101 adjectives) cause they all make lovable you ... YOU!

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Levi. There sure is lots to love about you.

  8. A very big Happy Gotcha Day to Levi! What a handsome fella he is.

  9. a most happee gotcha day two ewe dood ! heerz two a grate day and yeer a head N while ewe R on de pea sea, ..order sum milk bonez and cheez snax and bully stix and get roary sum trout and grazz and perch pizza piez and may bee get mom N dad sum lionz front row seet tickitz ‼️🧡🤎💛 happee day 😺😺

  10. Happy Gotcha Day to adorable Levi!

  11. Sheesh, I saw this on your FB page and then forgot to come here...

    Happy Gotcha Day, Levi, even if we are late to the pawrty!!
    Hope your day was as wonderful as you are.🥰❤️

  12. I wish the amazing Levi many happy returns of his Gotcha Day!

  13. ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day Dear Levi,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you!♪♫

  14. Happiest belated Gotcha Day sweet Levi! Dang, sorry, I was sure I was here.

  15. happy gotcha day... we hope many peeps come back to celebrate you... and we hope there is a second gotcha day gift for you hehe

  16. Happy Birthday from Levi the Scottish Collie from Belgium.

  17. Happy Gotcha Day, Levi. Somehow this post didn't show up in our Feedly reader but we're glad we found it today.

  18. Um...I thought I had commented?? It might have gon eot spam. Sigh.

    Anypaws it won't hurt at all to say, Happy Gotcha Day to YOU, Levi, belatedly!

  19. ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day Dear Levi,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you!♪♫

  20. Happpppppy 4th Gotcha Day LevI!! I remember when you arrived at your new forever home. Greaat photos of you and Roary too!
