"The Little Book of Extraordinary Cats" (Compiled by Anita Kelsey), pays homage to Anita's cat Zara, who passed at the age of 15. She had a rare form of cancer, a leg amputation and other medical issues that popped up. Zara was dearly loved. All 15 stories in this book represent the 15 wonderful years of Zara's life.
"Discover the captivating world of fabulous felines in The Little Book Of Extraordinary Cats. Join Anita Kelsey on a journey through fifteen remarkable tales celebrating the courage, resilience and affection of our beloved feline companions,
from pioneering space traveller Félicette to therapy cat London Meow. The book features colour photos of all cats.
Whether you’re a cat lover or seeking heart-warming stories of human-animal connections, this book is a must-read.
The collection in this book was put together by UK behaviourist Anita Kelsey, who runs a vet-referred behaviour practice for cats. This is Anita’s third book - her other books are Claws, Confessions Of A Cat Groomer published by John Blake and Let’s talk About Cats which was self published."
While I enjoyed this book, many of the stories and the cats featured I was quite familiar with. Run-of-the-mill cat lovers might not be, but seasoned cat parents (as many of you are), might have heard of many of these extraordinary cats from the news, Animal Planet, etc. While I enjoyed the book, I would have preferred reading at least a few stories submitted by random people or even Anita herself.
My favorite stories in this book are:
Dusty: The One Who Stole From Neighbors (Chapter 2)
Casper: The One Who Loved Buses (Chapter 4)
Stubbs: The One Who Became Honorary Mayor (Chapter 7)
Oliver: The One Who Enchanted a Whole Town (Chapter 9)
While those were my favorites, there are eleven other stories as well as many, many honorable mentions of other cats which I am confident most cat lovers would greatly enjoy.
Release date: 2nd June 2024 via Amazon worldwide
Format; Kindle / paperback and
Publisher: Self published – KiZa
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FTC Disclosure: I received no compensation for featuring this book. I received a copy of the book at no charge in exchange for my honest review.