Roary is upset because the way I did the artwork by his face it looks like he is wearing lipstick!! |
Happy Birthday to our Little "Professor!!"Roary is one of the sweetest cats you could ever hope to meet! He greets EVERYONE who enters our home (he is particularly fond of our next door neighbor Mary, who also has a kitty). When she comes over Roary walks up to her and meows every time!
Roary loves nothing more than having a good nap. His favorite places to nap are the cat tree and a bin that I have on a shelf in our second bedroom. Lately he enjoys napping on top of Levi's crate if I have the window open.
Unfortunately, since he is on a restricted diet due to the bladder stones he had last year, he can't have any sort of a treat or any human food. He probably is better off NOT having them!
Roary puts up with a lot from our high maintenance Sheltie, Levi, but he also is GREAT at knowing EXACTLY what to do to send Levi over the edge! (Staring at him from the other side of the baby gate is ALWAYS a good option!)
Another favorite thing of Roary's is when Levi is boarding at Canine College. Then, he will just sprawl out, relax and enjoy the silence (I have to say we often enjoy it too!)
Roary is good with our granddaughters as long as they aren't too rough with him, and if they don't chase him, but he always is happy to see them leave.
Roary wakes me up every morning without fail. He will come into bed and gently touch my face and give me a soft meow, I look forward to it every single morning!
You mean the world to us, even more than you know!
You bring us calm when we are on edge from Mr. Attention Hog Levi!
In honor of your birthday, Dad and I are taking Levi to the V-E-T for a nice big shot !!! You get to have some peace and quiet AND a good laugh about your brother having a shot (hopefully in the butt!)
Looking forward to cuddling with you later!
Much love,
Mom, Dad and Levi