Friday, September 23, 2022

Custom Pet Portraits are the PERFECT Holiday Gift!

 If you are anything like me, you take TONS of photos of your pets. Out of 100s of photos there is a good chance that maybe a handful of them would be photos that you would like to keep forever. Printing photos at home s great, but wouldn't you much prefer turning those pet photos into art?

Through the years I have had a number of custom pet portraits done, that I cherish.

My Quirky Kitchen!!

 I've also gifted myself cuddly cat pillows that look like my pet. Other items I've gifted myself (or have been the lucky/grateful recipient of) include phone cases, mugs, candle holders and more, all made from photos of my pets.  My custom pet portraits that are displayed throughout my home make me smile on a daily basis, they remain my favorites!

It's nearly the end of September, the holidays are right around the corner!!! Get a jump on holiday gift giving NOW for the pet lovers in your life!!!  WHAT ABOUT GIFTING YOURSELF? We are always thinking of unique gifts for the holidays for our pets,    and others, but we shouldn't forget ourselves either!!

My Portrait is a 9x12

I was recently afforded the opportunity to have a custom pet portrait designed by a company called Mr&MrsPaw. (I was contacted by Responsival, the agency who represents  Mr&MrsPaw, I was not contacted by Mr&MrsPaw).


"Mr&Mrs Paw creates pet portraits to celebrate your furry loved ones! Mr&MrsPaw creates personalized pieces of art to commemorate your pet. Besides canvas, customers can also receive customized phone cases, throw pillows and mugs. Best of all they offer unlimited revisions until you are happy with your artwork!"

Mr&MrsPaw care about animal welfare. They are proud to be a named partner of The Humane Society International.

The process was easy:

  • You choose your costume/theme
  • Upload Your Photo
  • Place Your Order

 EASY PEASY!! Deciding on a theme was the most difficult part, there are sooo many to choose from!!  It was important to me to take Roary's personality into account when deciding what theme on their website would suit him best. Finally, I decided on the Bounty Hunter because Roary LOVES to hunt and kill bugs! It's perfect!

Once I decided on my theme, it was time to choose a photo.   I already knew I was choosing a custom canvas portrait and once I chose the photo, I was ready to roll. 

I was sent a proof to view before I confirmed the order, (I DID have difficulty viewing the proof initially, which could have been a computer glitch on my end, but the designers worked with me and ended up sending the proof in a format that I COULD open.)

Once confirmed, it took approximately two weeks for my portrait to arrive (WHICH IS WHY YOU NEED TO GET A JUMP ON YOUR HOLIDAY ORDERING NOW!!). It was WELL WORTH THE WAIT!! The Bounty Hunter portrait of Roary is displayed with pride among my other collectibles in my kitchen.

I couldn't be happier with it! I'm hoping you will visit Mr&MrsPaw and gift yourself or the pet lovers in your life with one of their most unique creations!!!

FTC Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Responsival. I received a complimentary canvas portrait and financial compensation for featuring  Mr&MrsPaw. That has no influence whatsoever on this review. I am always committed to sharing the good and the bad of all the companies I feature, regardless of compensation. I only share information about products that I have used or would use and only share a product if I feel it is of relevance to my readers.


  1. we love it!!! and we love the fabulous advice above Sir Roary... ( the mama loves it LOL)

  2. Very cool! I love Roary's expression!

    1. I know, right? Roary has the most hilarious, non-descript expression, all of the time!! lol. I should have left his name as Felix, he looks like a Felix lol

  3. That is very clever and it sure came out purrfectly, but of course it would, it's Roary!

  4. Roary came out great. I like all your pet art. XO

  5. That art came great! Pop still treasures that CK pillow we won from this blog. TW makes him t-shirts, mugs, socks and lotsa stuff with my stunning face.

  6. OMC, that is so amwesome. We love Roary as a bounty hunter!

  7. Wow, at first I thought Roary was a knight...till I read your explanation.

    That is a cool 'painting'!

  8. That is SO COOL, Roary, what a nice wall too💗💗💗Here's a smile and some Double Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞

  9. What a great idea! These are wonderful!

  10. Some great ideas for gifts there!

  11. What a delightful idea for holiday gifts! Custom pet portraits from Mr&MrsPaw sound amazing and personal. Thanks for sharing your experience and the detailed process. I’ll definitely consider this for the pet lovers in my life!
