Thursday, August 26, 2021

National Dog Day 2021: 4 Paws UP for Canine College of Michigan!!

 It's National Dog Day 2021!! National Dog Day was started in 2004. 

"National Dog Day is a holiday dedicated to celebrating all things dog, of course! Sure, it seems like a pretty simple concept, but it’s as complex and deep as our love for the dogs in our lives. The bond between a pup and their person is life-changing, after all; our dogs’ support, comfort and, yes, hilarious antics make our lives immeasurably better. They keep us active with their daily walks. They ease our minds with their snuggles and loving looks. Many of them even do jobs for us, like therapy dogs who help PTSD survivors and service dogs who assist people with disabilities." 

National Dog Day is a day where we honor all things DOG!! (Yep, as with cats, it's what our household does every day, but today is the official day to honor  all things dogs! )

While celebrating our nearly one year old Levi, (and of course the memory of our beloved Dakota),  and ALL DOGS, I wanted to take a slightly different spin on this day and honor a place that is enriching the quality of Levi's life, each time he visits. That place would be:

(***Providing mental and physical enrichment for your canine pal is just one of many ways to celebrate this day! I also would like to say that I am not being compensated by Canine College of Michigan in any way by featuring them today, I had planned on featuring them for MONTHS, but am finally just getting around to it).

ABOUT CANINE COLLEGE: "Canine College is the largest, premier indoor / outdoor dog daycare, boarding, training & grooming facility serving Farmington Hills, Michigan and surrounding communities since 2007. Our service offerings are designed to utilize the latest expertise, best practices and products available in the pet-care industry for a happy and healthy pet"

The above photo was taken March of 2021 on Levi's first day at Canine College

When Deb Watkins opened Canine College in May of 2006 it was part of a franchise. In December 2007 she decided to separate from the franchise and opened Canine College (Michigan).

As stated in the handbook that they give the parents of the "students",  Canine College offers "exemplary customer service." Not just to the pet parents but to the DOGS too!! It is their dedication to customer service, particularly an incredible man named Dylan (who was my FIRST contact at Canine College when I called for info), that sealed the deal on our decision to send Levi there.

Dylan gave me permission to post this photo,
 see how Dylan and Levi have matching manes???

That's Dylan in the photo with Levi!! Lenny and I ADORE Dylan (as well as the entire staff at Canine College), but  more importantly, Levi LOVES him and we can tell that Dylan GENUINELY loves Levi as well. Levi started at Canine College when he was about 6 months old (he will be a year old in September), and the fact that he is a puppy, as well as being larger than most Shelties, and is MUCH more boisterous, stubborn, determined and out-going than many Shelties, makes training him that much harder. (Being incredibly smart doesn't always help the equation either!). 

While ALL of the trainers at Canine College are fabulous, as I mentioned, it was Dylan's customer service BEFORE we ever enrolled Levi that was exemplary, (and continues to be so, as well as every other staff member we have dealt with since Levi was enrolled. )

Those that know me KNOW I ask a zillion questions and I talk A LOT. Poor Dylan!! Dylan answered every question professionally, warmly, enthusiastically and patiently (and trust me, there were NUMEROUS phone calls and questions from me!). He never acted annoyed. 

Why Daycare? The Benefits of Daycare:

Being at Canine College provides exercise and activities that are vital to Levi as well as other dogs. It helps with their longevity, it provides socialization, mental stimulation, absence of boredom and more. Many of these things we can't always provide at home since we live on second floor of an apt/condo complex.

Canine College offers:

Daycare: All-day play, Monday through Saturday from 6:30am to 6:30pm Monday thru Saturday. (Levi attends once a week, for a half day and we also have him enrolled in Training.) Hoping to increase his day care visits this Fall.



I took these photos when we had a tour on Levi's first day.

"Your dogs do not spend their weekend locked in a crate at Canine College! Dogs who have successfully passed our temperament test will be playing in our doggie daycare on Saturdays and Sundays!"

"Your furry student will retire to a private room to find it prepared with a sling bed, fresh water and his or her favorite toys or treats. We will tuck your student in tightly, impart a warm hug, turn the lights down low and allow them to drift off to sleep and dream of their victories on the playfields that day."

This guy greets you in the entryway of Canine College

"Our 24 hour security system is activated should anything go bump in the night plus we have a team of trained faculty members who stays late and even into the wee hours of the morning walking the Dorm Halls, cuddles those students that need a little extra tuck-in, watches movies with lucky students whose parents have ordered Snuggle, Snack and a Show, and taking care of those “last call!” late night potty breaks and so much more."

We are excited because we already booked some overnight stays for Levi during the football season, so he doesn't have to be crated all day! They also offer grooming, training, a bark shop that is to die for!! It is stocked with all sorts of treats, toys, leashes and so much more! 

The training classes include evening obedience classes, (which I forgot about until I started working on this post!), Board & Train, Brain & Fitness (which I believe is what Levi is enrolled in), and Puppy Development.

In order to attend Canine College you must have all of your vaccinations and you must pass an admissions test.

Levi can't believe he passed!! HA!!

They also have PetExec  an online software system where you can log in and among other things, watch your dog on their College Vision Webcam. (Everything at Canine College is college oriented, their play fields are broken down by Puppy Freshman, JV, Sophomore, etc., you get the idea) and the Playfield coaches are attentive, often pet and play with the dogs and are certified in First Aid, etc. The dogs are assigned "playfields" by their temperament, size and play style.

I took the above photo when we were on the tour (I think), and they gradually introduced Levi to other dogs so he wouldn't be overwhelmed when he reached the playfield.

Here are a few other photos from various other times I watched Levi on camera while he was there:

Levi is standing on the left

Levi is also on the left above. On warmer days, they fill a dog-bone shaped "pool" and many of the dogs play in it. Because Levi has so much fur and it has been quite warm, he seems to prefer being inside rather than outside.

Levi absolutely adores his time spent at Canine College and I am hoping to add more daycare days to his schedule because it is a huge benefit to him. He is a "work in progress", trying to get him to stop jumping and more......but those things will come in time.

The above photo was taken on August 4th, before one of Levi's visits to Canine College. He is so much larger than he was when he started!!

Lenny and I are thrilled that Canine College of Michigan exists and we couldn't be happier with the staff, etc. If you live in the area or know others who are seeking daycare/training etc., that live here that could benefit from Canine College, visit their website, follow them on twitter or give them a like on Facebook!!!

Thank you Canine College for always taking such good care of Levi!! See you soon!!!

(Photo used with Permission from Canine College)

Dedicated with love in memory of our beloved Dakota on National Dog Day 2021. 


  1. How wonderful. I know he'll act the way you want him to in short order. It's important for them to behave.

    Have a fabulous National Dog Day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  2. That looks like a great place. It is nice to find somewhere you trust.

  3. That place really does look amazing and I'm glad they are so caring and interested in the pups that come there. Good boy Levi!

  4. Thank you so much for the fabulous blog!

  5. I know you will be the valedictorian. XO

    1. Now THAT'S a stretch! BOL!! Remember the show "Welcome Back Kotter?" Levi is one of the sweathogs BOL!!

  6. That is a blessing for you to have that Canine College so close to your place.
    And OMD! How Levi has grown!! He's so handsome!

    He'll be a wonderful pup sooner than later with their help and advice.

    National Dog Day?? Yes I knew about it...and. had to be at my work...and work like a dog as the saying goes...but I petted and loved on them as much or more before I left and afterwards, too:)

  7. Happy National Dog day, Levi!

  8. Happy National Dog Day but also how exciting that Levi is going to College! That looks like a remarkable and wonderful place for dogs to spend time and it sounds like something that's not just FUN but lots of learning and challenges. LUCKY LEVI!

    Hugs, Pam

    1. "Lucky Levi" is right!! And....lucky Roary and Mom and Dad because Levi isn't home!!!! BWWWWWAH!!!

  9. wow that is a super place for dogs!!! and we love the lions jacket of your dadddy!!!!!! happy dog day!

    1. back at ya (even if it is belated!!) Dad lives in that jacket lol and we love Canine College!

  10. Sounds like a great place. Bailie and I did some daycare as puppies but Olivia never has. They require vaccinations Mom doesn't want us to have and since we are three, there is plenty of play opportunities at home. It sounds great for an only dog.

  11. That sounds like a great place for your pup to hang out.

  12. It's wonderful when you find a place that fits you and the dog. Levi's size reminds me of how big Bailey got. I remember being told with Bailey the cuter they are the more you need to be trained because it is harder not to let them get away with stuff because they are so cute.

    We had Bailey in daycare when he was a puppy when I was working as a teacher and the socialization was amazing for him. I still can't thank the woman who ran it enough for what she did for him. I only wish she hadn't had to give up the business or both the girls would still be spending time there.

    So glad to hear it is going so well with him.

    1. thanks so much!! Yes Levi is a BIG boy! Last time he was weighed (a few weeks ago), he was 32 lbs.....probably closer to 35 lbs now. I think he is done growing height-wise....the Vet thinks he will hit 40 lbs, we are hoping not because he is extremely strong. He already outweighs Dakota at Dakota's largest by about 7 lbs. Levi is an extremely outgoing dog......he is also extremely impulsive and has difficulty listening (wink).......I was able to train Dakota at's a MUST for Levi to be somewhere to get some socialization and at least some sort of training. He's coming along.....just praying we make it through lol. We are blessed to have Canine College! Thanks so much for your kind words!

  13. Wow wee! What an awesome looking place! I'd love to see a Canine College out here.

  14. What a marvelous place for puppy dogs! It looks like Dylan has a dream career that he loves. And Levi does look so big and grown up now! Happy National Dog Day!

  15. Levi you are really a smart pup so congratulations on your diploma. It looks like a wonderful place and you can relax here when needed my friend.

  16. Wow, that really sounds like quite the place, and that they do about everything you would need for dogs! I'm glad this is working out for you and Levi! Back when we took Luke for training, it was so important to me that we all liked Luke's trainer, your Dylan sounds great!!

  17. That sounds like such an awesome place, and I'm sure Levi loves going there. So many different things to learn and do!

  18. Wow, Levi!! What a cool place!!

  19. Canine College looks great, and it sounds like they really have their stuff together. I love how the boarding areas are so clean (and the paintings in each one are adorable).

  20. You're lucky to have such an amazing facility nearby.

  21. That seems like an amazing place! And i love their tagline - where it's cool to drool. How cool is that?! :)

  22. Levi, you did so well - congratulations sweetie!

  23. What a gorgeous dog, Levi is. - So cute!
