Sunday, January 10, 2021

Good Luck Cleveland Browns!!!! #WeWantMore


I'm putting the bitey on my Cleveland Browns ball to try and make them angry enough to beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Browns first playoff appearance since 2002!!!!! (Mom has some serious doubts they will pull it off!)

Why am I barking for the Browns when I live in Michigan? Well, Mom lived in Cleveland for 35 years and the Browns were Mom's first football love, (more appropriately former Cleveland Browns quarterback Brian Sipe was Mom's first football love)

.......and........I was born in OHIO!!! Let's not forget that "Dr. Smiley" is originally from Ohio too! (He lived down the street from Mom when he was a little boy!! They didn't find that out until Mom and Dad first met him when they stumbled into him at an emergency Vet when Angel Bobo had six kidney stones. Dr.Smiley recognized Mom's maiden name! Then, they found out he worked at the current Veterinary practice that they go to and they immediately started seeing "Dr.Smiley")

So, today we are putting our paws together for the Browns!!! 

Mom said that photo is from the 80s before one of the Browns MANY heartbreaking playoff losses.....(Mom said what she wouldn't give to have that tiny tush again...but I digress!!)

Here's to hoping that the Browns don't have a National TV embarrassment (which if you are from Cleveland, you TOTALLY understand!!)

Gooooo Browns!


  1. WOW, that' a lot of ties to Ohio, pretty interesting! Good luck to the team of your choice, we quit watching football years ago when it started taking 4.5 hours to play a 1 hour game and Monday night football didn't end until Tuesday MOL!

  2. Good luck to the Browns! We sure hope Mom Caren's dreams come true today!

  3. What a fun flashback photo! I hope your team wins!

  4. Cute flashback photo. Go Browns! XO

  5. We love the picture of a younger Mom! And Dr Smiley grew up near your Mom!?! How cool is that! And we will cheer for the Browns!
    Have a wonderfully Happy Day!

  6. Good luck to your Cleveland Browns!

  7. Good luck to your mom's team! (I always say I'm happy to see football season end because it means NASCAR is coming! MOL)

  8. Good luck to your team!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  9. Good luck to your Browns. Our Buffalo Bills came through for us yesterday so maybe the Browns will do well too.

    1. YAY! Both of our teams did well! Congrats and good luck to you too!

  10. Hey, since our team is not in the running, we'll give all our support to your team. Sending all the winning vibes to you.

    Happy New Year,
    Emma and Buster

  11. your mama looks super fabulous in that jacket... and we will root for your team, oh yes!!!

    1. thank you! Mama sure wishes she looked like that NOW! BOL!

  12. Replies
    1. I DO think Levi is a good luck charm since he was born in Kent just 25 min away from Cleveland!!

  13. Looks like a good year for your Browns. I think your coach came from our Vikings. We stink, so we are done with football for this season.

    1. Yesterday's win was a HUGE surprise for everyone! The coach wasn't able to coach because he has COVID (along with 2 other coaches on the team). So, I don't know the name of who took over but he did an amazing job! The head coach was quarantined in his basement watching the game at home. The Browns overcame A LOT to win a game that no one thought they would win! Even if they lose next week (which they probably will playing the former Super Bowl Champions), they had a great season!

  14. HOLY Cannoli! I gotta lil brown in my fur so guess Me & My man cat self will put my paws together for your Browns in Cleveland! Hoorayzatini

  15. Wow what a post and it will be a Great Game but, um, we live in PA so...
