Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Thankfully I Nap EVERY DAY!

Hi all it's Cody! Well, it appears that Mom dropped the ball again! In our daily planner it states that National Napping Day is today when in fact it was this past Monday! (Shame on you Mom for not checking!) "National Napping Day is observed annually the day following the return of daylight saving time.  National Napping Day provides everyone with the opportunity to have a nap and catch up on the hour of sleep they lost due to the spring forward time change."

"Numerous studies have shown that short 10-20 minute naps are the most effective when midday fatigue hits.  Improvements in alertness, productivity and mood have all been shown to improve with this type of snooze." 

"William Anthony, Ph.D., a Boston University Professor and his wife, Camille Anthony, created National Napping Day in 1999 as an effort to spotlight the health benefits to catching up on quality sleep.  “We chose this particular Monday because Americans are more ‘nap-ready’ than usual after losing an hour of sleep to daylight saving time,” Anthony said"

My Mom is screwed because she stays up til all hours of the morning watching mindless TV and  then gets up at no later than 7am. She will be crabby for at least a week because she NEVER takes naps! 

I just think it's funny because they made a day named after what kitties are smart enough to do EVERY DAY!!

Love, Cody


  1. My human has gotten into the habit of listening to 20-minute meditation tapes in the afternoon. That's kind of like a nap, right? Sometimes she even falls asleep during them.

    1. that is a pawesome thing your human does. My Mom should do the same. Now, Mom is afraid to go to Yoga because of the corona virus...she has a Yoga book at home she may use and she may do the meditation thing herself. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Happy nappy. My mom loves a nice nap but she never has time for one these days.

  3. Our human sure wishes she could nap EVERY day, since she sleeps so poorly at night! If only humans were more like cats, Cody!

  4. Well, I nap every day,too, ALL DAY!

  5. Cody, I'm all for it, especially since this recent DST change has kicked my rear end! Lucky for me, I am on vacation next week...staycation...and will nap and sleep in and go to bed late!

    1. yep it's kicked my Mom's rear too! Glad you are home next week, stay put! With that darned corona virus in Michigan now we are all pretty much staying put! Be safe!

  6. dood...we think mom WAZ nappin & thatz why her for getted ta post....may bee she for getted she napped !! :) ☺☺♥♥

  7. Dang, I thought it was a year long event, oh well!

  8. We would all benefit with more napping especially these days xoxo

  9. Happy napping ! Today, Claire woke up, ate her breakfast, decided she had not enough sleep, and went back to bed with me, yay ! Zorro
    Pee-Esse : she set a safety-alarm on her phone, just in case she would spend the whole day in bed instead of going to school, MOL !

  10. Naps are a wonderful thing. Enjoy your National Napping Day. My best to your brother and your mom. ♥

  11. Cody, I think lately I must be taking almost as many naps as you!

  12. Naps are best, you are very wise.

  13. Y’know, Cody. Every day is napping day for us, too. :)

  14. We nap every day at our house, too, Cody. Well, except for Mom, who is not good at taking naps. MOL

  15. Well, as you can see, Cody, I am a night owl like your Mom...and sometimes I *might* take a nap...but mostly I just sleep late...

    We have our facility under very strict quarantine right now, to try and keep all the residents safe. Its a pain, but I guess its better than getting sick. All the stores around here are bare shelved with regards to cleaning and paper products...sheesh! And hand sanitizer?? Don't even try!

  16. YAY! I made it International, Cody...since ever😸Pawkisses for a Happy napping Thursday🐾😽💞

  17. Every day is nap day around here too, if you ask Luke and his Dad. Like your Mom, I am not a napper, unless I'm really, really tired. A lot of the time taking a nap just makes me sleepy for the rest of the day!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. Yep, pretty much every day around here is a nap day. Dad likes the sound of this, considering he's up by 4:30 daily, and is never in bed before 10:30 or thereabouts. He says if he sits at his desk at work for too long he finds himself starting to nod off.

  19. I find it very hard to nap. I think I need to learn to be more like a cat.

  20. National Napping Day, that's my kind of day!!

  21. At our house it is always national napping day!!

  22. Mom's schedule is messed up with the time change and now working from home due to Coronavirus. She's been up late and waking early. Yesterday she took a nap. We're hoping to get back to a normal schedule soon.
