NomNomNow has sponsored this post with product and monetary compensation, but all opinions are my own, read important disclaimers throughout this blog post.
Photo Courtesy of NomNomNow |
When NomNomNow first began their goal was to enable pet
parents to improve the health and wellness of their pets by "equipping them with
excellent nutrition, acting as partners in the care of their pets, and
providing a range of resources and services to make every aspect of being a pet
parent as easy, convenient, and positively impactful as possible."
The NomNomNow:INSIGHTS, kit is an easy to use, at-home microbiome testing kit for pets that will give their
parents an in-depth look at the health of their cat or dog's
gut bacteria.
What is the microbiome?
"The microbiome, in humans and in our pets, is a unique population of microorganisms that live within and on us. The diversity and types of microorganisms help to keep our pets healthy. Similarly though, these microbes can contribute to pet illnesses if there are disruptions to a healthy balance in the microbiome. So clearly the microbiome is an important part of maintaining our pets’ health!"
Why test the gut?
"The microbiome of the gut is the largest and most studied microbiome, and has been demonstrated to impact a wide variety of different health-related systems including things like food digestion, immune system function, weight management and even mood and behavior."
I am one who will ALWAYS listen to my Veterinarian FIRST, but agreed many moons ago to test this product, (because I misunderstood what it was and thought it was a DNA testing kit which it is not), and decided to give it a go and see what it reveals. Regardless of what the results reveal, my Veterinarian is my ultimate "go to" and personally I would never take action in reference to anything pertaining to Cody and Dakota based on results from a kit. Everyone has to make their own informed decisions. I am featuring this product simply because I said that I would. For me, and many others, my Veterinarian is my ultimate source that I trust. That being said, this kit could not have been easier to use!
Everything you need is in this kit when it arrives.
It comes with step-by-step instructions:
You first collect a stool sample. using the enclosed items:
You then put the sample in the vial and shake it up until the stool dissolves in the liquid.
You put it in the mailing enclosed bag:
You then register your sample on their website:
Put it in the enclosed mailing envelope and mail
Their scientists will analyze the sample collected from Cody to evaluate the types of bacteria that reside in his gut, then they will send me a report describing Cody's overall structure and how he compares to other pets. (When I receive my report I will let you know how I read it, they provide detailed instructions as to how to read it on their website.) The results will be sent to me within two to five weeks. Once I have the results, if there is anything at all that concerns me, rest assured I would CONSULT MY VETERINARIAN FIRST. Stay tuned!!!