Thursday, March 28, 2019

"R-E-S-P-E-C-T...Find Out What It Means To ME!" #NationalRespectYourCatDay

Hi all it's Cody!! Yes, yes, yes, I KNOW that ALL of you are going to say that cats should be respected EVERY DAY and YOU ARE RIGHT!!!  Respecting cats shouldn't be just one day a year at all, I couldn't agree more! But because March 28 is a historic day for me and my feline friends, today is the day that was designated as National Respect Your Cat Day because allegedly,
 on March 28, 1384, Richard II of England forbid the consumption of cats. Why anyone would want to eat a cat anyway is beyond me, but I digress...

So, in honor of this momentous occasion and as a reminder to my Mom EVERY DAY, here is a little somethin' somethin' which will hopefully get through to my Mom for something that SHE does that I take issue with,  AND make YOU laugh!!! My deepest apologies to the late Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin for taking some liberties with the lyrics to RESPECT.  (We loved Aretha and she would have turned 76 on March 25th, 2019 if she hadn't passed last year, August of 2018. I am thinking that hopefully Aretha wouldn't have minded this post)

Kitties what kind of EXTRA respect do YOU need shown to YOU today!!! I know we are shown respect EVERY DAY by our humans, but we can always use MORE!!!




  1. I could definitely use some more respect around here! Like getting fed three times before da dogs instead of the usual twice.

  2. Binga says this is HER special day! MOL

  3. Oh, I have not heard of that! Now I know a new fact:)

    Cody, you sure are a ham!!

    I, Pipo demand a lot of respect from those hooligan pups that live at my den...they are scared of me, cause I hissed and whapped them a few times,MOL!!

  4. Every day is respect your cat day around here :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  5. Yes, respect for all anthros, even the ones who cut my kibble intake.....LOVE the song kitty above, love the photos. That kitty can ROCK!

  6. Hmmm...we are not telling our cats about this day or they may take it over the top. Enjoy your day of respect.

  7. That was fun Cody and thanks for the earworm!

  8. Hmm, Cody...does respect go both ways? I think NOT, are a cat! LOL!

  9. You tell them, Cody. Well done and now that song is stuck in my head.

    Have a purrfect day, Cody. My best to your peeps. ♥

  10. I think your mum should have got the message after your rendition of that song.

  11. MOL oh we wuv it and I fink you got your message across!! I hates it when Mom talks to brudder befur me so I try to beat him to da door ;)

    Oh and we nefur knew about da consumption of cats dat are sooo grosssssss...why on earth....yuck ;)

    Matilda (& Matt)

    1. yep Matilda you live with a woofie so you TOTALLY "get it!!" Love, Cody

  12. Cody you are spot on. I would add that the humans should respect that we can choose to stop liking a certain food anytime we want without reason or explanation. Don’t over analyze it and don’t moan about it under your breath while opening the third new can 😸

    1. Hehehe that isn't a concern at our house! I eat everything!! xoxo

  13. That was a very good performance, Cody! You rocked it!

  14. R-E-S-P-E-C-T ... that's why us cats have claws and fangs! ~Bear Cat

  15. I think you nailed it, Cody! You're quite the performer!

  16. Our opinion is that you deserve ALOT more than just alitrtle bit!

  17. We are also sure you're going to get a lot of belly rubs after that little purr-formance!

  18. Cody, how I wish I could rub your belly! Great song and even better accompanying pictures of you.

    p.s. We got a kick out of Chirpycats' comment.

  19. Earworm! Earworm! :)

    Thanks for that fun rendition of "Respect," Cody. We love it (and we're all about respecting cats every day here)! XO

  20. Great song, Cody ! Purrfect for that day ! Purrs
