Sunday, November 4, 2018

Grant Us Peace (Dona Nobis Pacem) #Blog4Peace "Words Are Powerful"

Mimi Lenox  is the  Creator and Founder of, an online global peace initiative that has been celebrated by thousands of people, She has  come to understand " the pervasive significance and influence of blogs and websites on our society, our consciousness, and on this planet now deemed a global neighborhood."

She receives peace globes from all over the world on a regular basis.
"November 4th is the day we blog for peace. Every year. The same day. One subject. One day."

I am Jewish, and for this year following the largest massacre of Jews in the history of the United States, and with the theme of Blog4Peace 2018 being "Words Are Powerful", I felt compelled to share this beautiful  quote from Billy Graham:

"Racial prejudice, anti-Semitism, or hatred of anyone with different beliefs has no place in the human mind or heart."----- Billy Graham 

Now more than ever may we "find peace in these overwhelming times."


  1. An excellent quote and one I hope everyone everywhere will take to heart. Have a great and peaceful Sunday.
    Toodle pips

  2. Beautiful Cody! We sure wish humans would quit over-complicating things.

  3. What a perfect quote for in these times of discord. Great peace globe, sweet pals. Love, hugs and peace to you, Caren and Cody!

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with all the families affected by the massacre. Beautiful peace globe. XO

  5. Peace, prayers to you and yours.

  6. Beautiful quote.

    We wish there wasn't so much hate in the world.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  7. That is a beautiful globe, and a lovely quote.

  8. We need this day more than ever. Sending love and wishes for compassion, understanding, and peace.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser and Rufus the Red

  9. Beautiful post ! We're purring for a peaceful world too. Purrs

  10. Beautiful post. Tat's an amazing peace globe. We are purring for peace too.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Beautiful!

    Dona Nobis Pacem!!!
    World Peace!!!

  12. We will borrow that "tag line" about peace someday, ok? Peace!

    Emma and Buster

  13. I cannot begin to imagine what your community is feeling. I cant believe this is happening, especially in Noeth America, who fought anti Semitism in WWII . I NEVER thought we would see this in our countries. (I am in Canada.) We HAVE to turn this around. It is like a runaway train, and it must be stopped. In Canada, we stand in solidarity with you.

    1. Sherry thank you sooo much! Your words mean so much and I am deeply touched. THANK YOU!!! ((((hugs)))

  14. Such a beautiful peace globe, Cody. We wish you peace.

  15. Billy Graham said that? I thought he was … never mind. Love your peace globe. I'm purring 4 peace. Dona Nobis Pacem.

  16. Wonderful Peace globe, and the quote- no matter who said it- is remarkable.

  17. What a gorgeous globe. love it.

    Wishing you peace today and always. So tired of the hate out there, which seems to be the ongoing theme this year.

    1. I agree with you Michelle and it is so sad. Thank you so much for your kind words!

  18. Yes, Peace and Shalom need to be in the minds of many, at all times. Imagine what the world would be like that way:)
