Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday Fun! The Pet Photo Fail Blog Hop! #PetPhotoFails

Cody and I are happy to be participating in the first Pet Photo Fail Blog Hop!! (COD knows we have a zillion photo fails to choose from!)

The hop is hosted by our dear friends at Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles and we are happy to join in the fun! 

The photos I chose were all taken this past week when Cody was trying out a toy that we will be reviewing on June 1st.

In order for me to get even 5 somewhat decent photos that I can use on any post, it often involves taking about 50 pictures that end up getting trashed for all sorts of reasons........the collage below shows you just a few of my TONS of FAILS! I  have sooooooooo many more!

I didn't edit these at all (color, exposure, etc.) to keep them just as awful as they already are. I can't wait to see the others that people posted!

Thanks Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles for this fun blog hop! 
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  1. MOL, we get a lotta blurry ones too.

  2. These pretty much look like the photos my human gets before she gets the good ones!

  3. We love them, Cody, it looks like you're moving...MOL🤣Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💗

  4. It is so hard to photograph a moving target but it does make for fun photos sometimes.

  5. What a fun idea for a blog hop. We will have to check it out and see if it is dog friendly.

    1. Definitely dog friendly. All pets are welcome! :)
      -Roby Sweet, The Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles

  6. MOL! Looks like you're having a great time, Cody. And so blurry! We love it! Thanks for joining Pet Photo Fails! :)

    1. you are most welcome! Thank you for creating this fun blog hop!!!

  7. Those were fun photo fails :) XO

  8. Fun photos for Friday! We'd love to participate but we just don't have the time right now. And we have loads of photo fails :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. It looks like Cody is having a great time! I delete more photos than I keep. It's good to know that I'm not the only one =)

  10. Those are still some pretty good-looking photos! Our Mom says take 100 pictures to get one good one. Yep, and she does!

  11. Sometimes trying to get a shot of a moving kitty is very difficult. It's fun trying though.

    Have a purrfect day, Cody. My best to your mom. ♥

  12. How much fun is this blog hop! A lot of my fails show me leaving the scene of the crime.

  13. Those were pretty giggleworthy Cody!

  14. Cody, you just move faster than the shutter on that flashy box! MOL!

  15. Yup, I get that same series of photos whenever trying to get shots of the crew playing with toys! The only way to stop that is to use the flash, but they say that's a no-no, plus you just end up with glowing eyes and other weird stuff! (that could make a good photo fail though, come to think of it!)

  16. Pet Photo Fails like most people are the majority of my photos as well. What a good idea to use them as post material. Especially when I cannot find a good pic. They are seeming to be harder and harder to get for some reason. My cats are getting very camera shy. Or something goes wrong or out of focus. (Great Privacy notice you got as well)

  17. i have to say, i have never been a good or even mediocre photographer. the best thing about digital is i can take tons of photos and the partly decent ones i can manipulate in photoshop.
    love barb (1 wing)

  18. MOL! Those are some great foto failures. The mom has a ton of these types of pics too. We forgot about participating in this...definitely next month!

  19. You're like Bear, Cody ... you still play like kittens with important business!

  20. WTG Cody...make the mom work for each glamour shot.

    Mom says she'll give you a buzz next time there is potato salad in the house but you better move quick as lightning 'cause dad is a piggy
    Hugs madi

  21. Oh sweetie, we have soooo many photo fails!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  22. We're always loaded with bloopers too! Blurry tortie syndrome runs wild here :)

  23. That's a nice idea !
    Sometime failed pictures can tell stories.
    Douce soirée

  24. Those may have been "fails," Cody, but you sure succeeded in making us smile!

  25. I love all of these. We are always moving, always turning and it's a wonder our moms and dads eve catch a good one of us.

  26. Hold still already, Cody!! :)

  27. Oh, MY! Yup, petcretary has thousands of those kinds of oopsie images too. The trash dept on her confuser must wonder about her gets fed way more that any fur around here, MOL!

  28. A couple of those are actually purretty good. Guess that tells ya' what kind of fotographer our mommy is. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  29. What a great idea for a blog hop! Love your entries. I wonder if the review will be paws up for that toy...seems like it from these photos!

  30. Still very cute pictures of you, Cody! I've tons of failed pictures of my kitties as well! Definitely good material for my very own Pet Photo Fail Blog Hop!
