Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Enter the #RememberTheRescue Contest That Helps Orphan Pets

From Remember Me Thursday creator and Helen Woodward Animal Center CEO, Mike Arms, "Unnecessary euthanasia of pets has to stop. And the only way it's going to stop is showing the public that we, collectively, can do something to make a difference."

While Cody WAS adopted, he was luckier than many other cats. He had an incredible foster Mother who loved and nurtured him, and helped influence the loving cuddle bug that he is today. Millions of other animals aren't as lucky as Cody was. Many are waiting in shelters for days, months, years and even their entire lives, to find their forever homes, and MANY NEVER DO.  Now, after the devastating hurricanes in Texas and Florida, even MORE ANIMALS are going to be faced with the prospect of dying in shelters!!  Remember Me Thursday® is right around  the corner! It's time to start preparing!! 

Do You Have An Adopted Pet?
Enter NOW
by sharing their Photo!

The #RememberTheRescue Challenge is a social media photo contest where rescue pet parents tweet and post pics of their beloved adopted pets. Participants then nominate their favorite pet adoption organization or facility to win one of three awesome prizes!
The entire month of September, when you post or share, your rescue pet’s story for the #RememberTheRescue Challenge, you'll be entered to win incredible prizes!

Tag your rescue pet’s photo with
 #RememberTheRescue and #RememberMeThursday on Twitter or Instagram to be entered to win life-saving funds and food for a pet adoption organization you love.
Not on Twitter or Instagram?
You can post your pet's photo right to the #RememberTheRescue Photo Wall.

And don't forget, adoptable pets need your help to get the whole world talking about pet adoption on September 28, Remember Me Thursday.


  1. Pipo and Dog-guy do not ;qualify' for this, but that is a great idea!
    I hope many, many pets and esp kitties are saved.

  2. This is an excellent idea and one that will promote adoption as the way to go.
    Toodle pip and purrs

  3. Cody you and I were lucky and I wish every homeless kitty and pup could be as lucky as we were. Shelters and rescues are amazing places and if not for them - we might not even be here.

    Love, Teddy

  4. Ah, the reminder! THank you! We'll try to post on that day!

  5. Great post and reminder about Remember the Rescue Thursday :)

  6. I hope they all find a forever home. They are so precious and need their own space to grow and thrive. What a wonderful post.

    Have a purrfect day, Cody. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  7. This is a great initiative! Thanks for this reminder.

  8. Sounds great. I already put my adopted cat's story out on my one blog, do I have to rewrite it and where do I put it? I really like this idea.

    1. Hi Crystal, if you are entering the contest, I posted above how to enter (and I linked to the website in numerous places).........you can also visit the Remember Me Thursday website where you can find instructions. I linked to EVERYTHING above..........

  9. We just love rescues and adoptions and this a a great opportunity so brighten the spotlight!

  10. I really love this idea. I think it will bring great exposure to adoption and rescue.

  11. Thank you for the reminder. I need to get some photos of my kitties.

  12. What a wonderful way to bring attention to rescues! Thank you for the reminder, dear friends.

  13. We hope mom is not late yet. She would love to enter.

    Emma and Buster

    1. you aren't too late at all. I linked to the contest in a number of places above and I linked to the main Remember Me Thursday website. Remember me Thursday is September 28

  14. It boggles my mind that I happened to cross paths with a tiny, homeless, 8 month old kitten ... and he's proceeded to change and transform my life entirely. So many people would've considered him a nuisance. But that first time we met - I think we both saw something in the other that we didn't realize we had. What a gift. Love truly performs miracles. As much as people have told me how lucky Bear was that I took him in ... I owe him my life. My heart still melts when I think of the kitten wrapping his paws around my arm and pulling my hand toward his belly because he wanted belly rubs and I was too scared to try on my own.

  15. Great post and reminder!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. I took Avery off the streets, and not from a shelter, but I think it sounds like he qualifies. Will definitely tweet out with the hashtag! :) This is such a great contest.

  17. I have to confess ... none of my cats are from a shelter.
    Bonne soirée
    Nat à Chat

    1. neither of my cats were either. Bobo was found on the street (under a car in my apartment parking lot in a blizzard, after I saw him jump over our fence 6 hours earlier)..........Cody had a foster mom.....

  18. What a wonderful organization and a great celebration day. Thanks for the reminder!

  19. A very important reminder! Amarula was rescued off the streets of Cape Town, South Africa!

  20. You are great for reminding us all of the value and power of adopting shelter pets.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday...

    Noodle and crew

  21. I like this idea. Many voices coming together makes a bug difference :)

  22. We're pawticipating in Remember Me Thursday, and we're lighting up social media! thanks for helping to spread the word.

  23. Glad to see this information here too. We are getting involved this year and hope to help our local groups get the word out and help find some homes for those in need.
    Einstein says thanks to Caren and Cody for coming to his Birthday Pawty. He was so happy to see you both and was glad you had a good time
    Timmy and Einstein

  24. Thank you for sharing this. I hope more people will be willing to open their hearts and adopt some of these poor, abandoned pets that were left behind during the hurricanes. Truly heartbreaking.

  25. We're participating! We did a whole post on why we write to save lives! We just love this day.

  26. With two hurricanes already gone through, and possibly more to come (let's hope not though!), I think the timing of Remember Me Thursday is going to be perfect. As you said, there is even more need now due to so many more animals in shelters. I hope they can be reunited with their families but if not, that they can go to happy new homes.

  27. Great post and great reminder! We will be participating!
