Friday, August 11, 2017

Cats! Win a Jackson Galaxy® "The Vault Marinater" and a Jackson Galaxy® Sliding Fish Marinater Toy by Petmate®

Disclosure from Cody: no green papers exchanged paws for this review. Mom and I received a Jackson Galaxy "The  Vault Marinater"  and the Jackson Galaxy Sliding Fish Marinater toy by Petmate,  in exchange for our always honest review! Neither Petmate or Jackson Galaxy is responsible for anything I meowed during this review.

As many of you know, I have been blogging for nearly 8 years now (wow my paws are TIRED!!), and throughout that time I have been reviewing/featuring, (Mom too, when it has been applicable),  toys, books, TV shows,  and special philanthropic causes AND MORE, that a certain special "Cat Daddy" has been a part of. This special purrson needs no introduction, but in the event that you are living under a bag of kitty litter and don't know who he is, this special purrson is Jackson Galaxy. Years ago I reviewed a few of his toys, and recently I reviewed a couple of others, along with his adorable Clamshell Bed.  Today I am sharing with you the catabulous Jackson Galaxy® The Vault Marinater that I received and the Jackson Galaxy® Sliding Fish Marinater Toy by Petmate®.  They are from the:

Jackson Galaxy™ Collection by Petmate® 

Share A Better World With Your Cat

My Mom is going to handle this review today. "Take it away Mom!" Thanks Cody! As cat owners, you know how it is when you want to give your cat a catnip toy that might not be as "fresh" as it was when you first purchased it. You give it to your usually catnip-crazed cat and get ZERO reaction. The catnip that once drove your kitty crazy has lost it's pungency. Now, your problem is solved!! Enter the:

Jackson Galaxy The Vault Marinater
·       Convenient storage for all your cat’s favorite Jackson Galaxy toys.
·       Infuse any toy with catnip using Jackson’s unique marinating technique.
·       The Vault confines loose catnip between permeable walls, infusing your cat’s toys while keeping them free from debris.
·       Small size perfect for  Bobblers, New Ground Prey toys, and other small Jackson Galaxy toys.

I must admit when it first arrived I thought, "you have GOT to be kidding." A marinater for catnip toys? I showed it to Cody and he thought it was a great idea. So much so that he read me the directions while I put it together.

It was super easy to assemble,
 instructions were clear and Cody was a great assistant!!

After assembling it was time to put in the catnip that was provided with The Vault Marinater. Because I will ALWAYS be upfront and candid in my reviews, I will tell you that I couldn't smell the catnip at all when I opened the package. If  I couldn't smell it, I didn't see how the toys would be infused with the scent of catnip, so, since I had different catnip at home, I added it in the side slots as shown above. Then I added some catnip toys. I added the  Jackson Galaxy® Sliding Fish Marinater Toy that was sent to Cody, which is the perfect size for the Jackson Galaxy® Vault Marinater.  It soaks up the fresh catnip scent. It is made from natural cotton and available in small and large sizes, the Sliding Fish Marinater toy is a fun fish character with a sliding center body to keep play challenging for your pet 

Jackson Galaxy® Sliding Fish Marinater Toy 
I also added some other catnip toys that Cody has. I put The Vault Marinater aside for approximately two days and decided I would have Cody "test" them after that. Cody was concerned that his "friends" were trapped and would never be released.

He didn't have to worry, soon it was time to release the toys and have Cody test their potency.


The Jackson Galaxy® "The Vault Marinater"  DID work!! That being said, I thought it was funny that the first toy that Cody went to was the one that Ms.Ellen from 15 and Meowing had made by hand for him. Being the "fair and just" cat that he is, Cody eventually DID (albeit briefly), play with the Jackson Galaxy®  Sliding Fish Marinater Toy and another one of his toys.

I WAS disappointed with the catnip that was included with this product. As I mentioned above, I could NOT smell anything. If I couldn't, I am doubting Cody would have been able to as well. My advice? Be sure you have your own loose catnip around the house to add to the catnip that you will receive. If you use your own catnip we give the Vault Marinater 4 paws up. If you use just the catnip that comes with it? We give 1 or 2 paws. It just was NOT potent!!

Want to decide for yourself? Of course you do! We have a:


 Kitties! If your human resides in the U.S. and is 18 and over and can enter for you, you could be the LUCKY WINNER of the  Jackson Galaxy® "The Vault Marinater" and a Marinater Toy (We are not sure if you will receive the same toy as we did, and that is why we aren't saying that.)  (An approx $20 value!!)  Entering is super easy, just enter on the Rafflecopter below and good luck!!!

About Jackson Galaxy™

Jackson Galaxy is the host and executive producer of Animal Planet’s hit show, My Cat From Hell, currently entering its sixth season. Throughout the show’s run, he has consistently challenged both the traditional cat-lover stereotype, with his tattoo-clad arms and guitar case filled with cat toys, and the way cats themselves are perceived. Jackson started his career working "in the trenches" in animal shelters, and since then, has spent over 20 years developing his “Cat Mojo” approach to solving cat (and human) issues. He has dedicated his life to promoting a compassionate world for all animals and, with the establishment of the Jackson Galaxy Foundation, is intensifying his work toward the ultimate goal of achieving a “no-kill” reality in the U.S. and beyond. Jackson’s first book, Cat Daddy: What the World’s Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me About Life, Love, and Coming Clean, was published by Tarcher in 2012. Coauthored with cat style expert Kate Benjamin of, his second book Catification: Designing a Happy & Stylish Home for Your Cat (and You!) reached #1 on The New York Times Animal Bestseller list in 2014.


  1. Mom wonders whether we're working nights and send our catnip plants to the producing company - she still has a lot of plants left, but we just ignore them, hehe.

  2. well that looks like it does the job with the right nip,xx Speedy

  3. Pipo would love that marinated effect! That being said, I have often jammed some of his(and Minko's) nip toys into the container...and they come out all catnippy ready for kitty fun...except the floor gets covered in loose nip. But when they would get loose nip it was all over the floor too, so what's the diff, MOL!!! Anypaws it *is* a great idea!

    Thanks for a chance to win one:)

    1. Your idea is brilliant!! And, even if some goes on the floor, it just becomes a "Nip Party!!!!" You are most welcome!

  4. I just want to say, we have one of those vaults, and there have been toys sitting in there marinating for, like, a year and my human hasn't taken them out yet! In fact, I think she forgot about them! They probably smell to high heaven by now... emphasis on the high and heaven.

  5. LOL! Mom does that already with a jar and cat bro Bert's one and only toy. He loves it!

    1. that's cause your Mama is brilliant!! Shhhh...don't tell, I have done it with zip-loc bags (wink)

  6. Well, ya learn something new everyday! That's why I love your blog, Caren and Cody!

  7. The Vault Marinater sounds pretty cool. That's so sweet of Cody to read you the instructions. Love the video of Cody. I could watch him all day long!

    1. That is so sweet of you to say, especially since the quality of this one is EXTRA bad lol. The lighting was just dreadful but did it stop me from posting it? NO!! lol.............xoxoxo

  8. The Dad saw it at PetSmart and wondered if it would work, thanks for the great review!

    1. If you get it, let us know how you liked it!!! You are welcome and THANK YOU!!!

  9. I linked this post to Feline Friday.

    Have a purrfect day, Cody. My best to Dakota and your peeps. ♥♥♥

  10. I love the idea of a catnip toy marinater! I'm glad you were honest about the catnip provided. Luckily, we have lots of catnip growing in our yard. Purrs, and have a niptastic Friday, Cody!

    1. Thank you! Yep, when I opened it 1) They don't give much at all, which I neglected to mention 2) I could NOT smell it. Thankfully I have a lot here from other toys, otherwise the marinater would never have worked. So cool that you have catnip growing in your yard!!! xoxoxo

  11. This is a great item! I wish everyone the best of luck.

  12. i love the name "catnip toy marinator!" what a great invention

    1. I love how you spelled it because that is how I feel it should be spelled, but it isn't!!

  13. Awww I love this! Wish we could enter. But Canadian over here :(

    1. Darn! I am so sorry!! We frequently have give-aways that DO include Canada, so keep watching for them. We have a number of give-aways coming up!

  14. This might be a good thing to have at the shelter. PAWS tries really hard to keep everything clean and germ free. That means everything ends up in the washing machines eventually. You think catnip wears off on toys at home - imagine adding in the scent of detergent! We favor the toys with velcro closures so we can refill them, but marinating might be a good idea too.

  15. Oh MeOW We so want one of these. Glad Cody liked it. We think awnty ellen's toys are da bestest too. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  16. That sounds pawsome ! Good luck to our US friends ! Purrs

  17. Jackson is a genius when it comes to what entertains us felines
    Hugs madi and mom

  18. Our kitties love Ellen's chicken legs too. That's disappointing about the catnip included. Ellie LOVES catnip ... she's been a bit rough on our toys ;) Looks like you're owning yours too, Cody!

  19. I love the video and the adorable photo of Cody telling his toys he will rescue them :) That is a great idea to refresh toys. :)

    1. Aw thank you!! Did you see where I mentioned that the toy that YOU made him was the one he went for first? xoxo

  20. This is a great invention! TW tries to marinate my toys in a plastic bag but it never works.

  21. I loved the video. You are as active as I am, Cody :D I have a catnip cushion where Granny puts all my toys, so that I can hit one of them, when I go out or come in...MOL :D Good Luck to the entries and Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

    1. Thank you and I am laughing about how "active" we are MOL!!! You have a happy weekend too! xoxo

  22. My Mom has a cheapie version of a marinator - a big plastic freezer bag (haha) so this would certainly be a STEP UP for marinating my toys!

    Love, Teddy

    1. Nothing wrong with a plastic freezer bag! I have done that!! xoxo

  23. That's a real nice gift Cody.
    Loustiquette is crazy about catnip. But the smell does not stay long on toys.

  24. Wow, that sounds really cool, Miss Caren & Cody! I didn't know there was such a thing! Cody, it looks like you are very pleased with the results when your toys came out of the vault. I don't have any Jackson Galaxy toys, but I do have nip toys that could stand to be refreshed. Mom grows tall nip in her garden, too! Thanks for sharing your review!

  25. OMC Cody I needs dis. I has so many cat toys dat has lost that lovin' feelin' if ya nose what I means ;)


    1. "lost that lovin feelin" MOL MOL MOL!!! Hope you entered!! Good luck!! xoxo

  26. Cool! What a great idea.
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  27. I love my chicken leg from Miss Ellen!

  28. That's a super invention! We have some nip heads at the shelter (not to mention our own Gracie) who this would be great for. :)

