Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Cat Toy World-Wide Give-Away from 4CATS Cuddly Toys!!

FINALLY!!!! Cody's Colossal 10th Birthday Cat Toy Give-Away is HERE!! We deeply apologize for the delay and we thank you for your patience!!!

Cody and I were so happy when a few weeks ago our furiends at Katzenworld  asked if Cody would be willing to try some cat toys that are made by their furiends at 4cats . We happily agreed, but only if we could have a give-away for our readers!


  • All products are made in Germany
  • Their "careful manufacturing process uses only selected, certified pollutant-free, raw materials."
  • Their OWN cats test their toys
  • The cuddly toys are filled with 4catsnip (their exclusive blend of catnip, Green Labels on packaging) or Valerian (Brown Labels on packaging)

Cody has always been a pretty big fan of catnip, but he had never tried any toys that contained Valerian until he tried the toys from 4cats. I have to tell you, the second I opened the packaging, even after having traveled all of the way from the U.K. to our home, the smell was super pungent! So pungent that not only did Cody "get buzzed", but I think that I did too!!!

Their cuddly toys, filled with valerian as well as with 4catsnip, are designed with love at their company's facility based in Stolberg,  Germany where they are hand-crafted and then placed in sealed packaging to preserve their potency. They eschew the use of any adhesives, metal parts or other dangerous components.

Normally, I like to shoot video of Cody with new toys but the 4cats toys had such an effect on him that he would have been nothing but a big ball of blur!!! He did his usual "bunny-kick" routine and was rolling and kicking to beat the band!

Cody was lucky to receive a BONANZA of toys!! You can see by the photos just how adorable the 4cats toys are and I am pleased with how well-made they are as well. The patterns, styles and colors of the toys are just darling. My faves are the "knots" shown above and the huge "kickers." They are quite large and are perfect for bunny-kicking and holding close!

The toy that Cody was immediately drawn to was the heart, (because he is such a loverboy?) He just seemed to not be able to get enough of it!

Check out Cody's expression above. He was feeling pretty darned good!!!!! Once he was done playing, the toys made GREAT pillows too!

As of now, the MAIN world-wide link for purchasing is on the Katzenworld blog. (For FTC disclosure we aren't 100% sure if he is receiving a commission on toys sold, but we wanted to disclose that the main purchase link here could be an affiliate link. We were NOT monetarily compensated in any way for this post. We received a more than generous assortment of toys for Cody to try) You can also purchase HERE world-wide (but pricing might be a little higher than where I have linked above).


4cats has generously offered a WORLD-WIDE GIVE-AWAY for those who are 18 and over. 4cats will send THREE LUCKY WINNERS an assortment of toys!  Entering is easy, simply enter on the rafflecopter below and be sure to follow the instructions! Failure to do so could cause disqualification.  GOOD LUCK!!!!


  1. Cody looks like he is having a marvelous time!

  2. My cats love catnip, they haven't tried valerian yet.

  3. My cats love catnip. They haven't had too much experience with valerian, but seem to love it, too.

  4. We have some of these toys and can confirm they are very intoxicating!

  5. Happy Birthday Cody - we hope you have a wonderful day with lots of kisses and cuddles.

  6. Those look like great toys! We used to have a cat toy that had a mix of catnip and valerian, and the cats were crazy about it.

  7. It's so fun to see Cody having a wonderful crazy pants time!
    I hope I win so I can bring the good times to PAWS.

    1. Thanks!!! Wishing you good luck!!!!!!!!! (Not sure yet...but....there just might be a chance I MAY have MORE than 3 winners)....they are mailing to 3 winners and I may just pick up a few more for ME to send out.........we will see!

  8. The look on Cody's face is priceless! That Valerian must be really powerful!

    1. MOL!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS it sure is!!! I think it got ME buzzed!!! MOL!

  9. I love Cody's face here. Enjoy, handsome boy!

  10. Ozzy is obsessed with catnip, haven't tried Valeria yet. Cody looks like he was having fun! ☺

    1. Cody loves catnip too and this was HIS first time trying Valerian, he LOVED it! I think it is even more potent than catnip

  11. Cody looks so happy with these toys! There are so many fun sizes, colors and shapes. I love the look on his face!

    1. Awww THANK YOU!! He was losing his mind with them! He really loves them!

  12. My kitties love catnip. Not so sure about Valerian since they have never come in contact with it to my knowledge.

  13. Happy Birthday!!! We've never tried Valerian so it'd be extra exciting. My boys are big, I like that the toys are great for kicking. Thank you.

  14. Cody seems so happy with all the toys. We are a catnip family but maybe the valerian we had wasn't so fresh.

    1. Cody LOVES THEM!! And...the Valerian in these toys is so fresh that I swear that I got buzzed too lol!

  15. We always knew that Cody was a lover boy! What a lucky guy-he seems to love them

    1. He most definitely is!!!!! It is a World-Wide give-away, hoping you entered!

  16. Those look like nice toys. I hope Cody gets to keep some of them. :-)

    1. Actually ALL of those above are Cody's!! But....the company is mailing to 3 winners....there is a very good chance (because there are some I have not opened and Cody doesn't need all of them), that I am going to surprise people and add a few more winners that I will personally mail. We will see!!!

  17. I am sure Buster would love everything you have there,he is the most playful cat I have ever had, I have never tried catnip maybe I should

    1. I bet Buster would too! EVERY cat should try catnip at least once in their life!

  18. Cody is such a handsome man-cat. He is so good at helping you with your giveaways too.

    Have a purrfect day, Cody. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

    1. Awww THANK YOU! Yes on both accounts!! (most of the time he is good at helping, I try to get him around the time he has eaten or WILL eat lol!!) xoxoxo

  19. Action-packed Cody! It's obvious that you REALLY enjoyed yourself! Our Angel gets all crazy with catnip, then zooms off at a mile a minute to hide.

  20. These are pawsome toys! We like both catnip and valerian, but honestly...probably catnip just a little bit better. :)

  21. I prefer valerian but Pop gays it smells like Eau de Homeless Person. MOL! Every once in a while, I'll really enjoy a nip toy. From the posts for Bavarian Cat Toys, I have plenty of valerian toys that TW won't even let me play with cos they're smelly. Those Germans sure know how to make toys!

  22. That is a super cool giveaway Cody, bravo pal!

  23. Cody is adorable with those toys he is so obviously adoring himself! MOL!

    We have nevfur tried valerian, so we truly do not know which one we purr-fur. Likely the catnip, because if petcretary opens her own bottle of valerian we don't really respond to it...but we do sniff her catnip tea and once we even stole a teabag,MOL!

    1. Thank you!!! MOL about the teabag! Ohhh this Valerian is strong! The catnip is super pawesome too! Good luck!

  24. We want to win for our new kitty friend
    Lily & Edward

  25. That's sound real great.
    Cody you are in love with your new toys...
    Hisia does not care about catnip but Loustiquette loves it.
    I dont know about valerian.
    By the way I a looking for catnip to buy for Loustiquette. She does not like the one that smells mint. Do you know wich one I can buy, even if it is in your country. My sister lives in San Francisco. She can buy it for me.
    Bonne soirée
    Nat à Chat

    1. Yes he sure is!!!! The catnip on the toys above doesn't smell like mint to me....I linked to where you can purchase these toys worldwide in the paragraph right above the give-away paragraph. Both links are WORLD-WIDE LINKS (the company that makes these is in Germany).....and...the give-away is world-wide too, if you enter, maybe you will be lucky and win!!!!!!! xoxoxo

    2. Thank you.
      But I am looking for catnip. Not for a toy stuffed with it.
      Loustiquette loves it when I put some catnip on a floor or on a carpet.
      Bonne soirée
      Nat à Chat


  26. Cody you look so sweet and happy playing with your new toys! Good luck to everyone :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  27. Oh my goodness, Cody is having a ball with all those cool toys.

  28. Those toys are terrific ! We love catnip and valerian, and according to Cody's look, that nip seems to be potent ! Purrs

    1. It IS potent!! Did you happen to see something peeking out in the background of one of the photos? you should recognize it!

  29. Catnip or valerian? Hmmmmm we've never had valerian, so we don't know. But, those toys look and sound amazin'!!! We've fur sure got our paws crossed dat we be one of da winners. And it would be just in time fur RaenaBelle's birthday. Keep on smilin' Cody. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  30. Replies
    1. Thanks! If you entered, be sure to do what the rafflecopter instructions asked....there were very specific comment instructions :)

  31. I can see how much you are enjoying those toys Cody. I may be getting on and slowing down, but I've never met a valerian toy that I haven't loved. My mum says they smell like dad's sweaty trainers (yuk!) but I adore them.

  32. I know they like catnip but we never tried Valeria. So it's probably going to be catnip

  33. I have to say catnip as they have never had the other. Thanks for the chance.
    Sue B

  34. Wow, that is quite a pile of toys you've got there, Cody! Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday, buddy! We apologize for being late... we've been bad blog visitors lately :( Glad to see you enjoyed your birthday with some good nip and valerian though! We will go enter your giveaway. We have plenty of toys here, so if we win, we will donate them to our favorite local shelter kitties!

  35. Wow ! A birthday bonanza, Cody ! We would love to try some Valerian - some of us are big fans of catnip and some of us could care less ! Enjoy !

  36. Catnip or Valerian is a very hard choice we love them both as well as Honeysuckle. If we had to pick one we would pick Valerian as we don't get it very often. ~The Cats, Yin, Yang, Chimera & Scylla

  37. My cats like both, but I can't deal with the smell of valerian so I don't let them have it, I am mean.

  38. We never tried the valerium either but I would love to see our cats reaction.

  39. Cody it sure looks like you've been on a 3 day drunk, with all those toys. My boys have only played with catnip and not tried valerium, but sure would like to try it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  40. Happy Birthday Cody! Woo Hoo just look at the pawesome haul of goodies mew got, it's epic!! MOL

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  41. OMC, Cody, what a jackpot! These toys look so charming. And you're so darn cute, Cody! The kitties around here love catnip, but can you believe this human here has never gotten around to letting them test out Valerian? I know, how horrible! We are glad you had such a fun birthday, Cody!

  42. catnip is their preference. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.

  43. For some reason Laila and Minchie do not respond to valerian. But the LOVE catnip! Looks like Santa came to your house, Cody!

  44. My cats LOVE CATNIP!!! Thanks for the chance to be a winner!

  45. That is one great bunch of toys. That is one terrific giveaway. Glad Cody has such a good time.

  46. Bear's never tried Valerian. He's weird about catnip ... sometimes he goes nuts flopping and rolling all over the place - and sometimes he acts like he couldn't care less. He is a HUGE fan of kicksticks though! These photos of Cody are wonderful ... he's such a handsome devil!

  47. Oh my goodness - what a haul!!! Score for Cody! We've never tried Valerian here, either but would love to.

  48. Our kitties love Catnip but have never tried Valerian. It would be fun to win some toys for our furry friends.

  49. WOW - what an amazing array of FUN toys! We might be late signing up for the giveaway but Teddy the Toy Magnet insisted! HAHAHA

    Love, Pam

  50. OMC! That looks like heaven on earth! We love nip, valerian, silvervine, you name it! What a great giveaway!

  51. We have 7 cats, who all love catnip and valerian toys. Although they only seem to like good quality catnip.

  52. OMC dat looks like kitty cat heaven. I love the bows. I has only efur had catnip I might go stupid if I try the valerian ;) MOL MOL

    Matilda (& Matt)

  53. Awwe Cody looks adorbs! Would have loved to see a video of him getting his buzz on! MOL. I grow valerian in the catio garden but not dry, so kitties have only tried catnip. By the way Happy belated Birthday to Cody. I thought my comment went through on his birthday post but it never did. xx

  54. My cat would probably prefer catnip. I've never heard of Valerian!
    Happy Birthday Cody!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  55. I have not heard of Valerian so I guess catnip.

  56. I've never tried valerian on my kitty, but I know she loves catnip!
