Hi all it's Cody! Well, it's Cody DICTATING this post to my incompetent human Mom. Which leads me to the point of this blog post.
As many of you know, today happens to be If Pets Had Thumbs Day, (or, in MY world, and for purposes of this post, it is If CATS Had Thumbs Day!)
No one seems to know the exact origin of this day (no surprise there, just add it to the ever-growing list of mindless holidays which in reality mean nothing, but hey, they are FUN, right?) So, without further pussyfooting around, just exactly WHAT would THIS cat do if he had thumbs?
Well, the obvious of course:
- I could open my own bag of treats
- I could open my own containers of food
- I could turn the doorknob and escape to parts unknown
- I could grab my annoying woofie brother with BOTH paws and hold that giant, furry head between those paws...and.....squeeeezeeee......oh! Please excuse me I got carried away!
- I could take my OWN photos! They sure couldn't be any worse than Mom's!
- I could text with the speed of light and not only that, I could pilfer Mom's iPhone and make all sorts of crank phone calls! Does anyone even still do that?
- I could steal the keys to Mom and Dad's car and drive them around town, Mom drives a stick and I could shift that gear stick like there was no tomorrow!
- I could brush my own teeth
- I could play computer games the right way!!
Those are just a few things that I would do....but...I believe the MAIN thing I would do is COMPLETELY BAN MY MOM FROM WRITING ON THIS BLOG! It would be MINE, ALL MINE! I would be able to type to my heart's content, I could say what I want without fear of upsetting Mom. I would change all of the passwords on her social media accounts too!
If we all band together, and if we ONLY had thumbs, we would take over the world!!!!!!!!!!

What do ya think kitties? Are you with me?
Let's take back our blogs!!! Love, Cody

When I first saw the video of this I laughed out loud! Love this post, thank you so much for sharing. :)
ReplyDeletethank you soooo much!! xoxo
DeleteDo we really need thumbs, though? I kind of like having humans do stuff for us!
ReplyDeleteI would love to have thumbs !
ReplyDeleteImagine ! If we all kitties have thumbs, what human is going to do with us ?...tee..heh..heh
I give this post two thumbs up. Oh, uh... sorry. I mean... well... I give it a high five. :)
ReplyDeleteMOL! MOL!! MOL!!!!! Thank you!!!
DeleteHi Cody you are so adorable in your pictures, I do wish you guys had thumbs,oh the things you could do...I dont know if Houston would agree but I think I would like him to make the bed vacum the floors and cook dinner oh and lots of fun things. Tell your Mom we said Hi and we love reading yalls posts.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much you are so sweet!! Give Houston a big kiss from us!!!
DeleteCody, the kitties here say that your ideas are fantastic! It sure is time for kitties to take back the blogs!
ReplyDeleteCody, do you really want to be more human-like? I think NOT! Please remain a kitty; you are perfect that way!
ReplyDeleteThat is all very true they would be like Tom them ;-)
ReplyDeleteHave a clevertastic weekend :-)
I think it is better that cats don't have thumbs. You would cause trouble for us dogs!
ReplyDeleteI like my paws as they are. Thumbs aren't very pretty :)
ReplyDeletePurrs xx
Cody, if cat's had thumbs we'd rule the wurld!!! MOL
ReplyDeleteBestest purrs
Basil & Co xox
I'm with you pal. We could take over the world if we had thumbs!!!!
ReplyDeleteThey would indeed rule the world. They are pretty close to that now.
ReplyDeleteHave a purrfect day Cody. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥
Oh, Cody, if you had thumbs, I would be terrified! On the other hand, if my cats had thumbs and could maintain my blog, I'd be the one napping in sun puddles for hours, so maybe this cats-with-thumbs idea is not a bad thing :)
ReplyDeleteYou would get in trouble if you had thumbs
Lily & Edward
It's so hard to find good thumbs these days! My Momma's aren't so bad by themselves (though I've noticed she's trying to ruin our blog) ... but she's always TALKING. Sometimes a cat just wants some peace and quiet!
ReplyDeleteWe have to agree, the cats around here get along just fine without thumbs. All the human has to do is open the cans.
ReplyDeleteHey now... that driving around thing... we hadn't thought of that. Think of all the visiting we could do!
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for the "write my own blog" part! Cats could quite possibly take over the world if they had thumbs. ;)
ReplyDeleteCody, I'm lazy and would probably be a worse blogger than the lady if I took over. However, you're idea of opening my own bag of treats is brilliant!
ReplyDeleteHaving thumbs would be great and we love your ideas, but we would keep our human staff for the dirty work (litterbox, ...) and cuddles. Purrs
ReplyDeleteOh my, we sure could do lots, but that might cut into nap time!
ReplyDeleteYou certainly have a lot of big plans to use thumbs! I think this might be why you don't have them. MOL! Bentley and Pierre would have similar plans to rule the world. ☺
ReplyDeletedood...we iz total lee with ewe...THUMBZ up :) that cheeze burger graffix rockz !! heerz two a slender snipe eel kinda week oh end ! ♥♥♥☺☺☺
ReplyDeleteCody, I know without a doubt if kitties had thumbs, you would take over the world. And I think it would be a pretty good world. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh Cody, we think those are pawsum ideas. And think 'bout da embarrasing and humiliatin' fotos we could take of our mommys. Ya' know to pay 'em back fur all those times they took fotos of us when we were in da pawdee box, ortryin' to eat in peace, or sleep or all those other times. MOL Big hugs
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Raena
my staff has 2 thumbs so I am good! We love your thoughts Cody.
ReplyDeleteHugs Madi and mom
I am wif you Cody! We would be a force to be reckon wif if only we had thumbs ;)
Matilda (& Matt)
I never thought of taking charge of the photos on my blog! That's a great idea, Cody! --Mudpie
ReplyDeleteI think you are starting a much needed revolution Cody! I'm with you Brother.
ReplyDeleteI would skip the crank calls now that everyone has caller id :)
ReplyDeleteY'know Cody? I have thumbs but I haven't learned how to use them properly. ~Ernie
ReplyDeleteCody Darling, if mes had thumbs mes would text yous to tells yous how much mes LOVES yous!!!
Your Nellie Bellie
I hear ya, Cody. I'd love to grab the peep's credit cards and order what I want online. Prank calls are now spam calls where you can trick people into giving you their cc numbers. I like the fact that TW has to work for me though.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it wasn't your intention, but I think you just explained why God made cats without thumbs, Cody. MOL
ReplyDeleteMy Tommie had thumbs, but they seemed to have been wasted on him. Or, more likely, he was too smart to do any stupid human tricks... while we were watching.
Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red
YAY! We have to buy thumbs, Cody...they do sell thumbs, don't they?...somewhere? Double Pawkiss for a Happy Day :) <3
ReplyDeleteMOL! Sounds like you'd be one busy kitty, Cody! I guess it's a good thing you don't have thumbs, for Dakota's sake anyway. Not sure he'd like all that squeezing.
ReplyDeleteJust be carefur that when those thumbs try to post something on a wall...don't smash them, MOL!
ReplyDeleteThis was a fun post, Cody! You did this without thumbs?? Hmmm, now just imagine...
If cat had thumbs I'm sure you would take selfies to the next level :)