Monday, April 18, 2016

Spring has SPRUNG and it's "PURRFECT" with Purrfectplay Spring Gift Baskets! Give-Away!

Hi my furiends! It's Cody and today is the most "PURRFECT" day ever! Why? Well, one reason is that SPRING has FINALLY "sprung" here in Michigan!!! We have been having lovely temperatures and sun-shiny days, and YOUR day is about to become even MORE "sun-shiny!!" Wanna know why? OF COURSE YOU DO!!!  Because today I get to tell you about the purrfectly PAWESOME and NEW Spring Gift Baskets for Cats that are BRAND SPANKING NEW from Purrfectplay!!!!

Now, I know many of you are familiar with how completely incredible the items at Purrfectplay are, (heck, I  learned about them from many of YOU!). If you do know about them, today I am showing you MORE toys that you MUST get for your sun-puddle-toy-playin'-fun!!  For those of you who who aren't familiar with Purrfectplay, oh are you in for a TREAT!!

The day my Spring Gift Basket arrived, the anticipation of what would be inside of the box was killing me!
I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what catabulous delights awaited me inside of that HUGE box!!

The toy I am sniffing in this shot is the Silly Sea Cucumber. All of the items in the baskets (they are available in small and large), are made with certified organic materials and are dye free!! Any color that is seen occurs naturally in the fiber.

Cotton Chase Balls Close-Up

Not only was I THRILLED with my Spring Gift Basket, but Mom was just shrieking and giggling like a hyena!!!

First, Mom was smitten with the care and attention that was given to how the Spring Gift Basket was WRAPPED! (Mom is rather strange like that). Mom feels that how a company presents items that they send says a lot about them. To say that Mom is in love with Purrfectplay is an understatement. She is insanely crazy about their products, their philosophy, the quality of their products, EVERYTHING!

About Purrfectplay:

We are a simple business. We design our pet toys to be durable and fun, using only organic natural fibers to produce them. If Mother Nature didn't make it, we don't use it.

Our products are crafted in our workshop or in our local community member's homes. Each pet toy and gift is individually produced-we are not trying to sell "pallets" of goods. We are working to understand what our customers want on a one to one basis. Each of our customers and their pets is important and valuable to us.

Purrfectplay is simply dedicated to producing the best cat and dog toys possible while keeping you informed about the role synthetics and chemicals play in undermining your pets' health and the welfare of our planet. We are not flashy and you will probably never see our pet products on the shelves of your local mega store.

The Purrfectplay toys are:

  • Award winning durable, safe, fun pet toys
  • Made from 100% Natural and Organic Materials
  • Synthetic and plastic free
  • Manufactured in the USA/Proud to Produce in Indiana
  • 5% of each sale is dedicated to rescues/shelters

Hemp Catnip Carrot
There was one pawticular  item in my basket that my Mom found to be incredibly charming and clever they are the:

Wooly Dust Bunnies

My Mom was just roaring with laughter at those! She said that because most of the toys that kitties play with end up under refrigerators, beds and couches and start to resemble "Dust Bunnies", heck, why not have some toys that are ALREADY Dust Bunnies!?

Kitties These Baskets Aren't Just For You:

All of the toys are carefully packaged in a darling pot (Mom thinks that she might try and plant some catnip in mine!!!) and it has an adorable planter stick (what in the world are those called?) That says: "there's nobunny like you" (You can see that in the first photo on this blog post).

Kitties!!! Mother's Day is right around the corner!!!! Show the female humans in your life some appreciation on Mother's Day, birthdays, or ANY DAY!! Why? Because Purrfectplay has the PURRFECT gifts for HUMANS TOO!!!  Pet lovers will LOVE their:

There is something for EVERYONE!!!

Mom had wanted to get a video of me playing with my toys, but couldn't because I kept being photo-bombed by one JEALOUS Sheltie!!

I was trying to play with my Silly Sea Cucumber and he wouldn't leave me alone!!

I think Mom is going to have to get Dakota some Purrfectplay toys of his own so he can let me play in peace!!  I know many of you kitties live with a woofie as I do, tell your human to check out all of the Organic Dog Toys and other items that Purrfectplay has as well!!!

Then, maybe we will FINALLY be able to play in peace!!

Last, but far from least, there is something (or someBODY) that makes Purrfectplay extra special and that is Pam Wheelock, 
"Head Honcho, Cat Soother, and Dog Walker."

Mom just fell in love with her while communicating  before and after receiving my toys. Mom says that she is such a joy that SHE is like a "breath of Spring" herself!!!

Mom says that she and I are now BOTH spoiled. We have reviewed more cat toys through the years than we could shake 500 paws at (if we HAD 500 paws), and the toys from Purrfectplay are HEADS and TAILS above ANY that we have reviewed thus far. Yep, I said that....I'm a tell-it-like-it-is kinda kitty!  Who could NOT love a company that from their beginning "has been a "green" company."  With Earth Day approaching this week, what better way to celebrate  Mother Earth  than by pawchasing some superbly made toys from a COMPANY WHO CARES ABOUT THE EARTH?

If all of the above doesn't make YOU want these toys and want them NOW, then kitties, you have been sniffing TOO MUCH NIP!!

You can find Purrfectplay on:



Kitties you are in luck!!!!! Our furiend Pam, at Purrfectplay said we could give-away ONE Spring Gift Basket (valued at $36 to $44 depending upon items in the basket), to ONE lucky reader who is 18 and over and who resides in either the U.S. or Canada!!! Entering is easy! Simply enter on the Rafflecopter below! Good Luck!!!

In full disclosure: We were not compensated for this review/give-away. We received a Purrfectplay Spring Gift Basket in exchange for our always honest review.


  1. We love Purrfectplay too! Everything about their products and their philosophy is awesome!

  2. That looks pawsome and there is lots of fun stuff.
    WE can see how much you like it Cody ;)
    There is a lot of playtime in that package :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. What PERFECTLY fabulous box of fun from Purrfectplay!

    Love, Sammy

  4. That looks like a fun bunch of goodies!

  5. Maybe cat bro Bert could play with those balls for a bit before he would eat them. Looks like interesting stuff.

  6. Those look like great toys, Cody! We think it's really funnyt hat Dakota wanted to play with them, too!

    1. Oh they are!! Oh that Dakota, he's soooooooooooooo nosy!!!!! MOL MOL MOL!!!!

  7. That looks like a great box of stuff.

  8. We LOVE our Purrfectplay toys. They are some of our favorites. 'Specially the big wooly ball. It's the best to bunnykick.

  9. What fantastic toys!! We love the "dust bunny" idea! Very clever!

    The Florida Furkids

    1. I know! lol! I think the "Dust Bunnies" are pure genius!!

  10. Those look really nice and fun to play with.
    Sue B

  11. Somehow, I had never heard of Purrfectplay until now. It looks like my furbabies and I have really been missing out! Thank you for this great review, Cody and Caren! And for the chance to win this amazing prize pack! Purrs!

    1. These toys are the BEST!! Love everything about them and the company. You are most welcome and thank you!!! Glad I could be the one to introduce you to them! Good Luck!!!

  12. These look like such awesome toys! Thank you for sharing this company with us, they seem like a great one!

  13. Nice action shot in the end, Cody! You were bunny-kicking the heck outta that toy! Looks like a great selection of toys!

    1. Thanks so much!! Yep! Bunny-kicking is my favorite mode of attack!!! MOL!! Oh yesss their toys are amazing!!

  14. What a great giveaway. I entered and I know lots of kitties out here in blogland.

    I also linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect day Cody. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you and thank you for linking us!! We are sooooo behind, hence my constantly staying up til unGodly hours of the morning!! xoxoxo

  15. Whoa! Those are all pawesome! We bet we'd love those! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

    PeeS: Our mommy and daddy lived in CO for 12 years so she knew the weather would get better but the flights were being canceled for Saturday so she went ahead and canceled her trip. Fort Collins of course didn't get much snow but DIA did and her friend would've had to drive through it to get her. Mommy is glad she's home with us in the sunny, 80 degree temps anyway! :)

    1. Ohhhh good!!! Then you KNOW!! I was afraid you didn't! Then everything turned out the way it was supposed to! :) You are more than welcome for the give-away and good luck!

  16. Wow! Those look great!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  17. Wow, this company sounds awesome, and I like these products. I will have to check them out. I love that there are no dyes or synthetic materials used.

  18. Pawsome toys ! They look... purrfect ! Good luck to our US and Canadian friends ! Purrs

  19. Wow that is a basket of joy!
    Lily & Edward

    1. I absolutely LOVE that description and you couldn't be more correct!!!!

  20. It has been sunny & warm here too finally. Finally! I have been enjoying running around my yard~~ allee cat (Quirky Homemaker's cat)

    1. Oh I am so happy to see you around here today! Thanks for your comments on some other posts too!!!! Love that spring has sprung for you as well and that Allee is enjoying it! We are headed for 60s and 50s again, but that's fine with me, more seasonal than the near 80 temp we had today!

  21. If we win, we'll donate to a new shelter opening in our area.

  22. We are going to hop over and check out these super fun looking toys. Glad to hear you all are finally getting some spring weather. Hugs and nose kisses

    1. Oh my they are incredible!! Yep we have had gorgeous weather for a few days now! Going back into the 60s and 50s for a week or so, but that's ok with me! xoxoxo back at ya!

  23. We love those wooly dust bunnies!!!

  24. Looks like they would be lots of fun or MITZI kitzi!


  26. Those toys look like so much fun. My mum loves those dust bunnies!

  27. Those toys look like a lot of fun!

  28. The BEST cat toys ever! Mister Meow and Minnie Purrl love them!

  29. Wow that basket looks awesome! I know my Cheshire kitty would love them!!

  30. Hi furriends, Rafflecopter doesn't like me these past several years but I tried anyway. Your presentation was the sweetest I have seen! Seriously.

    1. Oh no!! I wonder why? I am so sorry!!! Hoping it worked! Wishing you good luck and thank you so much!!!!!!!

  31. Fun photos and giveaway! I love all your entry choices too. Thank you for sharing.

  32. Those look like fun!
    Have a super duper Monday...

    Noodle and crew

  33. Those toys look pawsome The nip usually doesn't excite me but it's always fun getting new toys and seeing if the nip will give me a buzz.

  34. Cody, you look like you were having so much fun with those amazing treats. Wishing you a wonderful spring. Thanks for the chance to enter this fun giveaway.

  35. Aww this makes me wish I knew someone with a kitten to enter the giveaway for!! Looks like Cody is enjoying the treats! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  36. The texture of those toys look like something many cats would love. You are so lucky to have been able to test them out, Cody

  37. Great gift basket Cody! Even Dakota wanted to play too :)

  38. They look so much fun! My cat is jealous!

  39. A great and thorough review Caren! What a lovely and uplifting basket of goodies. We love Purrfet Play's philosophy and the quality of their products. Good luck everyone :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. thank you so much!!!! Yes, "uplifting" is a marvelous choice of words!!!! xoxo

  40. Yup, we know about dog-guy doings too...he even once ate one of our toys, and he sure rips up a lot. Do you think he thinks he's a kitty too??
    Those look like truly pawsome toys!
    Thanks fur a winning chance!!

  41. I just love the values of this company and the thoughtfulness they seem to put into their product! I love it when boxes or baskets like this include something for us humans! The pets get so much, it's just nice to get a little something for ourselves as well. :)

  42. These are great pictures. You both look like you're having a blast. Those toys look wonderful. Dust Bunnies and Silly Sea Cucumber are such cute ideas for toys.

  43. OK, you've got us totally convinced! Great review, all natural products, and Cody loves them. Happy Earth Day!
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

  44. This is a great giveaway. Those dust bunnies are funny.

  45. I love your photos. Since I love dogs so much. Thank for sharing those adorable picture of your dogs. Best wish for you and your beloved puppy.
