Monday, December 14, 2015

Cat Books: Our Faves of 2015

Still trying to find the purrfect gift for the cat lovers in your life? You've come to the right place! Today we are proud to present to you:

Cat Books: Our Faves of 2015

There have been a large number of books that have made their way to our paws in 2015, today, we would like to share our faves, in no particular order!

by T.J. Banks

To me, Catsong is not only a compilation of Bank's best cat stories, it is much more than that. It is a songbook  of SERENADES. It, is a collection of essays that are in reality, SONGS.
The words written in Catsong are vehicles that convey love, a love of the purest and most genuine kind. The "serenades" in Catsong are essays dedicated to the many cats who have graced T.J. Bank's life. Catsong  was the winner of the 2007 Merial Human-Animal Bond Award.

A Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Caper by Cindy Vincent

The Case of the Jewel Covered Cat Statues is full of fun, as well as suspense. Cindy Vincent has a flair for humor, dialogue, twists and turns. The majority of the book is dialogue between the cats and her take on the various feline personalities is just hilarious. In this book, there is Hector "a Siamese cat who is a really big blabbermouth", who "talks" non-stop in the car (and everywhere else), which reminded me of how cats meow and "sing the song of their people" when heading to the dreaded Vet. There is a strong  and heart-warming message of the importance of friendship that is the heart of this mystery. Friendship, overcoming greed, believing in yourself and teamwork. It shows us  that often we must look "deeper" into things, (even things that are outwardly full of glitter, sparkle and shine),  instead of just  taking them at face value.

by Angie Bailey

In a nutshell, Texts From Mittens is approximately 100'ish  "laugh out loud" pages printed on quality "alk" paper, that is about a self-absorbed cat named Mittens. Mittens bombards "Mom" with incessant texts which take the form of demands, requests and questions at any hour, day or night, (hence the "unlimited data plan"). "Mom" mostly responds as the "straight man" to Mittens constant texting.

  Simple concept + brilliant execution = a hit,
 Angie Bailey hit this one right outta the ballpark!
Purr Prints OF THE HEART
 A Cat's Tale of Life, Death and Beyond, as told to author Deborah Barnes by Mr.Jazz the Cat
Cover Photo Courtesy of Deborah Barnes

I am honored to have been one of a lucky few who were sent the manuscript to Deb's latest book, and this time, my "mini review" is located smack dab on the first page of the Purrs of Praise section!

MY QUOTE READS AS FOLLOWS:Deborah Barnes exhibits her writing prowess as she bears her soul in the poignant memoir, Purr Prints of the Heart, brilliantly narrated by the book's muse, "Mr. Jazz." Reader's emotions will be stirred to their core as Barnes magnificently climbs into the mind, heart and soul of not only Mr.Jazz, but cats as a whole and the humans who devote their lives to them. Purr Prints takes the reader on a journey that is like a salve in book form that offers comfort to all who have had to deal with (or will have to deal with), the inevitable loss of a beloved pet. Written with eloquence, grace, humor and a love that transcends the pages, I defy any pet lover not to see themselves depicted in this literary treasure.

by Vanessa Morgan

From the moment my eyes gazed upon the cover of Avalon by Vanessa Morgan, I knew that this was going to be a special book. Let me correct that. I had the pleasure of following Avalon's blog for a number of years before he crossed the bridge, and knew that one day, Vanessa would pour her heart and soul into a tribute that would not only be a cathartic experience for her, but it would be a cathartic experience for all of us who have been obsessed with (admit it, there has been at least one special pet in your life, where your love bordered on or plunged headfirst into obsession), our love of a pet.

When we have the deepest affection for an animal,
we do not possess that love
but are possessed by it.
---Dean R. Koontz

Avalon is a memoir for anyone who has ever
been obsessively in love with a pet

Lola: Diary of a Rescued Cat 
by Lola and Dawn White
Cover photo Courtesy of Dawn White

The sweetness of Lola and her loving nature, as well as her impish side,  which is sometimes conveyed by a wicked sense of humor, is incredibly endearing. Each page reinforces the importance of and the unconditional love that is received when one adopts a rescue cat. 

 by Hilary Grossman
(ok, so it's not a book about cats, I loved it and that is why it is here)
Hilary Grossman has a keen understanding of people and what makes them tick. She has a particularly good take on women. Her attention to detail in both the conversations that the characters have, and their nuances is superb. Even simple descriptions like someone twirling their hair around their finger while they are thinking, or clutching a pillow and blankets to their chest, or the annoyance that Annabel feels when she speaks to her mother,  are described in such a way that makes her characters leap from the pages, full of life.
 The characters that Hilary has so skillfully crafted are believable.
 They seem so real, so honest, so approachable.
 They are all characters that we can relate to.When I read Plan Bea I laughed, I cried, I was angry, I looked closer into myself and my relationship with my own mother, I ran the gamut of emotions. I did NOT want to put this book down, and I have a feeling that even if your own relationship with your mother is "perfect" (Newsflash, NO mother/daughter relationship is!!), you will be as immersed and in love with Plan Bea as I was.


From Catster: Titled Rescued: The Story of 12 Cats Through Their Eyes, the project features different authors telling the tale of their adopted cats from the animals’ own perspective.

FROM CAT CHAT WITH CAREN AND CODY: Brilliant concept AND execution by Janiss. She  sent a shout out through social media for individuals to share their stories about their rescue cats, all told from the POV of the cats. .It was so captivating and moving, that  I read it in one sitting, It gripped my heart from the beginning to the end. There was careful thought put into the arrangement of the essays, the end result is superb!

FROM JANISS GARZA: most people have NO idea how hard it is to sequence stories in an anthology. Basically you are taking unrelated narratives and making a larger narrative with them, so the stories need to flow right. 

FROM CAT CHAT WITH CAREN AND CODY- The blog Melissa's Mocha's Mysteries and Meows did a superb job throughout 2015 of showcasing each of the cats  from RESCUED in a monthly feature. Be sure to visit her blog to read them!


There you have it, our faves of 2015!!!
 (Children's books were omitted from this list)


  1. Thanks so much for including Rescued in this awesome selection of books!

  2. Purr Pints and Rescued were both excellent books and both are making it to my faves list, too. I haven't read the others yet. I'll have to get on that!

  3. What a wonderful collection of superb kitty-cat reading material these was this past year......we cats make such fab writing subjects!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  4. What a great selection! Looks like I need to head over to Amazon now, because I have only read five on your list.

  5. What a great list - wonderful variety - and I like that you also included a "non-cat" book! Thank you also for including Purr Prints on your list - Mr. Jazz has been especially close to my heart as of late and I'm sure he appreciates your recommendation from the Bridge above... xoxox

  6. That is one great list of books. I have read quite a few of them and all of those were excellent books. Good review.

  7. Sounds like some great books.
    Sue B

  8. A great list! I have read a few of these, but need to check out ALL of them.

  9. I love them ALL and fully intend to make momma buy them!

  10. Awww, what a great collection of stories. Rescue kitties are the very best.

    Have a purrfect day Cody. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  11. I've been searching for a couple of these books at the local library, but they may be too new still...I keep checking! Thanks for the list!

  12. Nice selection of books.
    I like the cover of the first and last one. I dont know why. I will put them on my list.
    Douce soirée
    Nat à Chat

  13. Great list ! We've read Purr Prints (and we loved it !), we have to check a few of them ! Purrs

  14. That's a very well rounded selection!
    The only one I've read is Rescued- and it's really good.

  15. Thanks for a really great list. We've read a couple of these and now we intend to read the rest.

    Noodle and crew

  16. Paws up for a great list of books! The had peep has only read one of these, so they're great recommendations.

  17. Thank for this -- I have a couple of these on my "to read" list, but I'll be adding the rest as well! I can always count on you for good book suggestions! :)

  18. The mom needs to add some of these to her reading list (the other ones on the list she's already read). Thanks!

  19. That's a great collection of books that everyone is sure to find something that suits them.

  20. Great choices. I have read several of these and hope to read the rest soon.

  21. That is a lot of good reading for long winter nights.

  22. I love your posts about books. Well, I love all of your posts. Thanks for sharing! Purrs!

    1. THANK YOU!! I am so happy to hear that!! You are beyond kind and thank you for making my day! xoxo

  23. Thank you so much for including us in your favorite list!! We are so honored. Smooches!
