Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My Gotcha Day Revenge On Mom and a Kitty Kush Catnip Give-Away for YOU!!!

In full disclosure:This post is NOT sponsored monetarily by Kitty Kush Catnip, but they DID allow me to hold a give-away. Truth be told, only an obedient dog would compensate someone for a post in which a certain cat, (I wonder who THAT could be?)REFUSED to appear on video with a product they were featuring.

 If you were looking for a hearts and flowers kind of Gotcha Day post from my Mom, well, turn around and pussyfoot right outta here,  cause that is NOT gonna happen today. NO WAY!

Today is my 8th Gotcha Day and rather than read all of that sentimental gushing that Mom usually posts, it's time for ME to take over MY blog and tell you all the TRUTH!

Yeah, I am grateful to have a roof over my head, tons of beds, a really rocking cat tree that is the Rolls Royce of cat trees, (more on that in a few weeks), tons of tasty food and treats for my ample belleh and of course a woofie brother who loves me. I also have ONE PAWRENT  who loves, me, (that would be my DAD!!), the  other, namely my MOM, is a FRAUD!!!

Yes, you read that correctly, my Mom is a FRAUD!!

Want to know what she had the NERVE to do?

Remember last week when I blogged about my Vet trip? Well, Mom had scheduled (HAD being the operative word), an appointment to see "Dr.Smiley" and his Evil Assistant to get my rabies vaccine, for YESTERDAY....just ONE DAY BEFORE MY GOTCHA DAY!

I ask you kitties, who schedules a trip to the Vet for a vaccine or ANYTHING one day before a Gotcha Day? MY TRAITOR MOM, THAT'S WHO!

No worries, furiends, I showed HER!

You know what I did? 

Mom pulled THIS OUT:

courtesy of Kitty Kush Catnip

Let me tell you, it took EVERY ounce of self-control for me NOT to go nuts over this catnip. Why didn't I?  Well, I have had it kitties! For six of my eight years I have endured countless intrusions by my Mom when I am trying to get some rest. All I hear is "Oh Cody!! Come here! You will LOVE this!" and then the clicking, prodding, and sweet-talking starts. Just to USE ME for product reviews! 

Sorry, Mom, but that Vet trip that ALMOST took place one day before my Gotcha Day was the game changer.

I don't care that the makers of Kitty Kush Catnip were:

I don't care that all you have to do is:

courtesy of Kitty Kush Catnip
I don't care that Kitty Kush Catnip is:

courtesy of Kitty Kush Catnip

Oh normally I would care about all that makes Kitty Kush Catnip catabulous,  but after Mom's little planned trip to the Vet that I TOTALLY ended up sabotaging, there was going to be not one whisker's worth of cooperation from me! NO WAY! You see, I REFUSED to look at the camera, I REFUSED to roll around in the midst of catnip bliss, tossing my ample belleh this way and that. I am  NO LONGER YOUR TRAINED SEAL MOM!! I'm a CAT! I have a MIND OF MY OWN and this is MY blog!! You are NOT the BOSS OF ME!!! (Well, at least til my next meal).

If you want to see super cute videos of cats that cooperated with their Moms (because they have NICE, LOVING MOMS who wouldn't dream of scheduling a trip to the Vet ONE DAY BEFORE THEIR GOTCHA DAYS).....you can click HERE and HERE!! But you are NOT going to see some cutesy, cutesy video from this guy! NO WAY!! I'm done! Finished! KAPUT!

Oh yes this scared my Mom! She quickly realized the error of her ways and postponed the soiree with Dr.Smiley til next week, but that was too little too late Mom. The damage was done!!!! You won't get ANY further cooperation from me for quite a while!

But...for the REST OF YOU my furiend at Kitty Kush Catnip felt really bad for me. So bad in fact, that he agreed to have a give-away!!!

YES!! He said that in honor of my EIGHTH GOTCHA DAY, EIGHT OF MY PALS could win their own Kitty Kush Catnip Grinder, (an approx. $11 value!) !!! (My apologies to my International readers, but this give-away is open to those residing in the U.S. and Canada only). 

Entering is super easy! Just enter on the Rafflecopter below!! Good luck!!!!


  1. Kitty Kush Catnip is the best! Happy Gotcha Day, Cody!
    Gus, Pearl, and Jaq

  2. Happy gotcha day, Cody! If you don't want that nip, I'll take it off your paws!

  3. We love Kitty Kush too! ...Cody, at least she didn't take you to Dr. Smiley ON your gotcha day. That's just elebenty hundred shades of wrong.

    Happy Gotcha Day!!!

  4. Happy Gotcha Day! And yeah, do whatefur ya want - today and everyday!

  5. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody!
    We hope you get to catabrate at least 8 or 80 more...so your Mom can make all those wrongs into rights! MOL!
    And thanks for the giveaway! We think that is a great idea to have a grinder...how classy:)

    1. Thank you! You are right! It will take her at LEAST 80 years to make it right! MOL! Yes, the grinder is purr genius!! Love, Cody

  6. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! Even though your mom scheduled the vet appointment around your Gotcha Day, we think you are pretty lucky to have found her.

    1. Thank you!!!!! Yes and she DID postpone it til next week (people missed that part...MOL). Maybe I will cut her some slack...MAYBE! Love, Cody

  7. Happy Gotcha Day Cody - you found a great mom and are a lucky kitty!

    1. Thank you but if you ask me, SHE is the lucky one. MOL MOL MOL! Love, Cody

  8. MOL - oh Cody! Happy Gotcha Day to you and sorry that you had to get a shot. That's no fun! I think your mom probably learned her lesson ;) I think these Kitty Kush grinders are such a cool product. Callie would love to win one so I entered. Thank you!

    1. Thank you but Noooo I didn't have to get it! Mom postponed it til next week!!!!! Kitty Kush IS cool!!! Good luck! Love, Cody

  9. Cody, you aren't the only one with a bad Mom! The Mom made me go to Dr. Stabby one day before my birthday whee they flattened me out like pancake for an x-ray no less!! I hope your mom learned a valuable lesson!

    1. Milita now THAT is just NOT RIGHT!!! My Mom remembers that!!! What is with these awful Mamas???? But...I know your Mom just ADORES you and wants you to feel better, so in your case, it is a little different. But...it's still NOT RIGHT!! Love, Cody

  10. Happy Gotcha Day Cody and remember the old saying: Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. :)

  11. A very Happy Gotcha day Cody, and so glad you got some nice revenge on the Mom. That was a good review though. Hope you have a great day and I bet the Mom is going to be nice to you today. You all have a great day.

    1. Thanks so much!!! Yep I "done" good! MOL!!! Thank you about the review too! You have a great day also! Love, Cody

  12. Hahaha, Cordy! I love how you're supporting your Mom in blogging!!! Happy Gotcha-Day!

  13. Happy Gotcha Day Cody!!!!!!

    You sure told your Mom off but good. But maybe you should remember she feeds you.

  14. Oh no wonder you're a bit "miffed" by your Mom scheduling you to have a SHOT before your Gotcha Day! Well, at least she made up for it by giving you that cool "nip grinder" !! But FIRST THINGS FIRST - HAPPY GOTCHA DAY Cody! I hope you get lots of extra love today. You deserve it!

    Hugs, Sammy

  15. Happy gotcha day Cody! We're so glad you got gotted! Sheesh, so glad you didn't get poked and prodded the day before your big day! Hope she forgets to reschedule! hee hee!

    1. Thank you!!!!!! Me too but we are too late, she scheduled it for next Wednesday!!!!! Hissssssssss.....love, Cody

  16. Cody, we know all about lame Moms, but deep down we know yours is really pawesome! Hope you have a spectacular summer day, we raise a niptini in your honor. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY BUDDY!
    Harry, Dexter, Tipp and Willow

    1. Hey! Pass one of those Niptinis my way!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeasse!!! Love, Cody

  17. Happy Gotcha Day to you! I'm sure your mom really does love you. Humans sometimes do the wrong thing, but don't mean anything by it. I would love to win one of those grinders for my cat bro Bert!

    1. thank you!!!! She sure has a strange way of showing it! Good luck!!! Love, Cody

  18. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! We know your mom loves you dearly, no matter what she does. BTW, we actually don't think it's too bad that she had scheduled your appt for yesterday. It would have been awful, however, if she had scheduled your vet appt for today!

    1. yeah, yeah, "yadda, yadda, yadda" MOL!!!!! Don't think the thought of scheduling it for TODAY didn't cross her mind. If TODAY was going to be the ONLY day that "Dr.Smiley" and his Evil Assistant were going to be available, my fat gray ass would have been hauled there, Gotcha Day or NO Gotcha Day!!! MOL!!!! Love, Cody

  19. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody!

    Purrs, hugs & kisses xx

    Athena and Marie

    1. Thank you and purrs hugs and kisses back at ya! Love, Cody

  20. Happy Gotcha Day sweet, handsome Cody. How nice of you to have a give away on your special day. That is such a cute idea, those nip grinders look fantastic.

    1. Thank you!!! I always try to do something on Gotcha Days and Birthdays, but often my Mom drops the ball in reference to making THAT happen too! Love, Cody

  21. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody. Good job training your Mom person.

  22. Welcome to my world, Cody MOL! Happy 8th Gotcha day. You certainly showed the Mom who's boss! ;)

    1. Thanks pal!! You know, we REALLY MUST do something about our inept help! Love, Cody

  23. We're big fans of Kitty Kush, too. Happy gotcha day, Cody! You should be celebrating with lots of nip and no vet visits.

  24. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! I hope you'll forgive your mom for the error of her ways :-)

    1. Thank you!!!! Well, one of these days I will, but not anytime soon! Love, Cody

  25. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! Loved your post today!

  26. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! I'm sorry your mom has to trick you for trips to the vet man. It's only because we love our fur babies and want them to be healthy.

    1. Thanks so much! But...there was no "tricking" about it MOL! She just blatantly scheduled the first appt right there with me listening to her!! Finally, she came to her senses and re-scheduled it for NEXT week! Love, Cody

  27. Happy, Stupendous, Spectacular Gotcha Day to you Cody..... You do deserve a wonderful day off.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

    1. Thanks so much but a "day off?" Are you KIDDING ME? And leave that inept woman in control of everything here? Not a chance my furiend, not a chance! Love, Cody

  28. Happy Gotcha Day Cody - just fancy your Mom booking a vet appointment for you but at least she changed it until next week - hope that doesn't give you nightmares!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  29. Poor, sweet Cody...I think you should move to my house. Just sayin'...

    Happy Gotcha Day!!!

  30. Oh Cody, you had to see Dr. Stabby and test products for your Gotcha Day? I hope you're being pampered all day with anything you want. BIG smoochies from me, Merlin, Domino, Odin,& Nou Nou! We received a sample of Kitty Kush from the owner months ago and they're a nice, small Canadian company.

    1. Noooo Mom ended up cancelling the appt and re-scheduled it for next week. She realized when I wouldn't cooperate that she had to cancel the appt :) Yes, we know the company and the owner is quite catabulous! Love, Cody

  31. Cody! Mes LOVES your post! So heartfelt and true!!! Thats why yous one of my FAVORITE man Cats!!! Now mes will sings yous the song!
    *•.¸¸♪♫•Happy Gottcha Day to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•¸¸.•*
    ¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day Dear Cody!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•

    1. Why thank you Nellie!!! That's just one of many reasons why I love you...you have known me a LOOOONG time and know exactly all of the times my Mom has screwed up! MOL!!!! Thank you for the most lovely Gotcha Day song!!! Love, Cody

  32. We got a few Kitty Kush grinders at BlogPaws, and boy do we love them!!! So we are going to pass on the giveaway, since we already have some. Oh, and Cody.. WAY not cool of your mom to schedule a vet visit the day before your gotcha day!!! But you know what?! Our mom actually took Sassy to the vet ON her birthday last year. At least you didn't end up having to go. But seriously.. not cool. However, your mom does a lot of cool things for you... like get you Kitty Kush and your favorite noms. So maybe you will find it in your heart to forgive her soon... ;)

  33. Happy Gotcha Day Cody!!!! Yep, the Mom is in a wee bit of trouble, again!

  34. Happy Gotcha Day Cody! I'm sure mom will make up you!

    1. Thank you! She sure better! Do you believe she didn't even get me a present????? The nerve! Love, Cody

  35. ♪♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Gotcha Day Dear Cody,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Gotcha Day to you.♪♪

    1. Oh I hear that sweet music now! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Cody

  36. Happy gotcha day pal. So sorry it has been a bummer for you". Dang humans. He he guess you showed your mom". I like your style and will. Have to remember your tips.

    1. Thanks so much my long time pal!!! Oh yesssssssssssss it worked!!! For now....MOL!! Love, Cody

  37. Cody, I'm sorry that you're unhappy. Mom loves you and wants you be protected. If you get rabies you die. Mom doesn't want that. I know your mom and she just forgot the dates. She did postpone the visit.

    About the Kitty Krush catnip - there's a saying that goes, "Cutting off your nose to spite your face." (Translation for cities: You missed having that tasty treat because you were being stubborn.

    Happy Gotcha Day.

    1. Aww thanks my furiend but I am an INDOOR cat! I know, I know...I have to have it anyway and because I live with a woofie!!! Ohhh nooo she KNEW the dates, trust me MOL. She knew!!
      I will play with the catnip when she isn't looking! MOL! That'll teach her! Love, Cody

  38. Happy, happy Gotcha Day!
    have a super week...

    Noodle and crew

  39. Happy Gotcha Day Cody. Maybe next time your mom would look at the calendar before she schedules a vet trip.

    Emma and Buster

    1. Thank you!!! No worries, I wrote further down in the post that it was postponed til next week :) Love, Cody

  40. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! I'm sorry that you had to have a vaccine right before your Gotcha Day. I can't blame you for being upset. Kitty Kush is some pawsome stuff! Cinco and Manna LOVE it. I hope it helps to make up for some of the pain from yesterday.

    1. Thanks Robin! I didn't have to have the vaccine yesterday...I mentioned further down that Mom postponed it to next week ;)
      Love, Cody

    2. Robin, forgot to mention, you are one of the two videos that I linked to in this post too....bet you missed it!

  41. Happy, happy gotcha day, Cody! Hope you have a fabulous day -- you know your mom really does love you. As for your fabulous giveaway, we got one of those at BlogPaws and were going to pass. But since you are giving away 8 and there ARE 3 of us, I decided to throw in my hat. Hope you give in and get to enjoy some of that nip on your special day!

  42. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! We're glad you've had eight happy years in a wonderful home! Yea, a vet visit could ruin any good gotcha day, that's for sure. We have two of the kittykush grinders, so we'll let other friends enter the giveaway.

  43. Happy 8th Gotcha Day from the cats at the Feline Cafe. Do what you want to do!

  44. You sure showed her Cody! Happy Gotcha Day! We got some of that stuffs from BlogPaws and it really is pawesome!

  45. Yay Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!
    Great giveaway, my kitties would love this!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  46. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! We think....though you don't really sound very happy. :)
    You will forgive your Mom...in time....you cats do know how to hold grudges though!

  47. Happy happy gotcha day, you saucy little man, you!! MWA! - Crepes.

    1. Thank you!!! Don't think you saw it, but I featured your video on the blog last week :) (and on Cody's fan page)

  48. Happy Gotcha Day Cody ! We hope you'll forgive your mom... Good luck to our US friends ! Purrs

  49. Happy Gotcha Day Cody! I do sympathise with you. My sneaky lowdown parents were only back one day from their cruise after abandoning me for 16, yes that's right 16 days and they stuffed me in the PTU to have my blood stolen.

  50. Oh Cody yous poor sweet dear. Dat's just not wight. Not wight at all. Da VET wanted to see Lexi and steal hers blood duwin' hers birff mymff (we celebwate all mumff long) but mommy wefused and sed she kuldn't come in till May. (Sissy's mumff is April) So yous wight to go on stwike. Weez got yous back. MOL And we luv da nip. Happy Gotchaday, hope it's just purrfect.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  51. Happy Gotcha Day Cody! What catitude! I think I misjudged you. To tell the truth, I turned my nose up to the Kitty Kush. HAH!

    1. Thank you!!! You TOTALLY kill me!! MOL!! Remember...as for the "catitude", I am my human Mom's SON!! MOL MOL MOL!!

  52. Happy Gotchaday, Cody; thank you for your good wishes. Yes, we are super special aren't we!
    Purrs .. Rainbow

    1. Hi Rainbow!! Thanks for coming by! Happy Gotcha Day again to you too!!! We most certainly ARE special! Honored to share my Gotcha Day with you! Love, Cody

  53. Happy 8th Gotcha Day. Have a fun filled day. Sorry you had to go to the vet right before.
    Sue B

    1. Thanks!! No, I didn't have to go...I mentioned that Mom postponed it but you probably missed that part :)
      Love, Cody

  54. Oh Cody Happy Happy Gotcha! We all hope this has been a great day for you! Many many more dear friend!

  55. Happiest of Gotcha Day wishes to you Cody!! Don't be too hard on your Mom - we think she loves you a bunch!!

  56. Happy Gotcha Day, Cody! Y'know, one year the mom made a vet appointment for me ON MY BIRTHDAY! She's still paying for that. ~Wally

  57. Happy Gotcha Day to you dear Cody! You are a special guy and we are proud to call you our furriend! Hope your day was awesome! Great giveaway to celebrate!

    xoxo Clooney & Neytiri

  58. Oh Cody! So sorry we are late to wish you well for your Gotcha Day!! We actually have the Kitty Kush, so you don't need to enter our name... and we do love it, but then, our Mom wasn't being a traitor with it, or we probably would have acted like you did!! xoxo Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey Gang!

  59. I guess we know where your next hairball is going.

    Happy Gotcha Day

  60. Ok that catnip is a super smart idea.
    Happy Gotcha Day Cody!!

  61. Catzowey Cody! Here is a Man Cat sized HAPPY GOTCHA DAY from me & myself over in San Franfuncisco!
