Friday, June 26, 2015

Cat Book Sneak Peek! Women Who STILL Love Cats Too Much by Allia Zobel Nolan, Cartoons by Nicole Hollander and a Give-Away!

            A when-is-enough-enough (Never!) guide that helps women pinpoint the warning signs of cat codependency so they can course correct and get their lives back—should they really want to—combined with real-life examples of the lengths women go to to please their puddies.


For those of us "of a certain age" the first thing that came to mind when I was sent a proof copy of Women Who STILL Love Cats Too Much by Allia Zobel Nolan, was the classic self-help book for women that was popular in the mid 80s, (Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood). It's premise was that "women who get mired in obsessive relationships" need to find help for themselves.

Are YOU a "woman (or in my opinion, a MAN), Who STILL Loves Cats Too Much?

Do YOU need to help yourself from your obsessive relationship with cats?

Are you covered in cat hair? Do you reek of Feliway? Is your kitty's happiness your one desire? Millions of women struggle with the same challenge. They feel inadequate when it comes to satisfying their kitties. So they wind up on a never-ending quest to do more, be more, give more.

Some say being addicted to cats plays havoc with self esteem, makes you the brunt of jokes, and interferes with quality of life, relationships and careers. Most women feel that's a small price to pay.


I brought this hilariously funny and brilliantly illustrated little book (80 pages of fun), to the hair salon today to occupy me while I  waited for my color to set, and found myself laughing out loud and nodding in recognition throughout the entire book! I give it FOUR PAWS UP and I am certain that you will too!

If you're on the fence about your cat codependency, Women Who STILL Love Cats Too Much can help! It showcases warning signs for those hoping to get their lives back with examples such as:
  • You throw away fifteen or more catnip toys until you find the one your cat prefers
  • She complains because she can't find "Kitty Boo-Boo on TV, so you switch to another, more expensive cable provider. (Katie Isabella, this one is for YOU! I thought of how your Mom leaves cartoons on for you when she leaves the house!)
  • She brings you a dead mouse in the middle of the night and you feel compelled to get up, say "What a good kitty," then take a photo for her Facebook page.
  • He sighs and you immediately run to the cabinet for treats.
  • You won't turn over during the night no matter how uncomfortable you are because you might disturb the cat.
  • You go ballistic when your date sits in your cat's favorite chair (I particularly related to this one from my single days because I did the same thing!)

And oh so many more!

Can you relate?

If you answered yes, what do you think you should do if you love your cat(s) too much?

Read what Allia Zobel Nolan had to say when asked a similar question!

Q. Can you give us three things women who love cats too much can do to course-correct their lives?

A. Well, first, many of us (and I include myself in the quotient), don’t want to course correct.  Our lives may not be as smooth as they would be if we didn’t love cats too much. But then, surely our lives would not be as fulfilled as they are now. But for those who may consider (however briefly) changing, I would suggest: Be firm when it comes to opening and closing the door for your cat.  Do it fifty times, and then leave the door ajar.  Kitty may learn the mechanics of door-opening, and you’ll have ten, maybe twenty, extra minutes in your day.  Here’s another thing: Try (and I say try, because you may have to give in) not to feed puddy every time she stands at her feeding bowl starring at you with soulful saucer eyes. Walk away, engage yourself  in busy work, build a catio…anything to get your mind off that face. If you can’t stand the silence though, wait a while before you fill her bowl. This way, she’ll know you are NOT at her beck and call.  The third thing is to try (I know it’s difficult) to do more outside the house: volunteer, go shopping, get the mail.  If it becomes simply too unbearable, you can always get a video monitor app for your phone to check on them. Course-correcting will not be easy, so take baby steps.

Taking the questions a step further Allia was asked:

Q. What is the most bizarre thing you’ve ever done for your cats?

A.  Well, I don’t consider anything I’ve ever done for my cats “bizarre.” The book notwithstanding, others whose involvement with their puddies may not run as deeply as my own, may think I spoil them—what with insisting on fresh, wild caught (never farmed) salmon for their meals, or hiring a vet technician to come in to the house six times a day to make sure they are okay when I’m away for more than two hours.  Also, when I’m cuddling my newly-rescued baby, Nolan Nolan, I also run my face up and down his fur, imitating the licking gestures a mommy cat makes when she cleans her puddy. I do that because he is under a year old and may be missing being groomed by his birth mom.  But I don’t consider any of that “bizarre.”  However, I read on the web of some woman who actually “married” her cat. Now, to me, that’s bizarre. That’s like marrying your child.

"I know there are women out there who try (many in vain) to cover up their addiction to pleasing their puddies," says Zobel Nolan. "I'm one of them. So I reprised this book for two reasons: to throw cold water in their faces so they snap out of their dilemma and get a life (fat chance), and failing that, to let feline-addicted women know they're a member of a silent sorority who find it impossible to look into their cat's heart-wrenching eyes and say that callous two-letter word 'No.'

"Women like us wouldn't think twice about hiring a personal trainer to exercise our cats' arms and legs while they nap, so the babies don't have to expend the energy," confides Zobel Nolan. "It's just the kind of thing we do, and Women Who Still Love Cats Too Much finally clears the air about it.. I'm just hoping readers will find themselves in these pages and learn to appreciate and laugh at the things we do for love." 

From: Health Communications, Inc.
80 pages
All ages


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Allia Zobel Nolan is an internationally-published, award-winning author of over 200 children's and adult trade titles. Her books reflect her two main passions, God and cats, and include such varied titles as Purr More, Hiss Less:Heavenly Lessons I Learned from My Cat, Cat Confessions:A Kitty-Come-Clean Tell-All Book, The Ten Commandments for Little Ones, The Worrywart's Prayer Book and Whatever:Livin' the True, Noble, Totally Excellent Life

Zobel Nolan lives and loves her puddies way too much in Connecticut with her husband, Desmond Finbarr Nolan, and their feline children, Sineady Cat, the Fraidy Cat, and Nolan Nolan.

ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR: Nicole Hollander created and produced the syndicated cartoon strip, Sylvia for a gazillion years. She blogs six days a week at and offers a Sylvia archival strip every day-as well as links to politics, a cultural commentary, and, of course, more cat videos than you can shake a stick at!

GIVE-AWAY! ENTER TO WIN!!! Allia has generously offered to give a copy of Women Who STILL Love Cats Too Much to THREE of my readers who reside in the U.S. (Our apologies to our international readers). Entering is easy, just enter on the Rafflecopter below (that is if you can pull yourself away from your cat(s) long enough to do so!) GOOD LUCK!


  1. I think my human could be MORE obsessive! Maybe I need to get her this book to set her straight.

  2. Looks like a good book and I'm sure I can relate!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  3. Oh boy! My Mom has always said you can't love a cat too much! Maybe if she read this book she'd change her mind (I hope not!!!!!).

    Love, Sammy

  4. I LOVE this because my mommy does many of these things. She does leave my baby shows on most times and she does endure awful bed positions to keep from disturbing me. She sees my eyes and can't say no. The list is endless. MOL.

    1. Oh I know she does!! Did you see that I linked to you about the TV shows? lol!!! Good luck! I will check and see if your entry got in.

  5. I'm not good with Rafflecopter so I hope I got my entries in.

  6. That sounds like a good book. I could be President of this group for sure. Nothing better than loving all my cats. And they do love you back. Have a great day Caren.

  7. MOL! This book was made for the mom. Or rather...written for her, about her, etc. :)

  8. I don't travel as much as I would like because I am afraid they will miss me.

  9. If I wasn't allergic I'd be the cat lady. I know I would.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday honey. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  10. HAH! I love the part about taking a pic of the mouse to put on THE CAT’S FB page! TW would do that AND she’d blog about it on MY BLOG. When she gets up in the morning and I’m still in bed, she won’t open the blinds until I get up cos she doesn’t want to disturb me!

  11. This looks like such a FUN book!!!

    How much do I love my kitties??? They are my heart, my world, my joy... I can't imagine life without them.


  12. I sleep in a queen size bed and my cat Mushu takes up over half and I let him. He some times sleeps on my pillow with me and try not to move much and disturb him.

  13. I get up and do what they need every time they meoe. I make sure they have foo, treats , toys, and a clean litter box before i even make my coffee. They get the spot in my bed even if i have to move and be uncomfortable. And i get up at 4am every day to feed them. I am there slave!

  14. Haha, this is great!!! I am already known as the crazy pet lady hahaha!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. Sounds very innewestin'. Mommy sez it's not pawssible to luv a kitty too much. MOL Have a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  16. This looks like an awesome book and something we can all relate to.

  17. That's sounds so good and very relatable!

  18. I'm sure there are a few relatable good laughs in there for sure! Good luck to efurryone! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  19. How can you love a cat "too much" ? Purrs

  20. Oh, I would love to win a copy of this one. Looks hysterical.

  21. Looks like a fun read but I can't relate to it at all. I don't care what my wife says. ;)

  22. MOL! Sounds like a great book! I wish Allia all the success with it!

  23. Sounds like a super book, thanks for letting us know about it!
    Have a great weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  24. I really love it ... I must be a crazy cats women.
    When it's not summer time, I have the feeling that my main task is .... opening doors.
    Too bad I cannot enter to win this book.
    Douce soirée
    Nat à Chat

  25. I didn't think you could love your cat tooo much *mol*


  26. We're not entering because we'll be reviewing it too...but great review!

  27. Not that I'm "of a certain age"....ahem, but I do remember that book. This book sounds fun. Does setting up a "playpen" in our bathtub, so Sam has a place to play and hang out away from the dogs mean we love her too much? :)

  28. Caren, Mommy was rolling around on the floor laughing when she read your post...mes thinked that everything yous wanted was the way things SHOULD bes!
    Cody, does yous agree?

  29. I'm back again to re-read the blog, not to enter again (I hope my entry the other day too as raffle copter and I do NOT get along at ALL). This is a funny book that I will buy if I don;t win it (which I never do. heheheeee).

    1. I checked the entries and you are there! xoxo Good luck!

  30. Obviously, I love them too, too much, but they deserve it! I could really relate to the food bowl filling and the door opening. Hope to win this book. Hugs, Janet
    p.s. We did get your very sweet e-card and appreciate it so much. Hope Cody enjoys his goodies.

    1. Good luck!! Ohhh Cody LOVES them! I had to move the date I will be blogging about his "goodies", I am shooting for July 9th!! :)
      Love from all of us!

  31. I don't see the problem...MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

  32. Oh, I could so relate to most of these things. I know I'm co-dependent on them and that I'm OCD, but hey, that's okay. :-)

    The book looks quite funny, though it seems it's not available on KOBO?

    -Kim...the biped servant

  33. The author seems really funny!
    Purrsonally, I don't think there's such a thing as too much a human can do for their kitties ;-)

  34. I remember those books. Very funny!

  35. I don't have any cats, but I do enjoy reading about them, and I think this would make a great gift for a cat-loving friend of mine.

  36. That sounds like such a fun book!
