Wednesday, April 15, 2015

PURE cat portraits by Lucas- are "Pure" Perfection!! Enter to Win!

There are coffee table  books that feature cats, and then there are MAGNIFICENT coffee table books that feature cats. PURE cat portraits by Lucas falls into the latter category.

Photo courtesy of Lucas and cats

Sizable, (as a proper coffee table book SHOULD be), this book is heavy in weight and HEAVY in content. (It is 192 pages). The content being exquisitely photographed pictures of cats.Photos that capture the beauty that is cats. Photos that capture their quirkiness and the differences and similarities that all cats possess.

From Lucas and Cats:
For over a year, Lucas De Boeck has been photographing the most beautiful cats
in his native Flanders. True divas, hunters, “bon-vivants” and the furriest
cuties posed in front of the camera. From the thousands of pictures that emerged
from these photo shoots, we selected the best on the basis of the ‘ooh’s’ and
‘aah’s’ they elicited.

The Pure Collection is a selection of photographs by Lucas De Boeck, featuring all types of pedigreed cats. The photography is as pure as possible: on a white background, with as little distraction from objects or persons as possible, putting the cat front and central in the picture.
Each cat attributes something different to the picture: whether by their gaze, attitude or interaction with other cats. The models also get to choose whatever they want to do: they aren’t forced to pose, but are guided in front of the camera with a toy or treat.

Regardless of what they are doing, each cat is photogenic. They’re all gorgeous in their own, unique way, and they don’t need to pose to get a good picture: they just need to look themselves.

Each of the pages in PURE cat portraits by Lucas, are  printed on high quality glossy paper which greatly enhances the "pure"  aesthetic pleasure  that one will derive when gazing at the stunning photographs.  PURE features cats, cats and MORE cats. The breed featured in the photo is listed at the bottom, and many of the photos are broken down into various categories, but what adds to the enjoyment of this book, is that it focuses on the glorious photos and NOT words.

From Lucas:
We often link human emotions to our cat's behavior and since no cat is the same, very image in this book shows a unique personality. The captions at the bottom of the following pages merely reflect my interpretation of the pictures, and it's entirely possible that you interpret them differently.

PURE cat portraits by Lucas would make the perfect gift for the cat lovers in your life. It is suitable for any occasion and is likely to be placed in a prominent area in one's home. Mother's Day is right around the corner and PURE cat portraits by Lucas would make a superb gift! One that I am sure will be cherished for many years to come!

Hardcover: 192 pages
ISBN: 9789082302400
Dimensions: 30 x 24 x 1.9 cm

One lucky person who resides in the U.S. (Apologies to our International readers but due to the size and weight of this book, the give-away is limited to the U.S.), will win a copy of PURE cat portraits by Lucas. Entering is easy!!! Just enter on the rafflecopter below. Good luck!

In full disclosure:I was not compensated for this review/give-away. I was sent a copy of PURE cat portraits by Lucas in exchange for my honest review.


  1. What a pawsum book Cody. And what gawjus kitties. Altho' nun can hold a candle to you.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  2. What wonderful photography - this certainly looks like the purrfect Mothers Day gift!

  3. The photos posted are stunning! I wonder if he has any Somali cat photos.

    1. He does! I have a copy of the book and there are some Somali pictures on his Facebook page. :-)

    2. yep he does. I know I definitely saw one, not sure how many more, but there was definitely one!

  4. Stunning pix. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Looks like a great book. I think cats are very photogenic. I did not enter the drawing only because I am in the downsizing part of my life and all new books have to fit on my kindle. ;)

  6. What a beautiful book.........the representational photos are just gorgeous. Nice coffee table books are fun to have - they're more like works of art than books!

    Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam

  7. The photos are gorgeous. Good luck to our US friends. Purrs

  8. A pawfection collection! Pawfect photos, according to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

    Good luck, ahem, to all our US of A buddies n' stuff! :)

    Penny's alleged human,


  9. Thanks for the chance. Looks like a wonderful book. I love cat books.
    Sue B

  10. That guy really knows how to takes pictures of cats!!!

  11. Wow, these photographs are absolutely stunning. Good luck to all of the contestants!

  12. I'm in. Such beautiful cats.

    Have a purrfect day Cody. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  13. What gorgeous photos. I love photography so any cat photography is of great interest to me!

  14. Wow professional photos of kitties. This is a must see.

    Emma and Buster

  15. Cats always belong on the coffee table!

  16. We have cats on our coffee table all the time. MOL!

    What a beautiful book!

  17. That would be a nice book to win. The photography is beautiful.

  18. Those are gorgeous photographs!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  19. That has got to be a beautiful book from beginning to end. It has us in it. xo

  20. I love cat photography books! Looking at cat photos is so calming :)

  21. Hubby would love that book fur his birthday or Father's Day...I wouldn't mind if fur Mother's Day!
    Wow! What lovely pictures!

  22. What gorgeous images and i am sure the lucky winner will be thrilled to have such a stellar book :) hugs Bev XX

  23. I had never heard about this book before, but it seems awesome. The pictures are beautiful. Unfortunately I can't enter the giveaway.

  24. Gorgeous and the white background makes the cat pop. They could all be ads.

  25. Gorgeous and the white background makes the cat pop. They could all be ads.

  26. We bet the book is absolutely gorgeous as evidenced by the photos, sounds wonderful!
