Dear Sparkle,
I kicked my Mom off of
the computer because I think that it should be ME writing the book review
It only seems right
that I should write the review and not my Mom because you wrote this advice
book for CATS ONLY.
Mom is not a CAT. I am
a CAT, so I do the review.
Love, Cody
Dear Sparkle,
I would like to thank
you for taking the time to sign my book. That was pretty darned cool of you.
Especially being as famous as you are.
Love, Cody
Dear Sparkle,
I really like how you
have the replies to the letters seeking advice from assorted kitties broken
down into various CAT-egories such as:
I can see how you are
famous. You organized this stuff really well. If a kitty has a problem that
purr-tains to a certain CAT-egory. All they gotta do is put their paw on the
right chapter.
Love, Cody
Photo courtesy of Janiss Garza |
Dear Sparkle,
The photos that you
have in this book are of superior quality. I understand your human captured
your beauty by herself? Wow! She is purrty darned talented. I like how she put
your sagacious words under each photo.
You have trained her
Love, Cody
Dear Sparkle,
I liked the advice
letter about “Playtime Time Out” Wanna
know why? My Mom is super lazy. She doesn’t play with me enough. She says she
has BLOGS to write, BLOGS to read, it’s all about BLOGS, BLOGS, BLOGS!
When she does try to
play with me, I go through my “cobra-routine” on the carpet. I stretch out and
barely move. This frustrates Mom and she stops playing with me.
I guess I need to
follow your advice and show some
enthusiasm when I play and maybe she will play with me longer.
Love, Cody
Dear Sparkle,
Thanks for printing the
letter about “Housekeeper Havoc.” I
could really relate.
I have a housekeeper
who comes to my house and moves things around and makes everything smell AWFUL! She even has the nerve to tell
me that she knows when I have POOPED!
She tries to cover up the smell after I have worked so hard to make it smell
like ME in my litter box.
You are right about the
sucky monster dust inhaler not being dangerous, as long as I stay out of its’
Thanks for the advice.
I could really relate
to “Scared
for my life” who wrote that letter.
Love, Cody
Dear Sparkle,
I want to thank you for
answering the age-old question of why cats have expressive ears. I am sure a
lot of kitties and their humans wanted to know the answer. You said, “it’s
because we don’t have eyebrows”
You aren’t just
beautiful, you are brilliant.
That’s why you make the
big bucks.
Love, Cody
Dear Sparkle,
It’s about time that
SOMEONE addressed the issue of “Nickname Nightmare” as you did in
your book.
Humans need to realize
that we don’t like nicknames. I hate being called “Codester”, “Jelly Belly”,
“Co-Dependent” and a host of other ridiculous
Thanks for your advice
of telling us “when your human mangles your name, make yourself scarce.”
Keep up the great work!
Love, Cody
Dear Sparkle,
4-paws up on your idea
for Vet Care Reform: “put the vets into carriers and bring them to US, instead
of vice versa.”
Love, Cody
Photo courtesy of Janiss Garza |
Dear Sparkle,
I think your book is a
MUST HAVE for any kitty worth their kibble. Who better to go to for answers to
our burning questions than ANOTHER CAT?
You are right, about
humans possibly not liking some of what they read. Sometimes the TRUTH HURTS!
I showed your book to
my Mom and in a few instances you helped her see the error of her ways. Will
she change? One can only hope.
You pointed out some
impawtant issues that my Mom and other humans need to pay attention to!
Thanks for taking these impawtant matters into your own paws.
Love, Cody
Dear Sparkle,
Last but not least, I
couldn’t agree more with your “Sparkle Says tidbit: the fact that dogs are
so trainable does not make them smarter than us cats. Since when has being
easily manipulated become a sign of intelligence?”
Love, Cody
Dear Kitties,
Sparkle wrote this book
to solve all of your “kitty conundrums!” There are 70 Questions and Answers, “Sparkle
Says” sidebars and full-color photos throughout.
It is “definitely NOT
your usual human-written cat book!!”
It is available at
booksellers everywhere!
Love, Cody