Hi everyone it's Cody! So, did everyone have a great weekend? I sure hope so! I had to take over the blogging duties today because Mom is a food and cake over-loaded slug.
For those who may not have known, this past weekend was Mom's birthday, she had a great time, in fact, it was SO great, that at the last minute she turned the blogging responsibilities over to ME!
Mom originally was going to read and review Ingrid King's new book,
Purrs Of Wisdom, but Mom had to reschedule that for Monday, November 26th (we thank Ingrid for her gracious understanding when Mom contacted her last week to let her know that due to her being busy celebrating consuming mass quantities of food and cake for her birthday, she couldn't put down her fork, shovel, long enough to read the book over the weekend). Then, Mom was going to blog about her trip to
Purina, which may I remind Mom was the FIRST week of October? I'll do some paw-whapping on her and get her to move her butt on
THAT one!
While I was twitching my whiskers and tapping my paws trying to come up with a topic for today's post, after consulting with my slacker Mom, I have decided to show you a few of Mom's favorite cards that she received for her birthday.
Here you go!
Dad bought Mom the above card. He said it reminded him of yours truly. He said it was because of the crabby face. I have no idea what he is talking about, this card looks
NOTHING like me! I am much more handsome than this sorry kitty!
Mom really oooohed and ahhhhed over this one! Look at how that orange tabby has his paw on top of the kitty's head! MOL! This card was from my Aunt Judy. Mom loves it!
Card is an Ink Loft card from Gartner Greetings Inc.
This card was another from Dad. He said it reminded him of Dakota and I. Nice try Dad but neither the dog NOR the cat looks
ANYTHING like either one of us! Mom loved the card anyway!
Last, but far from least, was a surprise graphic....you'll know who this is from the second you look at it!
Mom received this adorable photo from the gang over at
GLOGIRLY: Katie, Waffles and Katie's uber-talented Mom !! To keep up with all of the fun that goes on over at Katie's blog, click
here to visit! Mom was tickled
PINK to receive this! Thank you again to all at
Glogirly for such a nice surprise!
Mom received other cards that she loved, but I have decided to only feature the ones that pertained to Cats!
Well, that's about it for this Monday's post. Oh wait! I forgot! Mom wanted me to be sure to thank ALL OF YOU who took time out of your busy weekend to stop by our blog and wish Mom a Happy Birthday. She said to be sure to tell ALL of you how special you are and how much ALL of your greetings touched her and made her SMILE! She said that EVERYONE helped make her birthday extra special, and she (and I) are grateful for each and every one of you!!!
Ok, that's enough gushing from me. I'm about to cough up a fur-ball from all of this sugar!
May the FUR be with you!