Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Memorial Day Savings From Hill's Pet Nutrition!

Hi everyone it's Cody! Boy am I ever excited to tell you about something that Hill's is offering in honor of Memorial Day!

Everyone wants to save some green papers, right? You got it! Here is what the nice people at Hill's are offering!

Get $5 off on any bag of Science Diet®
 Dry Pet Food.

You guys are so lucky! I eat another food because of my itchy, "hot spot" allergies,  the name of  said food shall remain nameless, and sadly never offers savings but I digress...

The super cool part is at the same time Hill's is offering $5 off, PetSmart is running a special where they are offering $5 off of  the original price of Science Diet Cat food and $2 off the original price of Science Diet dog food!!  Guess what my penny-pinching pals? BOTH offers may be combined!!

You better pussy-foot on over there in a hurry though! They only have a limited number of coupons and when they are gone they are GONE!!!

Just go to 

and register on their site in order to download the coupon!

and Hey!! Eat an extra bowl for me 'eh?

Love, Cody

I was not compensated for this post. As I said I eat a different food, because of my allergies,  that never has specials so there was nothing in this for me.  Hill's contacted me asking if I would share this with my pals and I figured what the heck, everyone wants to save money! 


  1. Cody you just have the best ideas!

  2. thanks Abby! Can't believe no one else saw this coupon!! xoxoxo

  3. Whoo! Whoo! Too bad me lives so far from a PetSmart...

  4. My dog is shaking and sweating and can't stand on her own what could this be spider bite or ate something toxic?
