I love contradictions. I love when people say "well you don't
LOOK" like you would be _____
fill in the blank. I love people who don't
fit into someone's preconceived notion of what they
SHOULD be based simply on their physical appearance.
If one were to look at him and then be asked what it is he does for a living, their first response would probably be a musician, followed by biker dude, possibly even an owner of a tattoo parlor
(do they even still call them those?) the
LAST thing on their list would be cat-behaviorist-communicator-extraordinaire.
To learn why Cody
is saying this,
read the book! |
When I was given the opportunity of reading an uncorrected manuscript of Cat Daddy, before the official publication date of May 10th, 2012, I was quite aware of exactly WHO Jackson Galaxy is. At least I THOUGHT so.
"Oh yeah, Jackson Galaxy! That biker-looking dude that carries his cat supplies in his guitar case, who has enough body art to cover the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and can reform a terror inducing feline on the Animal Planet's My Cat From Hell, practically with just one look? Hell yeah! I know him!"
I couldn't have been more wrong.
At first glance Jackson Galaxy IS all of the previously mentioned," preconceived- notions based- on- looks- things," he doesn't LOOK like a CAT GUY, Which is exactly part of Jackson's "plan". He wants to trash the concept of what a cat guy (or gal) looks like. He wants a country FULL of cat guys and cat girls, he wants everyone in between to be educated about cats in order to keep millions of cats from dying without homes. He IS a Cat Guy and so much more.
Just WHO IS Jackson Galaxy?
Jackson is sensitive yet strong, he has experienced hard-core addiction in almost every imaginable form, he grew up with dogs, yet works magic with cats, he was at one time dirt-poor and now is living quite comfortably, he was morbidly obese teetering on the verge of killing himself and now he is just a husky guy, he can solve the most difficult cat behavior issues but there was a time he could barely manage his own, (Contradictions, contradictions, remember?), that is, until he met Benny:
From the publisher: Benny, a supposedly "unbondable" cat bearing physical and emotional wounds as raw as Galaxy's own.
Benny tests Galaxy's skills at every turn, challenging and teaching him invaluable lessons not only about how to be better attuned to cat behavior but how to live in the moment (without drugs or crutches), eschew complacency, and accept that you don't always have control.
Jackson's book is insanely descriptive and well-written but he doesn't LOOK like he would be an author. REMEMBER CONTRADICTIONS.
Cat Daddy touched me on many levels. Jackson's uncanny ability/gift of being able to RESIDE in the mind of a cat, (there are numerous bits of cat care advice peppered throughout the pages). It also gave me a knowledge and understanding of Jackson Galaxy THE PERSON, without the trappings of the image portrayed on TV. Through some of Jackson's trials and tribulations in facing his outer and inner demons , it made me stop and think of some that I face of my own.
Jackson Galaxy's name is one example of a complete lack of contradiction. His reach, or his magic, if you will, has touched the lives of cats who are living, and those whose souls are peacefully at rest among the stars, planets, gas and dust of the universe. Jackson Galaxy will touch cats and their owners whom he has yet to meet, and now with the baring of his soul through the pages of this powerful book, he will be able to help many of us escape our own hell and inner demons, whatever those might be.
For every copy of CAT DADDY pre-ordered before May 10, Tarcher/Penguin will donate $1.00 to the cause of saving shelter cats.
Charities that benefit:
I received no compensation for this review. I received an uncorrected manuscript for review purposes.