Some of my favorite entertainment is watching Mom when a holiday is approaching and she is going to have "people" over. That's all you hear, "I'm having PEOPLE over, you must be good! PEOPLE are coming over" No kidding!? I thought you were inviting a bunch of cats, get a grip woman.
I have two favorite games I like to play that are certain to send Mom over the edge.
The first is called "Tabby Table Tease"
This is a great place to make a fort! What I like to do first is roll alllll over the black chairs (this only works once all fur has been removed). I roll and roll to make sure that some new fur adheres just purrfectly. If that isn't noticed I stand up and proceed to test the chair fabric for durability when faced with scratching. That is sure to send Mom into a "Get Cody off of the chair" frenzy!!
Once I have accomplished that, I proceed to lay on the chair, I leisurely stretch my paw out and get my claws stuck in the table cloth. Then I encourage my Sheltie-brother Dakota to come over and start wrestling with me (with claws still stuck in the table cloth). Game isn't over until the tablecloth and dishes start to slide just enough to almost fall off of the table. Notice I said "almost" I'm no fool. I like to hear Mom once again yell to Dad, "Get Cody away from that table, NOW!!!"
Notice there is no evidence of "MOI" playing this game? The game was such a success that Mom was just focused on screaming instead of running to get the "flashy box" like she usually does!
Those pumpkins on the centerpiece were intended for a 2 yr old and an almost 1 yr old (my human nephew and niece). See the feathers on top? What cat WOULDN'T think they are intended to be rolling cat toys!!?? Geeze!
The next game that I like to play is called "Bat The Brisket"
This isn't the actual brisket that Mom served. This photo was taken from Mom made about 10 lbs of brisket and it was all in a giant aluminum pan.
Right before you play "Bat The Brisket" you have to grab your doggie brother (it works much better if the dog has really long fur and gets super close to the oven like Dakota does. No doggie brother? No worries, you can still perform this feat!), make sure you are both in just the right position when Mom is bending halfway into the oven to pull out the heavy brisket and juice filled pans. Then you make your move! You both weave and dart between her ankles making sure to pull out your most annoying sounding "Meow" and that your doggie brother is barking full throttle at the same time! You get 10 points if your Mom yells, BONUS points if the brisket falls to the freshly washed floor. You WIN the game if you get up onto the forbidden kitchen counter (when Mom is in another room) and rustle the aluminum foil just enough for Mom to hear. When the yelling begins YET AGAIN, you get 100 points and you have just won "Bat The Brisket!!"
This is the bucket that Mom uses for cans of pop and bottles of water and ice for when the "people" come over. This bucket is normally full of my toys. (Hehehe). As you can see it is empty, (well except for ME!) All is calm now at "Casa De Cody". My fun is over til the next event when the "people" come over. I can hardly wait!
To show you that I'm actually a pretty thoughtful guy, I am leaving you with a delicious chicken recipe that my Mom made for the "people". Just click on the recipe title below!
Chicken Holiday