Wednesday, September 29, 2010
CLEAN+GREEN®, GIVE-AWAY!! Semi-Wordless Wednesday
Due to the overwhelming response/interest in the blog post I did last Friday (September 24th) for CLEAN+GREEN® by SeaYu, the kind people at CLEAN+GREEN® by SeaYu have offered to give THREE LUCKY WINNERS one can each of CLEAN+GREEN®, Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner for Dogs & Cats!!
To enter just leave a comment on this blog post through Tuesday, October 5th, 2010. Winners will be announced in the "Wordless Wednesday" blog on October 6th, 2010!
Cody and his Dad will "scientifically" enter all of the comments into a giant bowl (we are expecting LOTS of comments) and they will pick 3 winners at random! How is THAT for being "scientific" huh?
So don't pussyfoot around, leave a comment and YOU could be one of the THREE LUCKY WINNERS! GOOD LUCK!
Monday, September 27, 2010
"Purrsnikitty" A Book for "Cat Lovers Young And Old" By Kathy Brodsky
If you are a teacher or have children, if you have nieces, nephews, little cousins or grandkids, if you have ever prepared a child to welcome (or not) a new sibling, or introduced a dog into a home with a cat then you will enjoy Purrsnikitty.
The title is charming. Purrsnikitty which comes from a play on the word "persnickety" which means "over particular, fussy, snobbish, having an aloof attitude" (, is also the name of the main character of the book. She embodies all of the previously mentioned characteristics, (as evidenced by the verse below taken from the book) as do most cats.
Purrsnikitty is the purrfect bedtime book for children. It has adorable illustrations done by Cameron Bennett, is written in rhyme (which children LOVE), it is a quick-read (40 pages, which Moms and Dads love at bedtime!) and in my opinion is ideal for children ages 6 and under.
Sometimes it is hard to know what a child is thinking about and reading a book together at bedtime (or anytime) is a great way to open up a conversation. One of my favorite portions of the book is in the back where there are conversation starters in the form of questions that an adult may ask a child to further engage them . Examples of these questions are:
"Do you have brothers or sisters?"
"Do you remember how you felt when your brother or sister first came home?"
"Do you have a cat?"
"How did your cat get his or her name?"
"Why is it important to look beyond first impressions?" (which is the message or heart of this book)
Cat Chat is lucky to have had an interview with Kathy Brodsky (the author) who is a psychotherapist, author and poet living in New Hampshire. Her first book, Moments in Our Lives, is a collection of vignettes told in verse about life's turning points from birth through old age. With Purrsnikitty, her fourth book, Brodsky was able to combine cat owner’s love of their feline friends with a fundraising contest for animal shelters. She has also published Just Sniffing Around, and My Bent Tree, The Inside Story which the latter two received honorable mentions from The Green Book Festival, 2010.
Now, on to the intervew!
1. Everyone is eager to learn about your new book. Please tell us what it’s all about.
Purrsnikitty is about cats and all of the silly, funny, exasperating things they do. Even if you’re not a cat lover, you’ll have fun reading this book!
2. How did you decide to write for kids? What encouragement helped you along the way?
I’m a psychotherapist, and have been working with people for many years. Even though I see mainly adolescents and adults in my practice, I love kids, taught many to swim, raised two sons of my own, and I love sharing what I know. Children are so receptive to new ideas and are fun to work with. I saw a crooked pine tree and wrote the poem My Bent Tree, which I realized should be a picture book. One thing led to another…and before I knew it, I was writing picture books!
People who have encouraged me are those who read my poems – even before my first book for adults – Moments in Our Lives – was published.
3. How did the idea come about to write a book about cats?
I had written a book about dogs – Just Sniffing Around – and presented this at a women’s group. Following the talk, a woman came up to me and suggested I write a book about cats. I didn’t have a cat, so I looked to my cat-loving friends for suggestions.
4. What responses do you get from kids when you read Purrsnikitty?
Kids and adults love it!
5. What messages do you hope that your readers will take away from this?
In the story, another family member enters the picture. This new addition creates discomfort to our star at first, who then grows to love this new family member. The book’s messages deal with family interaction and tolerance. Also noting how important it is to look beyond first impressions. The questions I always include in the back of all my books present these questions and more, in further depth.
6. What has your illustrator brought to your story? How did you happen to choose Cameron Bennett?
Cameron and I work very closely together to create a complete story. The words and the pictures work together. Cameron is amazing at how he can capture the attitude of each character. We met while I was taking Argentine Tango lessons. Cameron was the tango instructor. Purrsnikitty is our fourth picture book collaboration. The others are My Bent Tree, The Inside Story, Just Sniffing Around – and there will be more. Cameron’s website is
7. Your poetry is delightful. Do you write all of your books in rhyme? And why?
Thank you. Yes, all of my books are in rhyming verse. I like that poetry is very succinct. You can say a lot in just a few words. The rhythm of the word and lines are very important to me. I hear the story.
8. We heard that you had a cat contest! Please tell us all about it.
Since I didn’t have a cat, I thought it would be fun to have a cat contest to find our star for Purrsnikitty. I decided that people should send donations to animal shelters, along with their cat photos. We had the contest locally, and we raised almost $700 for animal shelters. It was Win/ Win for our contestants as well as the shelters. We found our winner and three runners-up. The winner is on every page, and the runners-up have a picture on one page of Purrsnikitty.
9. Do you have a website? How can we pick up copies of your books?
My website is
My books are available through my website – especially if people would like a signed copy with a personal note in the book. Also, they’re available through Barnes and Noble and Amazon. People can also request them through their local bookseller. They are also distributed by Enfield Books.
Thanks so much Kathy for such a precious book that we wish you lots of luck with and for sitting down and chatting with us today!
Cat Chat wishes you the best!
The title is charming. Purrsnikitty which comes from a play on the word "persnickety" which means "over particular, fussy, snobbish, having an aloof attitude" (, is also the name of the main character of the book. She embodies all of the previously mentioned characteristics, (as evidenced by the verse below taken from the book) as do most cats.
"I'm a very special cat!
I say that every day-
I love myself so very much
and always get my way!"
Purrsnikitty is the purrfect bedtime book for children. It has adorable illustrations done by Cameron Bennett, is written in rhyme (which children LOVE), it is a quick-read (40 pages, which Moms and Dads love at bedtime!) and in my opinion is ideal for children ages 6 and under.
Sometimes it is hard to know what a child is thinking about and reading a book together at bedtime (or anytime) is a great way to open up a conversation. One of my favorite portions of the book is in the back where there are conversation starters in the form of questions that an adult may ask a child to further engage them . Examples of these questions are:
"Do you have brothers or sisters?"
"Do you remember how you felt when your brother or sister first came home?"
"Do you have a cat?"
"How did your cat get his or her name?"
"Why is it important to look beyond first impressions?" (which is the message or heart of this book)
Cat Chat is lucky to have had an interview with Kathy Brodsky (the author) who is a psychotherapist, author and poet living in New Hampshire. Her first book, Moments in Our Lives, is a collection of vignettes told in verse about life's turning points from birth through old age. With Purrsnikitty, her fourth book, Brodsky was able to combine cat owner’s love of their feline friends with a fundraising contest for animal shelters. She has also published Just Sniffing Around, and My Bent Tree, The Inside Story which the latter two received honorable mentions from The Green Book Festival, 2010.
Now, on to the intervew!
1. Everyone is eager to learn about your new book. Please tell us what it’s all about.
Purrsnikitty is about cats and all of the silly, funny, exasperating things they do. Even if you’re not a cat lover, you’ll have fun reading this book!
2. How did you decide to write for kids? What encouragement helped you along the way?
I’m a psychotherapist, and have been working with people for many years. Even though I see mainly adolescents and adults in my practice, I love kids, taught many to swim, raised two sons of my own, and I love sharing what I know. Children are so receptive to new ideas and are fun to work with. I saw a crooked pine tree and wrote the poem My Bent Tree, which I realized should be a picture book. One thing led to another…and before I knew it, I was writing picture books!
People who have encouraged me are those who read my poems – even before my first book for adults – Moments in Our Lives – was published.
3. How did the idea come about to write a book about cats?
I had written a book about dogs – Just Sniffing Around – and presented this at a women’s group. Following the talk, a woman came up to me and suggested I write a book about cats. I didn’t have a cat, so I looked to my cat-loving friends for suggestions.
4. What responses do you get from kids when you read Purrsnikitty?
Kids and adults love it!
5. What messages do you hope that your readers will take away from this?
In the story, another family member enters the picture. This new addition creates discomfort to our star at first, who then grows to love this new family member. The book’s messages deal with family interaction and tolerance. Also noting how important it is to look beyond first impressions. The questions I always include in the back of all my books present these questions and more, in further depth.
6. What has your illustrator brought to your story? How did you happen to choose Cameron Bennett?
Cameron and I work very closely together to create a complete story. The words and the pictures work together. Cameron is amazing at how he can capture the attitude of each character. We met while I was taking Argentine Tango lessons. Cameron was the tango instructor. Purrsnikitty is our fourth picture book collaboration. The others are My Bent Tree, The Inside Story, Just Sniffing Around – and there will be more. Cameron’s website is
7. Your poetry is delightful. Do you write all of your books in rhyme? And why?
Thank you. Yes, all of my books are in rhyming verse. I like that poetry is very succinct. You can say a lot in just a few words. The rhythm of the word and lines are very important to me. I hear the story.
8. We heard that you had a cat contest! Please tell us all about it.
Since I didn’t have a cat, I thought it would be fun to have a cat contest to find our star for Purrsnikitty. I decided that people should send donations to animal shelters, along with their cat photos. We had the contest locally, and we raised almost $700 for animal shelters. It was Win/ Win for our contestants as well as the shelters. We found our winner and three runners-up. The winner is on every page, and the runners-up have a picture on one page of Purrsnikitty.
9. Do you have a website? How can we pick up copies of your books?
My website is
My books are available through my website – especially if people would like a signed copy with a personal note in the book. Also, they’re available through Barnes and Noble and Amazon. People can also request them through their local bookseller. They are also distributed by Enfield Books.
Thanks so much Kathy for such a precious book that we wish you lots of luck with and for sitting down and chatting with us today!
Cat Chat wishes you the best!
Friday, September 24, 2010
CLEAN+GREEN®, Product Review
I am always on the prowl for new products that will actually CLEAN pet stains (and to my delight, other stains!), as well as products that will freshen our Cody's litter box (which as all of you kitty lovers know, removing undesirable scents from a litter box is quite a formidable task!), that are safe for our environment (hence "Green") and are safe to use around our pets!
I was excited when the people at CLEAN+GREEN® read a comment of mine on a fellow bloggers list of comments and afforded me the opportunity to test and review two products of my choice.
Before I continue with this post I want you to know that I was not compensated in any way other than receiving the products that I was going to be testing. Opinions stated in this blog post are my own, product details were provided by the kind folks at CLEAN+GREEN®.
"CLEAN+GREEN® are eco-friendly aerosol pet odor and stain remover products. Our line of eco friendly, green cleaning products are made from organic and biodegradable ingredients and packaged so you can recycle the container - now you can clean green! For green pet cleaning, use effective, non toxic, organic home cleaning supplies and keep an environmentally friendly home - with pets."
"CLEAN+GREEN® offers a line of green home cleaning supplies for green carpet cleaning and carpet stain removal, green wood & tile floor cleaning, and green furniture cleaning for pet urine removal, pet stain removal and pet odor removal. The products work on cat urine, dog urine, vomit, hairballs, bird droppings, and small animal urine. They are odor eliminators for cat urine odor, dog urine odor, vomit odor, hairball odor, bird dropping odor, small animal odor, dog smell, cat smell, ferret smell and other small animal smells. CLEAN+GREEN® is a stain remover for urine, feces, vomit, hairballs and any other pet accidents."

The first product I chose to test was CLEAN+GREEN® for the Litter Box, it is a "quick and easy litter box refresher" I was the most skeptical of this product because the litter box is responsible for the majority of pet smells that we experience in our home.
"CLEAN+GREEN® litter box cleaner and odor remover is a natural, green cleaning solution for the removal of cat urine odor and stains from feces, vomit, urine and hairballs in and around the litter box. Made from environmentally friendly, natural cleaning ingredients and packaged to recycle the container, you now have an eco friendly and totally effective cat urine stain and cat urine odor remover that is as safe for your pets’ health as it is for the environment. It works on cat urine odor removal as well as feces odor removal, hairballs and other litter box deposits."
I have nearly ALL of this product left (and it comes in a generous 14 oz aerosol spray can). Why? Because it WORKS! I was stunned! All I did was spray it once around the litter box (with the kitty litter in the litter box) and all offensive odors were gone....I used it a little over a week ago and the odor is STILL GONE.
I was also concerned that possibly with no odor Cody wouldn't use his litter box but that was not the case. I will definitely be ordering this product again!
The next product I was sent to review was CLEAN+GREEN® Carpet & Upholstery/Wood:
"Cleans and permanently removes stain and odor from urine, pet marking, pet spray, feces and vomit in carpets. Made entirely from non-toxic botanicals, this is safe for pets, people and environment."
"Works Instantly and Easily
All Natural Ingredients
Powerful and Effective
Safe for Pets, People and the Planet"
My luck! I get a product to test on carpet/upholstery/wood and there were no hairballs, no pee-pee or poop accidents, NOTHING! What are the odds of that occuring? I did use this cleaner on some old stains (at least a year or so old, let's NOT go into my housekeeping skills here). It worked on a few old coffee stains, and some new stains on our beige cushions on our kitchen chairs, but not on a few OLD pet stains.
I also used all of the entire product rather quickly (14 oz) due to the number of old carpet stains I had in various rooms. (I never professed to be Martha Stewart)
It is my feeling the stains were too old and embedded in the carpet to give this product an honest assessment.
The CLEAN+GREEN® products come with usage instructions (which are super helpful and list all of the many, many places around the home that the long list of CLEAN+GREEN® products are capable of cleaning. They may be used all over your home and fulfill a vast number of needs.
They also have a "Tips and Tricks" toll free number 877-854-6624, an email address: and website (You may also order your products here as well)
With the overwhelming success of my use of the CLEAN+GREEN® Litter Box product I WILL definitely be purchasing it, as well as the Carpet/Upholstery/Wood product, to have on hand when the inevitable pet-poop-pee and hairball events occur, which we all know that they will!
I was excited when the people at CLEAN+GREEN® read a comment of mine on a fellow bloggers list of comments and afforded me the opportunity to test and review two products of my choice.
Before I continue with this post I want you to know that I was not compensated in any way other than receiving the products that I was going to be testing. Opinions stated in this blog post are my own, product details were provided by the kind folks at CLEAN+GREEN®.
"CLEAN+GREEN® are eco-friendly aerosol pet odor and stain remover products. Our line of eco friendly, green cleaning products are made from organic and biodegradable ingredients and packaged so you can recycle the container - now you can clean green! For green pet cleaning, use effective, non toxic, organic home cleaning supplies and keep an environmentally friendly home - with pets."
"CLEAN+GREEN® offers a line of green home cleaning supplies for green carpet cleaning and carpet stain removal, green wood & tile floor cleaning, and green furniture cleaning for pet urine removal, pet stain removal and pet odor removal. The products work on cat urine, dog urine, vomit, hairballs, bird droppings, and small animal urine. They are odor eliminators for cat urine odor, dog urine odor, vomit odor, hairball odor, bird dropping odor, small animal odor, dog smell, cat smell, ferret smell and other small animal smells. CLEAN+GREEN® is a stain remover for urine, feces, vomit, hairballs and any other pet accidents."

The first product I chose to test was CLEAN+GREEN® for the Litter Box, it is a "quick and easy litter box refresher" I was the most skeptical of this product because the litter box is responsible for the majority of pet smells that we experience in our home.
"CLEAN+GREEN® litter box cleaner and odor remover is a natural, green cleaning solution for the removal of cat urine odor and stains from feces, vomit, urine and hairballs in and around the litter box. Made from environmentally friendly, natural cleaning ingredients and packaged to recycle the container, you now have an eco friendly and totally effective cat urine stain and cat urine odor remover that is as safe for your pets’ health as it is for the environment. It works on cat urine odor removal as well as feces odor removal, hairballs and other litter box deposits."
I have nearly ALL of this product left (and it comes in a generous 14 oz aerosol spray can). Why? Because it WORKS! I was stunned! All I did was spray it once around the litter box (with the kitty litter in the litter box) and all offensive odors were gone....I used it a little over a week ago and the odor is STILL GONE.
I was also concerned that possibly with no odor Cody wouldn't use his litter box but that was not the case. I will definitely be ordering this product again!
The next product I was sent to review was CLEAN+GREEN® Carpet & Upholstery/Wood:
"Cleans and permanently removes stain and odor from urine, pet marking, pet spray, feces and vomit in carpets. Made entirely from non-toxic botanicals, this is safe for pets, people and environment."
"Works Instantly and Easily
All Natural Ingredients
Powerful and Effective
Safe for Pets, People and the Planet"
My luck! I get a product to test on carpet/upholstery/wood and there were no hairballs, no pee-pee or poop accidents, NOTHING! What are the odds of that occuring? I did use this cleaner on some old stains (at least a year or so old, let's NOT go into my housekeeping skills here). It worked on a few old coffee stains, and some new stains on our beige cushions on our kitchen chairs, but not on a few OLD pet stains.
I also used all of the entire product rather quickly (14 oz) due to the number of old carpet stains I had in various rooms. (I never professed to be Martha Stewart)
It is my feeling the stains were too old and embedded in the carpet to give this product an honest assessment.
The CLEAN+GREEN® products come with usage instructions (which are super helpful and list all of the many, many places around the home that the long list of CLEAN+GREEN® products are capable of cleaning. They may be used all over your home and fulfill a vast number of needs.
They also have a "Tips and Tricks" toll free number 877-854-6624, an email address: and website (You may also order your products here as well)
With the overwhelming success of my use of the CLEAN+GREEN® Litter Box product I WILL definitely be purchasing it, as well as the Carpet/Upholstery/Wood product, to have on hand when the inevitable pet-poop-pee and hairball events occur, which we all know that they will!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Catty Stacks, A Guest Blog By Haute Or Not Pets Plus Our Featured "Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable Pet" Found On Petfinder!
Cat Chat is proud to present a guest blog by Haute Or Not Pets, their "human" and their resident cat "Marvin"! Today they are bringing to us a review and demonstration of one of Marvin's favorite hide-outs, his Catty Stacks! Soon they will be your kitty's favorite hide-out too! Now....on to the review!
When the Catty Stacks arrived, I have to say I too was a little dubious. I mean, I can give my cat cardboard any old time. Any box that sits on the floor for more than 5 seconds and he's climbing into it - or trying to.
But I set them up, and waited.
Marvin investigated. He sniffed, he prowled. He finally went in. Now, Marvin is a manly cat. He is black and has a physique that's best described as 'heavy-weight boxer'. His middle section did scrape the sides.
So I was dubious - would this suit the huskier of the cat world? Sure they're sturdy,'s have egos... Turns out, the Catty Stacks are sturdy and clip together very well. They hold. And Marvin loves to lurk in one corner of them, with an eye glinting, watching for prey, sticking a paw at the ready to strike any stray string, limbs or feathers on a stick that may waft by out one round hole, and stick his elegant but manly tail out of a corner.
They do indeed fit the huskier cats. In Marvin's case, just - his middle scrapes the sides. However, as the ad says, one size does not fit all! I chose not to make the openings bigger because Marvin loves to be in a space where he can spy, but can also hide.

What I like about them is they are strong, they clip together, and a cat can stalk from within. Marvin actually climbs in and loves to play, lurk and even sleep in them. This is a great, inexpensive play house for cats, and you can build forts and cities and change them up, to keep even the most demanding cat happy.
Catty Stacks are also eco-friendly...all materials are selected for their recyclable, renewable, or sustainable properties. They use highly recycled, post-consumer cardboard, 100% soy-based ink, and felt made from 100% recycled plastic bottles.
Can't image any kitty that wouldn't love a stack as a holiday gift... just sayin'!!!
Catty Stacks? We say, HAUTE!
Speaking of "haute", Cody and I say it is "haute" to "adopt a less adoptable pet!" One that may be a senior or who has a disability/condition that would make he/she less likely to be adopted.

One such cat is Benjamin Parker, We found Benjamin on Petfinder, "BP is an older boy but still very healthy and playful. He is waiting for his soul-mate to read, cuddle and dream of warm places... if thats you, dont keep him waiting."
To get more information about Benjamin or to give him his "furever home" Contact "Caring For Cats" located in West Bloomfield, Michigan at 248-360-4763
4 Paws Up For Catty Stacks!!
But I set them up, and waited.
Marvin investigated. He sniffed, he prowled. He finally went in. Now, Marvin is a manly cat. He is black and has a physique that's best described as 'heavy-weight boxer'. His middle section did scrape the sides.
So I was dubious - would this suit the huskier of the cat world? Sure they're sturdy,'s have egos... Turns out, the Catty Stacks are sturdy and clip together very well. They hold. And Marvin loves to lurk in one corner of them, with an eye glinting, watching for prey, sticking a paw at the ready to strike any stray string, limbs or feathers on a stick that may waft by out one round hole, and stick his elegant but manly tail out of a corner.
They do indeed fit the huskier cats. In Marvin's case, just - his middle scrapes the sides. However, as the ad says, one size does not fit all! I chose not to make the openings bigger because Marvin loves to be in a space where he can spy, but can also hide.

What I like about them is they are strong, they clip together, and a cat can stalk from within. Marvin actually climbs in and loves to play, lurk and even sleep in them. This is a great, inexpensive play house for cats, and you can build forts and cities and change them up, to keep even the most demanding cat happy.
Catty Stacks are also eco-friendly...all materials are selected for their recyclable, renewable, or sustainable properties. They use highly recycled, post-consumer cardboard, 100% soy-based ink, and felt made from 100% recycled plastic bottles.
Can't image any kitty that wouldn't love a stack as a holiday gift... just sayin'!!!
Speaking of "haute", Cody and I say it is "haute" to "adopt a less adoptable pet!" One that may be a senior or who has a disability/condition that would make he/she less likely to be adopted.

One such cat is Benjamin Parker, We found Benjamin on Petfinder, "BP is an older boy but still very healthy and playful. He is waiting for his soul-mate to read, cuddle and dream of warm places... if thats you, dont keep him waiting."
To get more information about Benjamin or to give him his "furever home" Contact "Caring For Cats" located in West Bloomfield, Michigan at 248-360-4763
"Be The Change!"
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Be The Change! Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable Pet Week, Sponsored By Petfinder, Is Sept. 19th-25th
As an early kickoff of "Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable Pet Week", sponsored by Petfinder, September 19th thru September 25th I am featuring a very special guest blog by a wonderful woman I met online, Sherry LeVeque. Sherry wrote a touching piece about her having adopted a "less adoptable pet" (in this case a cat) named "Lucky."

I first learned about "Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable Pet Week" by reading the most popular website for pet bloggers EVER, ( BlogPaws,) this is part of their "Be The Change" campaign where all of us who love pets and blog about them because we love them, attempt to "give back."
What is a pet that is less adoptable? That would include pets who are considered to be "seniors" (ages 7 and above), pets with medical concerns/conditions, feral cats and even pets that happen to be a less popular color. There are many such pets who are worthy of a "furever' home and would make a wonderful and heartwarming addition to someone's family.
Some information about Sherry LeVeque in her own words:
"I came across Caren's Cat Chat via Facebook when I found her heartwarming review of Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper. As for me, my husband and I reside in Genesee County, Michigan with our four "fur kids". I am employed at OnStar as an Instructional Designer for the Emergency Services team. (OnStar can even unlock your vehicle if your pet is inside!) Additionally, I volunteer during adoption events for ARC, a non-profit pet rescue out of Laingsburg, Michigan "
" I really want to send a message about adopting older and/or special needs cats. So many are in shelters and deserve good homes."
Now...I present to you in honor of so many kitties who deserve a loving kitty mama like Sherry, Sherry's story about Lucky:
In 2006, I went on a search for a companion for my eight year old cat, Snickers. Sure, she had lived with other cats before and was currently tolerating Aly, my husband’s dog, but I felt she needed a feline companion. (Thinking back, maybe it was I that needed another feline companion.) I rescued Snickers when she was about six months old after she was found wandering around my apartment complex. She became my loyal companion and helped me through the drama of my single years before I met my husband.
My journey for another cat began with an Internet search on where I stumbled upon a picture of a kitten at the Animal Resource Center (ARC) in Laingsburg, MI. I thought a kitten was perfect for our situation. During my visit to ARC, several cats ran by my legs, but one comical black and white cat instantly caught my eye. At a glance he appeared to be older and had a limp, but nevertheless thoroughly enjoying a game of tag with his fellow feline roomies. Megan, the ARC president, informed me he had been there for over a year because most felt he was too fragile to adopt because he was missing a rear leg. As a kitten, he lost his rear leg and mom when another animal attacked them outside. She said he may end up a ‘sanctuary’ cat due to his special needs. (Cats labeled as ‘sanctuary’ pets at ARC are taken care of for life due to their special needs and limited chance of adoption.) At the time, he also had a couple recurring medical issues yet to be resolved. I immediately felt this rambunctious cat would be the perfect fit for our family.
About a month later, this handsome fellow started his new life in our home with my husband, Snickers, Aly and I. We ironically named him Lucky (aka: Lucky Luciano or Looch). He and Snickers were slowly introduced to ensure a positive relationship, but Lucky was determined to speed up the process. We placed a fenced baby gate in the doorway of the room he was in and he immediately climbed over it to make friends with Snickers. Of course, Snickers wasn’t too thrilled, especially when he wanted to wrestle, but she later came to participate in his games of tag.
Lucky is minimally limited because of his missing leg, but don’t tell him. He can play and runs just as fast as any other cat. He also has a spunky personality and races up and down our hallway as if he were leading the Indy 500. Since he only has one rear leg, he cannot jump. It was agonizing to watch Lucky persistently attempt every possible way to get on our bed. The next day, my husband was kind enough add a small step attachment to the side of our bed so Lucky could enjoy lazy day naps on our bed.
It wasn’t long before Lucky began developing lumps on his chest and front legs. He went through two surgeries to remove the lumps before the receiving the cancer diagnosis. Lucky definitely wasn’t lucky (at that time). Fortunately, steroids have helped prevent the lumps from returning and also treat the arthritis developing in his only rear leg from excessive use. Throughout the vet visits and procedures, Lucky has remained an angel and is ever so appreciative of the care he receives. His determined will and life loving personality has taught me the importance and reward of determination. Where there’s a will, there is a way!

I first learned about "Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable Pet Week" by reading the most popular website for pet bloggers EVER, ( BlogPaws,) this is part of their "Be The Change" campaign where all of us who love pets and blog about them because we love them, attempt to "give back."
What is a pet that is less adoptable? That would include pets who are considered to be "seniors" (ages 7 and above), pets with medical concerns/conditions, feral cats and even pets that happen to be a less popular color. There are many such pets who are worthy of a "furever' home and would make a wonderful and heartwarming addition to someone's family.
Some information about Sherry LeVeque in her own words:
"I came across Caren's Cat Chat via Facebook when I found her heartwarming review of Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper. As for me, my husband and I reside in Genesee County, Michigan with our four "fur kids". I am employed at OnStar as an Instructional Designer for the Emergency Services team. (OnStar can even unlock your vehicle if your pet is inside!) Additionally, I volunteer during adoption events for ARC, a non-profit pet rescue out of Laingsburg, Michigan "
" I really want to send a message about adopting older and/or special needs cats. So many are in shelters and deserve good homes."
Now...I present to you in honor of so many kitties who deserve a loving kitty mama like Sherry, Sherry's story about Lucky:
In 2006, I went on a search for a companion for my eight year old cat, Snickers. Sure, she had lived with other cats before and was currently tolerating Aly, my husband’s dog, but I felt she needed a feline companion. (Thinking back, maybe it was I that needed another feline companion.) I rescued Snickers when she was about six months old after she was found wandering around my apartment complex. She became my loyal companion and helped me through the drama of my single years before I met my husband.
My journey for another cat began with an Internet search on where I stumbled upon a picture of a kitten at the Animal Resource Center (ARC) in Laingsburg, MI. I thought a kitten was perfect for our situation. During my visit to ARC, several cats ran by my legs, but one comical black and white cat instantly caught my eye. At a glance he appeared to be older and had a limp, but nevertheless thoroughly enjoying a game of tag with his fellow feline roomies. Megan, the ARC president, informed me he had been there for over a year because most felt he was too fragile to adopt because he was missing a rear leg. As a kitten, he lost his rear leg and mom when another animal attacked them outside. She said he may end up a ‘sanctuary’ cat due to his special needs. (Cats labeled as ‘sanctuary’ pets at ARC are taken care of for life due to their special needs and limited chance of adoption.) At the time, he also had a couple recurring medical issues yet to be resolved. I immediately felt this rambunctious cat would be the perfect fit for our family.
About a month later, this handsome fellow started his new life in our home with my husband, Snickers, Aly and I. We ironically named him Lucky (aka: Lucky Luciano or Looch). He and Snickers were slowly introduced to ensure a positive relationship, but Lucky was determined to speed up the process. We placed a fenced baby gate in the doorway of the room he was in and he immediately climbed over it to make friends with Snickers. Of course, Snickers wasn’t too thrilled, especially when he wanted to wrestle, but she later came to participate in his games of tag.
Lucky is minimally limited because of his missing leg, but don’t tell him. He can play and runs just as fast as any other cat. He also has a spunky personality and races up and down our hallway as if he were leading the Indy 500. Since he only has one rear leg, he cannot jump. It was agonizing to watch Lucky persistently attempt every possible way to get on our bed. The next day, my husband was kind enough add a small step attachment to the side of our bed so Lucky could enjoy lazy day naps on our bed.
It wasn’t long before Lucky began developing lumps on his chest and front legs. He went through two surgeries to remove the lumps before the receiving the cancer diagnosis. Lucky definitely wasn’t lucky (at that time). Fortunately, steroids have helped prevent the lumps from returning and also treat the arthritis developing in his only rear leg from excessive use. Throughout the vet visits and procedures, Lucky has remained an angel and is ever so appreciative of the care he receives. His determined will and life loving personality has taught me the importance and reward of determination. Where there’s a will, there is a way!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Cat Blogger And "The Beast"
You are probably saying "What in the Sam Hill is she talking about, not forgetting us?"
I post my blog on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It is Monday no blog. Just another rant (I promise this will be a brief one!)
My husband's laptop (for purposes of this blog it will be referred to as "The Beast" from this moment on) is on the fritz. It contracted a virus last night which after having spent from 9pm til 2am having a cell phone glued to my ear speaking to Microsoft, it appears to be fixed.
However we had to remove our anti-virus software. Between going back and forth between Brighthouse, Road Runner and the big red "M" (I am so aggravated I am not even going to mention their real name), the new package we have installed is not functioning properly. (I am eagerly awaiting Road Runner's call as we speak, I can hardly wait to spend another 5 hours on the phone feeling I am in the new, certain-to-be-a-hit NBC TV show "Outsourced"). This also took place between 9am and 2pm today (lottery players notice a pattern here? Grab your pens and paper and play 920 or 290 in the pick 3! When you win, please remember me!)
I blog from my husband's laptop. I can see you all scratching your heads saying then how am I typing NOW? Carefully, very, very carefully. I am on my antiquated desktop which hums and clicks as if it is going to explode at any moment and takes a good 10 minutes between sentences before it allows me to type ANYTHING.
Your reading my blog means the world to me and I wanted to pop on my time-bomb ticking desktop and at least say that as soon as things are repaired Cat Chat will be purring along once again!
Friday, September 10, 2010
"Best Laid Plans" Or The Diary Of A Crazed Cat Blogger
I hate holiday weeks. I especially hate weeks that contain more than one holiday.
I experienced one of those weeks that I hate this week. Monday was Labor Day. Rosh Hashanah (The Jewish New Year) was yesterday, I am Jewish. I had two holidays this week. I hate it.

I thought being out of sync on a holiday week only pertained to those working "traditional" jobs such as I had for over 26 years. You know those Monday holiday weeks where the entire week you are confused as to what day it really is? Add to the mix a newly retired ex-teacher husband who isn't returning to school at the first sign of autumn in the air, but is instead there to chat it up with me in the morning of what would be my normal "blog time" (I do sooo love you honey!), add two days of mass producing food for the Jewish Holiday, stir this recipe and you get blogger combustion!
It really hit yesterday. A friend of mine on Twitter kindly pointed out to me...."Hey Caren, are you aware that you sent your Wednesday follow greetings on Thursday?" (This actually wasn't a direct quote but you get the idea). She had nothing but good intentions pointing out my faux paux. Duh. Fake blonde moment? Too much wine for the holiday? When I messaged her with my complete embarrassment we decided to blame it on the wine. Nice try but I barely drink and frankly had none of the traditional wine for this holiday.
Today is Friday (I think). I woke up this morning later than I would have liked to (7am instead of 5 or 6am) on a blogging day. (I have a self-imposed deadline of my blog HAVING to be posted by 10am on my blog days of Mon, Wed, Fri) See? I am already is now 10:07am.
I had a product review scheduled for today's blog that frankly I wasn't comfortable writing about yet because I didn't have time to sufficiently use the product.
As luck would have it I discovered a piece submitted to me for a guest blog waiting in my inbox. Perfect!! I will move the product review to next week. (Turns out it will be 2 weeks because the person I am doing the review for is getting married this weekend, she won't be back til September 20th and I have a funny habit of wanting the people that I blog about to be able to read a blog about them when it is posted!) Pretty silly notion huh?
Ahhhh. "Best laid plans". I can't use the guest blog today because I need photos of the cat featured in the blog. The author of the guest blog is on a plane soaring back to Michigan as we speak. Hence no photos til late today (at the earliest). Helpful hint: if you are a guest blogger please include photos for the blogger to include when you submit your piece, it is a HUGE help! (smile).
End result? I have no blog scheduled for today. Just this ranting/raving disoriented blogger psychobabble.
I hate holiday weeks. Especially weeks with two holidays.
My husband just called. Train of thought interrupted AGAIN. (I love you honey!!) "Brakes are sounding like a garbage disposal. I need to take my car in"
I'm going back to bed. Happy Friday! Or is it Thursday?
I experienced one of those weeks that I hate this week. Monday was Labor Day. Rosh Hashanah (The Jewish New Year) was yesterday, I am Jewish. I had two holidays this week. I hate it.

I thought being out of sync on a holiday week only pertained to those working "traditional" jobs such as I had for over 26 years. You know those Monday holiday weeks where the entire week you are confused as to what day it really is? Add to the mix a newly retired ex-teacher husband who isn't returning to school at the first sign of autumn in the air, but is instead there to chat it up with me in the morning of what would be my normal "blog time" (I do sooo love you honey!), add two days of mass producing food for the Jewish Holiday, stir this recipe and you get blogger combustion!
It really hit yesterday. A friend of mine on Twitter kindly pointed out to me...."Hey Caren, are you aware that you sent your Wednesday follow greetings on Thursday?" (This actually wasn't a direct quote but you get the idea). She had nothing but good intentions pointing out my faux paux. Duh. Fake blonde moment? Too much wine for the holiday? When I messaged her with my complete embarrassment we decided to blame it on the wine. Nice try but I barely drink and frankly had none of the traditional wine for this holiday.
Today is Friday (I think). I woke up this morning later than I would have liked to (7am instead of 5 or 6am) on a blogging day. (I have a self-imposed deadline of my blog HAVING to be posted by 10am on my blog days of Mon, Wed, Fri) See? I am already is now 10:07am.
I had a product review scheduled for today's blog that frankly I wasn't comfortable writing about yet because I didn't have time to sufficiently use the product.
As luck would have it I discovered a piece submitted to me for a guest blog waiting in my inbox. Perfect!! I will move the product review to next week. (Turns out it will be 2 weeks because the person I am doing the review for is getting married this weekend, she won't be back til September 20th and I have a funny habit of wanting the people that I blog about to be able to read a blog about them when it is posted!) Pretty silly notion huh?
Ahhhh. "Best laid plans". I can't use the guest blog today because I need photos of the cat featured in the blog. The author of the guest blog is on a plane soaring back to Michigan as we speak. Hence no photos til late today (at the earliest). Helpful hint: if you are a guest blogger please include photos for the blogger to include when you submit your piece, it is a HUGE help! (smile).
End result? I have no blog scheduled for today. Just this ranting/raving disoriented blogger psychobabble.
I hate holiday weeks. Especially weeks with two holidays.
My husband just called. Train of thought interrupted AGAIN. (I love you honey!!) "Brakes are sounding like a garbage disposal. I need to take my car in"
I'm going back to bed. Happy Friday! Or is it Thursday?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
"Careers For Your Cat", A Review By Cody
I knew I was in trouble the day I saw my Mom open a big envelope and out popped a book with a eye-catching red cover (you know, supposedly the only color that cats can see is RED. I am just full of fun facts, don'tcha know?). The title of the book was Careers For Your Cat. I looked around. I seem to be the only cat around here. I came to the conclusion that the book was meant for ME. What nerve! I HAVE a job! Mom has been out of work for 3 years due to the economy (or so she likes to say....ha!! Kidding!! That was a joke Mom! Feel free to laugh at any time!!) and Dad just retired in June. My Sheltie brother thinks he has a job, barking at every sound, object or person known to man.
I HAVE A JOB! Who do you think is responsible for Cat Chat? ME! I am the brains behind Cat Chat! Without me there would be no Cat Chat!
Well, with it being Labor Day and all I decided to pretend that I don't have a job and took a look at the book. This book is really, really clever and cool! There is no other book out there like this one! It was written by Ann Dziemianowicz (now THAT is a mouthful of kibble for ya! Sorry Ann! I had to have my Mom type that one for me! Let her get in trouble if it is misspelled, not MOI!). Ann is a cat-coaching expert and a cat-career expert (a "cat career expert?" I never knew there was such an animal). She has helped all kinds of kitties get viable employment. That is pretty impurrsive!!
I had my Mom help me turn the pages and we saw a special test called the "Meowers-Briggs Personality Quiz". You take this quiz with your kitty parent (so they can check the boxes for you) and it tells you what your purrsonality is.
I think my Mom made a mistake when she was marking down the answers that I told her because it said that I am "Inert Introvert/Extravert". (I tested really close on one part so that is why I came out as Introvert/Extravert). The good part is that gave me more careers to choose from!
The book says I should be a Security Guard (sorry but we have my Sheltie brother for that!), a Solar Technician (yeah I do love to lay in the sun and show my belleh), a Software Engineer (I love to paw around with my Mom's 'puter and printer) or a Product Tester. (I will test any product that is food related!!)
Since I love the camera and have a purrfect purrsonality my Mom and I think I could also be a TV News Anchor. I also have a special talent for kneading so my top choice would be a Pastry Chef (I would love that the most cause I could eat my creations!), or I could put my magic paws to good use by being a Spa Therapist!
I also love to greet everyone at the door, shake paws and let them rub my belleh so I would make a good Politician! that I am thinking about it I don't recall there being any careers for us writer kitties! Maybe cause we furlance and don't bring home a regular purrcheck.....I bet that is why!
The drawings in this book are super cute, my Mom and I really loved looking at all of the cats with all of their various jobs. The drawings were done by Ann Boyajian who must be a very clever lady cause these were some really funny and creative illustrations!
There is even a section for kitties nervous about having a job interview. It tells you how to have a purrfect interview every time and gives you advice to enable you to pounce on that career that you really, really want!
If I ever stop being the inspiration and brawn for Mom's blog then I might just have to try out one of the careers listed in Careers For Your Cat.
For now, for any of you kits who might be just lolling around watching TV, birds and who lie in front of the window sunbathing all day, you may want to get your paws on Careers For Your Cat so you can bring home some bucks for some extra kibble or shrimp. Tell your human or parent they can buy you the book at or if they like to tweet on Twitter they can follow Ann @Careers4YourCat
Now if you will excuse me I have to go and stretch out in my favorite sunbeam. Think I will take Careers For Your Cat with me so that I can hide it from my Mom. Don't want her getting any ideas about me having a second job! I "labor" enough around here, this is my day to relax, let HER worry about the blog for once!
Happy Labor Day All!!
I HAVE A JOB! Who do you think is responsible for Cat Chat? ME! I am the brains behind Cat Chat! Without me there would be no Cat Chat!
Well, with it being Labor Day and all I decided to pretend that I don't have a job and took a look at the book. This book is really, really clever and cool! There is no other book out there like this one! It was written by Ann Dziemianowicz (now THAT is a mouthful of kibble for ya! Sorry Ann! I had to have my Mom type that one for me! Let her get in trouble if it is misspelled, not MOI!). Ann is a cat-coaching expert and a cat-career expert (a "cat career expert?" I never knew there was such an animal). She has helped all kinds of kitties get viable employment. That is pretty impurrsive!!
I had my Mom help me turn the pages and we saw a special test called the "Meowers-Briggs Personality Quiz". You take this quiz with your kitty parent (so they can check the boxes for you) and it tells you what your purrsonality is.
I think my Mom made a mistake when she was marking down the answers that I told her because it said that I am "Inert Introvert/Extravert". (I tested really close on one part so that is why I came out as Introvert/Extravert). The good part is that gave me more careers to choose from!
The book says I should be a Security Guard (sorry but we have my Sheltie brother for that!), a Solar Technician (yeah I do love to lay in the sun and show my belleh), a Software Engineer (I love to paw around with my Mom's 'puter and printer) or a Product Tester. (I will test any product that is food related!!)
Since I love the camera and have a purrfect purrsonality my Mom and I think I could also be a TV News Anchor. I also have a special talent for kneading so my top choice would be a Pastry Chef (I would love that the most cause I could eat my creations!), or I could put my magic paws to good use by being a Spa Therapist!
I also love to greet everyone at the door, shake paws and let them rub my belleh so I would make a good Politician! that I am thinking about it I don't recall there being any careers for us writer kitties! Maybe cause we furlance and don't bring home a regular purrcheck.....I bet that is why!
The drawings in this book are super cute, my Mom and I really loved looking at all of the cats with all of their various jobs. The drawings were done by Ann Boyajian who must be a very clever lady cause these were some really funny and creative illustrations!
There is even a section for kitties nervous about having a job interview. It tells you how to have a purrfect interview every time and gives you advice to enable you to pounce on that career that you really, really want!
If I ever stop being the inspiration and brawn for Mom's blog then I might just have to try out one of the careers listed in Careers For Your Cat.
For now, for any of you kits who might be just lolling around watching TV, birds and who lie in front of the window sunbathing all day, you may want to get your paws on Careers For Your Cat so you can bring home some bucks for some extra kibble or shrimp. Tell your human or parent they can buy you the book at or if they like to tweet on Twitter they can follow Ann @Careers4YourCat
Now if you will excuse me I have to go and stretch out in my favorite sunbeam. Think I will take Careers For Your Cat with me so that I can hide it from my Mom. Don't want her getting any ideas about me having a second job! I "labor" enough around here, this is my day to relax, let HER worry about the blog for once!
Happy Labor Day All!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Abandoned Animal Rescue Of Michigan
Abandoned Animal Rescue of Michigan (AARM) is a no-kill pet haven that has been operating throughout the greater Detroit metro area since 2004. AARM is an affiliate of Guardians For Animals (GFA). Our founder is very proud of this affiliation and always points out that "we are all doing the same work and are in this together."
Our mission is to help homeless or abandoned animals by giving them medical care, a safe place to rest their weary heads while enjoying good meals, and a chance to finally find the warmth of loving companionship. Our rescue efforts focus primarily on cats and dogs. A selection of our cats that are available for adoption are in the Canton, MI Petco.
To this day, there is virtually no counting the number of animals AARM has saved and found new forever homes for. One such cat, Sweetie(currently in a foster home), walked up to the Palace of Auburn Hills and proceeded to “explain” through a complicated combination of voice and body language that she was home and demanded to know why she wasn’t being let in. Thankfully the security staff called AARM, allowing us to save this sweet, stubborn purrer.
![]() |
Sylvester |
AARM has many vital volunteer positions open, from hardworking cage cleaner, adoption event volunteer, dog walker, or foster home, to communication and fundraising positions. AARM also accepts donations, which can be left with cashiers at the Canton, MI Petco.
I would like to thank Abandoned Animal Rescue Of Michigan for appearing today as a guest blogger. The work they do to help save the lives of so many animals is greatly appreciated. May they and all of the readers of "Cat Chat" have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Wordless Wednesday-"Charlie"
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