Monday, May 31, 2010

Cats In The Military

Happy Memorial Day. While taking the time to remember those who have served and sacrificed to keep us safe and free I started wondering what (if any) place cats have in history in reference to the military. The first thing that came to mind is those in the military serve our country, cats don't "serve" anyone, dogs do. WE serve cats. You know the saying, "Dogs have owners, cats have staff". Sheppard Software says in their article "Cats Of War"  "unlike dogs and horses they, (cats) are difficult to train, are monumentally disobedient, and remarkably independent." They go on to say that "the largest role cats have played in war has been on board ship, where cats cleared ships of rodents. Sometimes cats do serve roles other than rat-catchers. They sometimes work as therapy animals, providing sailors with a sense of security and calm."

In ancient Egypt during a war with Persia an Egyptian general once surrendered  his army to protect cats on a battlefield. Also according to Sheppard Software "a Persian general came up with the idea of capturing cats and releasing them into the battlefield. When the armies took the field and the Egyptian General saw the battlefield covered with cats, he surrendered a whole city rather than harm the cats", even after the Egyptians were dominating the war with Egypt.

There have been cats whose "sixth sense" have saved ships from bombs, namely a cat named Andrew who was the mascot of the Allied Forces Mascot Club. "When Andrew went for cover, everyone around him knew to duck."

I found it interesting that when I was researching the place that cats occupied in the military that most of the cats were all from other countries. I still feel that it is once again due to the quote I mentioned above that "Dogs have owners, cats have staff".....cats may assist, aide, help, soothe, but they will never "serve" anyone, it is important however for us to remember the human soldiers who have so selflessly served US. Have a safe and happy Memorial Day.

Sources:Sheppard Software, "Soldier Cat Photo" courtesy of

Friday, May 28, 2010

Leaving Town For The Fourth Of July Weekend? Don't Forget To Plan For Your Cat

****This post originally ran in a slightly different version  for Memorial  Day Weekend. The information contained in this blog is  important enough to be republished again and again. For those of you who missed this important blog it is my pleasure to present it to you again, with a few modifications. Enjoy!!!

The Fourth of July weekend is upon us!! It is the time for BBQ's featuring
 "All-American" favorites such as chargrilled hamburgers and hotdogs, corn-on-the-cob oozing butter from every scrumptious kernel, camping, parades, fireworks and  sparklers!!  Most cats and dogs are terrified of the sound of fireworks, and sparklers can cause severe burns to cats, dogs and their humans should a renegade ember ignite clothing or fur).  Plan  to keep everyone far enough away and safe from the evening light show.

  It is hard to imagine that once the Fourth Of July  approaches summer is already half over, yep, half over (at least as far as the back-to-school ads are concerned).

  Many people leave town for a few days to enjoy some fun and sun. Can't take your cat along for the fesitivities?  Please don't forget to provide for him in your absence.

Cats are more self-sufficient than dogs and tend to do well on their own  (for no more than 3 nights) providing his needs are taken into consideration.

1) Provide plenty of food and water: there are many wonderful automatic feeders on the market (most tend to be 48 hr feeders) that will dispense food automatically either when a timer is set or when the cat taps a pad or lever to dispense the food. There are also commercial "water coolers" that are great for cats that can be filled in advance with plenty of water so he doesn't have to crack open a cold one from the fridge (see right).  I would test the dispensers thoroughly before you leave to be sure they are functioning properly.  To give you double peace of mind I would still put out small bowls of kibble and water around the house in the event the dispensers don't function properly while you are gone. To give your cat some entertainment you can even hide treats around the house for him to find in your absence (under pillows, in his bed, on windowsills, etc.) This will provide some fun and put his hunting skills to good use.

2) Call home and let your cat hear your voice
Still have an answering machine? Experts say that calling home and leaving a message for your cat can offer him comfort, the sound of your voice will reassure him. I have done this and have to admit it upset me more because I thought my cat would be more distressed hearing me but not being able to find me. What do you think? I think another good idea which I have implemented is to leave a radio playing soothing music on or leave your TV on. The voices in the background will offer companionship and comfort for a lonely kitty.

3) Clean the litter box before you leave- Providing a second or third (depending on the number of cats you have) might be a good idea if you have a cat that is fastidious about using a clean litter box. Your cat may be angry with you for leaving and you do not want a dirty litter box to be an excuse for him marking his territory all over your home.

4) Leave windows closed or open just a tiny bit
Never leave your windows wide open in your absence. If you do not have air conditioning leave the windows just slightly open. The sight of a scurrying squirrel or other animal can excite your cat and he can possibly push the screen out while you are gone. Screen falls out, your cat is gone.

5) Think about the temperature in your home- Not using air conditioning when it is warm may be great for you when you are there with the windows open, for your cat not so much if your windows are just opened slightly, or worse yet not at all. If you have air turn it on (your cat's comfort is more important than pinching pennies) or leave a fan running in a place that your cat cannot be harmed by the rotating blades. Your cat is not just an animal, he is family and should be treated and cared for as such.

6) Leave some toys out-But, put away any toys (such as toys that dangle by a string) that require supervision. You don't want your kitty accidentally in danger caused by a toy while you are away.

Your cat should do fine if the above tips are implemented. I have instituted all of them  and frankly I am much more comfortable with having a trusted friend or family member stop in at least once a day to check on my beloved baby. Be sure they are a bona fide cat lover, someone that truly cares about cats and will actually play with your cat, talk to him, soothe him and care about his well being while you are away, not just someone looking to earn a few extra bucks.

If you are having someone check on your cat be sure to:
Provide the phone number of where you will be along with your cell phone number.
Provide the name, address and phone number of your vet and the clinic you prefer your cat being taken to in (gasp)  the event of an unexpected emergency.
Call your caretaker at least once a day (not 4 and 5 times a day like I tend to do because I am a neurotic kitty mama) to see how things are going and to answer any questions they may have.
Have a list of your cat's favorite hiding spots- spare your caretaker the stress of having to search in a frenzied state for a kitty who they think is missing but is in fact snoozing serenely on the towels in your linen closet.

Now that all of the important things have been done to provide safety and comfort for your cat while you are gone, if you haven't already, GET PACKING and pussyfoot on out of here and have a HAPPY AND SAFE FOURTH OF JULY WEEKEND!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Simon Cowell:One Caustic But Cool Cat!

Tonight is going to be a bittersweet night. "American Idol" will crown the winner of Season 9 (either Lee DeWyze or Crystal Bowersox, I love 'em both but I am pulling for Lee) and Simon Cowell will bid farewell to his 9th life (um year) as one of America's most controversial and most beloved judges.

Simon in many ways reminds me of a cat. Aloof yet charming, his posture  in his catbird seat regal and proud, eyes penetrating the Idol wannabes either rapt and alert or  half-closed contemplating his next cat nap. Sing poorly and watch the hair on his neck virtually stand on end, claws are at the ready and the hissing begins!

Simon Cowell IS "American Idol" and it is safe to assume that without him Season 10 will be "Idol's" last.

Thanks for your honesty Simon even if you ruffled some fur along the way!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Handmade Cat Mats Purrfect For Your "Angel"

I have stated many times when I am showcasing a cat creation in my blog that I am partial to those submitted to me whose proceeds go at least in part to helping cats. The products, artisans etc. that I am happy to blog about may be located throughout the country, (however Michiganders if I hear from you, since  my blog is located in Michigan you will get first priority!) No matter where a rescue, pet organization, etc. is from, if part (or all) of their proceeds are used to help cats then to me it is all good.

I was contacted a few weeks back by a lovely woman named Rose Buhl Gates. She is the co-founder of "Angel Cat Haven" (see Rose and her partner Angela Frankudakis are the "archangels" of their shelter and I am sure in the hearts of the hundreds of cats they have saved; in the cat world as well. In slightly less than 4 years Rose and Angela and their 20+ volunteers have worked painstakingly, pouring their hearts and souls, every ounce of energy (while holding down full time jobs) to earn the bragging rights of having rescued 440 cats, 375 of them placed in forever homes.

To help with the cost of running a thriving shelter "Angel Cat Haven" sells the most adorable handmade catnip mats and beds that are truly "the cat's meow!" (the photo on the right is Rose's "star quality" orange tabby rescue kitty "Cecil"), lounging in his cheese-cake pose on one of these adorable mats. "These cozy flannel Catnip filled Mats and comfy fleece Catnip filled Beds are great for covering furniture, or lining your carrier" (actually my Bobo had something similar once and he loved catnip so much he would roll on the floor with it in ecstasy wrapping it around his body like a giant bathroom towel, he LOVED HIS!)
"The mats are filled with 100% organic catnip and are padded for extra comfort, they are 12x20", machine washable and dryable" and are "handmade with love by the volunteers. All proceeds go towards caring for the rescued cats of Angelcat Haven" To get pricing and to purchase these super affordable and adorable mats please visit

To contact me about artists, cat creations that you know of whose proceeds are at least partially donated to animal charities/rescues, etc. (cats obviously preferred) that you would like to see featured in my blog, you can comment directly through this blog, or send me a message on Facebook (Caren Osrin Gittleman) or follow me on Twitter at

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Celebrate Me Home" (Please!!)

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him." ~Dereke Bruce

My husband and I are blessed to have a cat and a dog. We have a 3 year old Sheltie (Dakota) and a 3 year old cat (Cody). They provide us with plenty of smiles and warm fuzzies on a regular basis, except in reference to me and one area  that knocks me down a peg or two every day by Cody, that is his less than remorseful reaction when I leave our home for any period of time and his even less than  enthusiastic response when I return. It is insulting, super insulting, just how insulting you may ask, insulting enough to sometimes make me want to jump the "Good Ship Lollipop for Cat Lovers" and purchase a transfer to the  "Team Dog- Gravy Train".

Case in point, when preparing to leave for an evening out last night Cody's big reaction is to circle his food bowl almost in a mantra-like state, ever-so-slowly, magnetic eyes meeting mine but only to send the message "I know you will be gone for a period of time oh "Great Provider Of Food And Treats"... "before you even think of taking one step out of that door make sure I have some sustenance to tide me over until your return, no matter how brief it may be". Food bowl filled, no problem. Cody cares about nothing but "food, glorious food!" His reaction to my arrival home? He makes me feel as if I need to check in for a two week mind/soul purge to a "Dr.Phil" boot camp to discuss "How has my cat's ignoring me affected my ego"? He is less than enthused, (unless of course I have my husband in tow who regularly provides Cody's morning meal) then it is a different story....he is at the door waiting like clockwork.  Just me arriving home? Nada, zip, zero. Insulting when you think about I am a lifetime member of "Team Cat", the provider of his evening meal (most of the time), his lunch time buffet, countless furry mice, his "let's not get a hairball" treats, cooing, petting and loving. Who does he wait for? My husband who loves Cody but is a devout member of "Team Dog" and all that revolves around his "golden child", Dakota.

Dakota's reaction to me is an entirely different story.  After giving him his "Kong Ball" full of goodies to occupy his "sixth out of 100 on the dog intelligence scale" mind, his eyes meet mine as I am approaching the big brown door and a frenzy ensues. He runs to me all fur and fear, jumps up wrapping his paws around me in "Mom don't leave me" mode which simultaneously warms my heart and fills me with guilt. It's always like that  with Dakota. I could be gone for all of 30 seconds to remove something from my car and the greeting I get upon my return is as if I have been away for weeks. All licks and doggie hugs.  Heartwarming indeed. Affirmation validated. Guess I can cancel that trip to see "Dr.Phil" after all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cats And Water, Too Little Or Too Much?

"Somebody bring me some water, can't ya  see I'm burning inside"....(Melissa Etheridge)..... I am obsessed with water. I have to be. I have a lovely condition called Medullary Sponge Kidneys which is a rare type of congenital kidney condition  which causes the kidneys to ALWAYS manufacture stones, lots of ' kidneys throughout my lifetime will be the home to as many stones as in a bag of unpopped popcorn or more, (no joke), and popping those babies out when they pass is no easy task. So, I am supposed to drink double what the rest of you normal folk are supposed to (64 oz for you, 128 oz for me, in moderate weather, triple that in hot weather). If you ever need to know the location of all toilets of the establishments that I frequent, just ask me, I am the toilet Queen.Wait! This blog isn't about me, it is about Cats so on to cats. Just how much water does an  adult cat need?

I rarely see Cody drinking water but trust me, when I am mining in his litter box twice a day his hefty deposits assure me he is getting his daily requirement.

Cats need fresh water every day for optimum health.  Just like in humans water is needed to help the kidneys flush out toxins. Dehydration is dangerous in humans and in your cat. There isn't a set "quota" per se as to how much water your cat should drink, (factors such as the cats weight and type of food consumed can affect the requirement). If you feed your cat strictly dry food he needs more water (dry food is made up of about 10% water), canned food is made up of approx. 78% water.

How to tell if your cat is dehydrated:
his eyes may appear to be sunken
he is overly lazy (I know, this is hard to tell in a cat since they spend most of their day lazing around but you know what is normal for your cat)
Loss of appetite
Elevated Heart rate
Decreased skin elasticity-a great test for this is to pull the loose skin at the scruff of your cats' neck. The skin should spring right back if it is properly hydrated, if it doesn't, he may be dehydrated.

My first cat Bobo once suffered from 6 kidney stones (at ONE time, he definitely took after his Mama). I often wondered if this was a result of not drinking enough water or if it was caused by too much protein in his diet?

Certain health conditions in cats may cause dehydration as well and those are:kidney disorders, cancer, thyroid conditions, diabetes to name a few. Nursing cats and senior cats may also suffer from dehydration.
On the other end of the spectrum drinking TOO MUCH water may be cause for concern as well. That can be a sign that your cat is ill. If in doubt as to whether your cat is drinking too little or too much water, call your vet.

Especially with summer right around the corner it is important to be cognizant of your cat's water consumption. Always keep your cat's bowl full of fresh water, I have noticed that  cats LOVE to have an ice cube put in their water, which they consider to be another type of fun "toy" but you smart kitty parents know that it is actually a lure to have them drink more water! If you have a dog, your cat may enjoy drinking it's water directly from the dog's bowl...that is what my Cody does, he wouldn't think of drinking water any other way and our Dakota graciously allows him this luxury. I don't care how he gets it as long as he is drinking it!

***Sources for this and the aspca.

Want to reach me? Leave a comment directly through this blog or you can find me on Twitter at
or you are welcome to message me at Caren Osrin Gittleman on Facebook.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pet Portraits To Purr About! (Part 2)

About a week or so ago I blogged about a pet artist and since that time I have had a few people contact me about other pet artists as well as pet products, many who donate some of their earnings to various animal organizations. As these are brought to my attention I will blog about as many as possible (I will say I am partial to featuring those who do donate to various humane ventures). If you know of any organizations or individuals who have artwork, pet products, (prefer cat related creations only please) etc. that are unique please see my contact info at the end of my blog.

Today I am featuring another talented Pet Portrait Artist, Melissa Griffin Michels,
 ("M. Paige Portraits"). Melissa works primarily using a medium called "graphite" which is a soft, black form of carbon used in pencils. I am particularly drawn to this medium  since I dabble occasionally myself in the world of pet portraits that is my preferred medium as well.

Melissa works from photographs and the results are amazing (see photos)....she is particularly adept in capturing an animals' eyes which they say are "the window to the soul". She also donates a portion of her commission to various pet organizations.

  To contact Melissa or view her extensive gallery online visit
She may also be contacted via email at

Do you know another artist or a unique cat product that you would like to see featured in my blog? You can comment directly through this blog, send me a message through Facebook (Caren Osrin Gittleman) or follow me on Twitter with a direct message at

Friday, May 14, 2010

"Cats" (the Musical), Make A "Memory"

There is going to be a whole lot of caterwauling going on, "Cats" (the Musical) is resurrecting one of its nine lives at the Fisher Theatre in Detroit May 18th thru May 23rd. No self-respecting, self-professed cat lover should pass through this life without having seen it. If you are as cat- crazed as me you have seen it at least three times!

Haven't seen "Cats" or (gasp) are unfamiliar with the musical? "Cats" is a musical composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, which first opened in 1981 in London at The New London Theatre. It is based on "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" It has become one of the longest running shows in Broadway's history (I believe the only show that has run longer is "Les Miserables"). It introduced the block-buster song "Memory". "Cats" has been performed around the world many, many, many times and has been translated to include 20 different languages.

"Cats" has received numerous awards: the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Musical, Tony Award for Best Musical, Tony Award for Best Book, Tony Award for Best Original Score.

A brief synopsis of the show from "Tonight is a particularly special night of the year when the tribe of Jellicle Cats unite to celebrate who they are. They emerge from the darkened landscape into a larger-than-life junkyard", (which just for the record the scene never changes throughout the entire show) the cats are "singing of their unique abilities and special qualities. In "The Naming of Cats", (one of my favorite moments of the show) " they begin to reveal who they are and that cats have three different names: one the family uses daily, a more dignified name and a secret name. It is the contemplation of these secret names that keeps felines deep in thought."

Some of the memorable cat characters include:
Bustopher Jones-"a fat cat, a twenty-five pounder" He is clad in a spiffy tuxedo and spats. He is considered to be an upper class cat and respected by all.

Grizabella-she is a former Glamour Cat who has aged and lost some of her star quality. Her main desire is to be accepted. When she was a young cat she escaped from the confines of her cat tribe to see the world for herself. Like many young women both in life and in the cat world this causes her to have to face the harshness of the world head on. She also becomes the outcast in her cats' society.

Rum Tum Tugger-he is the epitome of a cat ladies' tom cat!! He can be hysterically funny or serious but no matter what he remains the eternal flirt.

"Cats" is the perfect show for the entire family, you will be making a "Memory" to last a lifetime! If you haven't already, be sure you purchase your tickets now,
is offering $10 off a ticket if a donation is made to the Michigan Humane Society. Visit them on Facebook or at the above link for more information.

Sources for this blog include Wikipedia

Want to reach me? You can comment either directly to this blog through the comment area, or you may contact me on Twitter at
or send me a direct message on
(search Caren Osrin Gittleman)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spaying/Neutering Means Less Strays, Less Feral Colonies

There is an increasing problem throughout Michigan and  the United States of increasing feral colonies due to pet owners not taking the responsible action of spaying/neutering their cats. When a cat is either let go (due to a myriad of reasons stemming from the lack of finances to care for them, moving to a place that does not accept pets, etc.) or a cat just simply gets out and is lost, one cat that is not spayed or neutered can be responsible for a chain of thousands upon thousands of descendants of the original cat.

Feral colonies are colonies of cats who are born in the wild to these strays who have not been spayed or neutered  and of adult ferals who breed in the wild. Many states have adopted programs where they will capture the feral cats (who are difficult to capture due to a fear of humans because they are not accustomed to them), spay/neuter them, care for them in their recovery and return them to their colonies because ferals tend to do quite well surviving in the wild. This would greatly reduce the number of ferals (by thousands upon thousands both in Michigan and throughout the United States) which would help both the wildlife and the communities where ferals currently reside.

To help curb this problem pet owners need to spay/neuter their cats.  For those who do not choose to spay/neuter due to financial considerations there are many, many resources that one may call for assistance. Nationally individuals may contact CALL SPAY/USA at 1-800-248-SPAY (7729) or go to and key in "low cost spaying/neutering" in the search box (this will pull up a directory of locations in all 50 states that may offer assistance. Also, many Veterinarians will assist with low cost financing to assist responsible pet owners who wish to spay/neuter their cats.



If wanting to capture a feral colony in Oakland Co. Michigan to have them spayed/neutered,  do not attempt to do this on your own, please contact:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pet Portraits To Purr About!

There is a gem that is hiding on Facebook and on the net that I am so happy that I found! Her name is Ashley Reid (on Facebook she can be found under "Ashley Beech Reid") and she is a "Pet Portrait Artist".  There are many out there but in my book Ashley is heads and tails above the rest. Why? Well one reason is that I am the daughter of a talented artist myself (and I dabble in sketching) and I KNOW good stuff when I see it, the other is that Ashley isn't just working to benefit herself, she will donate 10% of any commission/gift certificate purchase to the animal shelter, rescue, or cause of your choice! She already has made 19 donations since Feb 27th, 2010.....that's no small kibble.

Ashley will do portraits of your cat or dog from photographs that you send her and the results are pure Purrrrrfection!!

Ashley grew up in Beaver County, PA and  possesses a BSA in Art Education and a Master's in Art (both earned at Edinboro University) and she works in a variety of mediums (mostly Acrylic and Oil paint) and her work is available in a wide variety of sizes and pricing.

When I found Ashley I pounced on the opportunity to have Dakota and Cody together in one painting, showcasing their special relationship, painted for posterity, to have a unique and original memory that I will cherish forever. I can enjoy it that much more knowing that I have benefited some animals in the process.

To contact Ashley or view her extensive gallery online visit

Do you know another artist or a unique cat product that you would like to see featured in my blog? You can comment directly through this blog, send me a message through Facebook (Caren Osrin Gittleman) or follow me on Twitter with a direct message at

Saturday, May 8, 2010

"Stamps To The Rescue" For Shelter Cats & Dogs

I just received an important email about a special cause going on right now, a cause so important I felt it worthwhile to divert from my normal blogging schedule to get the information to you right away.

Ellen DeGeneres (if you don't know who she is you must be living under a rock! lol) has teamed with "Halo Purely For Pets Inc." (which she co-owns along with the many other hats she wears) and The United States Postal Service to help Shelter Pets all over the country. Supporters of this cause are:"Halo Purely For Pets Inc. ",,, American Humane, and The Humane Society Of The United States. Please read about the cause below or you can go to for more information. Below is the verbage from the website:

"Because Shelter Pets Deserve a First-Class Meal

In celebration of the new Animal Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet stamps, the Postal Service™, together with Ellen DeGeneres and Halo: Purely for Pets, is giving shelter pets around the country a First-Class Meal.
During the launch of the stamps, Halo will be donating a million meals to animal shelters around the country.

The Goal

We want more Americans to know about the millions of shelter pets that need good homes. Nearly half of the animals that enter animal shelters are euthanized. Many of these cats and dogs would have made a wonderful pet...if only given the chance.
You can make a difference. Adopt a pet, volunteer at a shelter, or just get the word out by buying these stamps."

This is an incredibly worthwhile cause, let's do all we can to support it, I know I will!!!!

You are welcome to contact/follow me on Twitter at

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

An Apology To My Cat

I feel awful. A few weeks back I had written a series of blogs that pertained to the problem I was having with my cat Cody scratching the carpet outside of the door of our bedroom. I was seeking solutions and one of the possible remedies that I had even  mentioned myself was to enlist the aid of aluminum foil, I promptly added  that it "didn't work". It "didn't work" because I didn't use it to deter Cody in the proper way. I was barricading him out of our bedroom and in his interpretation out of my heart.

 I had mentioned that for years I had the comfort and warmth of my first cat Bobo sweetly snoring at the foot of my bed as angelic as a Norman Rockwell painting. I had mentioned that with Cody I couldn't do the same due to Cody's obsession with technology....turning on the printer, prancing on the keyboard and his passion for re-designing workspaces (which translates to swatting and watching objects fly off of my computer desk).

I am ashamed to admit that for most of the days of his young life (he is only 3) it would break my heart to go to the bedroom door at night and shut it trying to shake the image of his "Why Me, Mom?" expression that he had on his face out of my mind. I was guilt-ridden. Here am I a self-professed cat lover (make that animal lover as well) and I was banishing one of the loves of my life out of our "nest". It was ripping my guts out.

Duh!! The solution finally came to me, it is awful that it was right before my eyes and I hadn't seen it.  Bedtime began by giving him a 1/4 cup of his dry food (suggestion from the vet because Cody is food obsessed), put some in my home made "Kong" (a plastic container with holes punched at the top, put some of the kibble inside and it makes Cody have to work to get it out, I call this his "Adventure Food"). Take the aluminum foil, put it on top of my computer desk and on the printer and see what happens. Since the first night I tried this tactic (at least a week ago) it is as if I have a "new" cat. Cody is thriving being cut-off from his technological obsession. My independent "little man" immediately started snuggling and cuddling by my side, eagerly accepting the sweet coos and petting that he was missing at night time for oh so long......I can now sleep peacefully and guilt-free without the image of his questioning eyes haunting me into slumber. I apologize dear Cody for not recognizing the solution that was there all along! There is no longer a need to barricade the bedroom door, the door has been opened, just like my eyes.


Monday, May 3, 2010

"10 Cutest Cat Moments"

Ten? I am sure we can all mention hundreds if not thousands of "cutest cat moments" here are ten right off the bat when I think of my Cody's "cutest moments":

1) The day we "discovered" each other at an adoption at Petco....I had never seen a kitten so content to just sit on someones' lap for hours upon hours

2) As a kitten Cody had a "stare" that used to make my husband and I laugh....the "stare" seemed to say "Are you for real?" we are both certain he has existed on this earth before in another form....there is an incredible wisdom in his stare

3) Also as a kitten when Cody would get a running start from across the room and scale my voluminous, mountainous heft and perch cozily against my neck

4)  He and our Sheltie (Dakota) "kissing" every morning

5) Cody refusing to drink out of his own water bowl, you KNOW the water tastes better when it is served out of a dog bowl

6) Turning on the printer

7) Attemtping to get my husbands' eating utensils at the dinner table, he manipulates his paw in such a way as to practically grip the knife and fork

8) Focusing on my earrings when cuddling.....what amazing and sparkly "cat toys"!! "Swat, bat, swat"....Ooops there went an ear!

9) Sleeping in his favorite "spot" on top of sheets and pillowcases in the linen closet

10) Handing off to Dakota whatever they should NOT have, through the baby gate. Cody is the "gopher"....together they scope out a taboo item....Cody finds a way to obtain the taboo item, once gotten it is handed off to Dakota who takes the heat......

What are some of YOUR cutest cat moments?

See the video below of the latest "10 Cutest Cat Moments" that is going around the Internet. I found this on a Facebook page called "Satsugaicat".....who found it on  liquid who found it on "Youtube" of course!!

Have a "Meowy Monday!"