Hi All! It's CODY!! I know you are glad to hear from ME!
Now that the New Year is approaching many of my kitty friends are starting to reflect on their plans, hopes, dreams, favorite mode of destruction and more slick ways for us to think about getting what we want out of life. I am here to help ya out!
The other day I was going through some of my Mom's books that she hasn't read yet and found
Who Moved My Mouse? A book about a mouse? Are you KIDDING ME? Mice are my favorite things in this entire universe (next to meals of course) and I became very curious (I AM a CAT you know!)
I noticed that this book is
"A self-help book for cats (who don't need any
help)"...well...that would be ME! This is purrfect! Everyone else is making New Years resolutions and reading self-help books, but not MOI!! I am purrfect just the way I am! I knew I had to pawsitively read this book!
I know that all of you are pretty darned bright out there but in the unlikely case you didn't make the connection, the title
Who Moved My Mouse? is a take on the self-help book for humans (who DO need HELP)(
Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, M.D.)
Dena and one of her cats "Olivia" |
This book is full of fun pawsonality profile quizzes, quotes, exercises (don't get nervous my kitty pals, not the kind that actually makes you get up off of your comfortable perch), tips and lots and lots of laughs! They say it
"empowers cats to make the twenty minutes they're awake each day the best twenty minutes of their lives" "Twenty minutes??" Noooo way, it is actually
TWENTY FIVE minutes!
Ok, move closer to the screen my furriends and let me tease you with a little nip of what you will find in this fun and informative book!
A Cat's Conversations with God, kitties ask questions to God and God answers them,
here is an example:
CAT: "Then why does "DOG" spelled backward equal "God"? GOD'S REPLY: "that was an oversight on my part. Horrible mistake. Lots of confusion resulting from that one-I'm still trying to sort it out. My apologies."
"Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...But Feel Free to Freak Out Over Anything That Moves Suddenly or Without Warning.
This was actually one of my favorite chapters! It was full of sagacious advice for us kitties such as:
Practice Random Acts of Kindness (not what you think MOL!)
Life Isn't Fair-Get Over it
Purrspective:Will This Matter a Year from Now?
Stop Pointing the Paw of Blame
Stare into Strangers' Eyes and Smile (unblinking, until you Break Them)
There are sooo many valuable tips/hints/tricks in this book that kitties you will be set for all of your nine lives!!I have so many things that I love about this book that my scent is just marked all over the place! It was hard for me to pick the ones for your pawview that I liked the best.
Let me leave you with my pawsonal fave from the section
"How to Avoid Being Punished for Anything, Ever"
Dena and one of her cats "Lucy" |
"INVOLVE THE DOG-This ploy is so easy it's almost cruel. Lead the puppy to the (fill in the blank----broken dish, tilled plant, chewed shoe, crashed computer) and invite him to play. Wipe any incriminating cat paw prints from the scene with your tail and assume the "I'm as shocked by this behavior as you are" look when your human enters the room and sees Scout happily rolling in plant dirt."
Come closer kitties, let me whisper in your ear, like the best-selling book
The Secret....we kitties have one too! But....you'll have to pawchase the book to find out what it is!
Dena Harris has been a humor columnist for
Cats & Kittens Magazine and contributor to
Chicken Soup for the Cat-Lover’s Soul . The author of
Lessons in Stalking and
For the Love of Cats, Dena lives in Madison, North Carolina with her husband and two cats in a home filled with expensive, never played with cat toys.
Ten Speed Press (ISBN: 978-1580083560). For more
information on the book and author, visit www.selfhelpforcats.com. You may also purchase
Who Moved My Mouse? at
Barnes & Noble,
Indiebound and
Powell's Books.